The Sanskrit word ‘garbha’ means foetus and ‘sanskar’ means educating the mind.
It is traditionally believed that a child’s mental and behavioural development starts in the womb as it can be influenced by the mother’s emotional state while she carries the baby.
According to Hindu sankar during pregnancy of a women, we try and see to it that there be a is positive and joyful atmosphere around her.
Our sanskars are laid down by great Sages / Rishi munis in the past. They had deep vision about vedic astrology and understood it very well to help mankind.
It is said that an expected mother ( pregnant lady ) should read books of positive thoughts like Bhagwat hymns, pleasant teachings from religious texts etc or even worshiped her favorite God and enchant the name several times in a day.
In olden days there were not much of the books were available so people only use to read religious texts. Today there are lot of literatures available where by one can read many beautiful positive biographies of great people and thus generate a positive and happy vibe in the MIND.
In vedic astrology the MOON signify / karak our MIND as well as the MOTHER and also from the 4th bhava / house of the Kaal Purush kundli / horoscope its Cancer sign and its lord is Moon.
Now what ever experiences of life did the pregnant lady had in her life be it positive or negative in the past, should not reflect during the pregnancy period till the birth of the baby.
This is the reason a positive environment is created so that the pregnant lady be in happy and positive state of MIND.
This happy and positive state of MIND will in return give a GOOD AND STRONG MOON in the horoscope of the to be born baby.
Since moon is the quickest moving planet so it is also a quick results giving planet, and a person with a good and favourable moon can have huge favour from the planet.
My article was from astrological point of view and not on the sanskars during pregnancy period.