A Garden of Potential
Marnie Thomas, she/her (MAPP)
Head of Positive Education at Newcastle Grammar School
Hello lovely Community,
I hope you are all well and having a wonderful weekend.?
Today, I would like to offer you more of a provocation than a blog. This morning, I read a thoughtful LinkedIn post from wellbeing researcher, Robert Biswas-Diener who asked the question, Do you believe that individual "potential" exists??Following his initial question were dozens of interesting comments that offered more to think about.
I have wondered about the use of the word potential in Education for a long time. For me, it is a problematic word that can often limit more than it can leverage. I regularly hear the phrase - reach your potential… but what does that mean? Surely it acts as more of a tautology than a hope for the future. If we reach our potential, what is left??
Throughout many of the comments on the LinkedIn post was an acknowledgment that potential is complex and influenced by many factors. Rarely is potential about an individual. It is about acknowledging that other people matter. Within the context of education surely potential is about growth. While in some ways growth can be measured, it is also an abstract, unreachable and indeed unknowable construct. While we may not know the heights of our growth, surely this growth depends not only on the conditions, but the people who help us on our journey. Just as wellbeing is often conceptualised using the weather, a useful metaphor for potential is a garden. We plant seeds and watch them grow… the quality of the soil matters, as does water and sunlight. But the seed itself also matters. Perhaps it is not the season for growing roses. Seeing the unique strengths of our young people and understanding that not every day is meant to be sunny helps us to put potential into perspective.
For me, potential is all about people. Not all of us are meant to grow as roses, but there is enough sunlight for all of us. Seeing people and supporting people is what potential is all about. While that might sound simple and I absolutely acknowledge there is a place to talk about things such as talent, motivation and barriers to potential, let’s remember that as humans we are hardwired to connect.?
If we assume that potential lives inside us, and we all have the capacity to grow, maybe we could consider rewording the phrase… reach your potential. Let us be brave enough to plant different flowers in different seasons, enjoying the unique beauty of the entire garden, knowing that our potential cannot be reached.?
Wishing you a beautiful week, sending love, take care,
Ms Marnie Thomas?