Garage Puddle Leads to Major Plumbing Plan Savings
HomeServe USA
To free our customers from the worry and inconvenience of emergency home repairs and installations
Judy B. of Weston, Florida was enjoying a mild April day when she came across something troubling – a puddle of water in her garage. It was small, and she was on her way out of town, so she figured she’d investigate further upon her return. But when she got back, the puddle was gone.
“That started quite the series of events – over the next couple of weeks, the puddle came back and vanished several times,” said Judy. “Finally, I decided enough was enough.”
Judy again spotted the puddle on her way out to run errands, so this time, she went back into the house and picked up the phone to call HomeServe. She had enrolled her home in several repair plans from HomeServe after hearing of the optional plans through her utility, along with receiving several mailings.
“At the time I figured I had nothing to lose,” said Judy. “Being on a fixed income makes a security blanket like this that much more important to me.”
After calling HomeServe, Judy learned that the potential issue would be covered by one of her repair plans, so a local and reliable contractor, Hers & His Plumbing, was sent out to her home to take a look.
It didn’t take long for the plumber to find the problems – a leak in a cold water pipe between the laundry room and a first-floor bathroom. The problem area shared a wall with the garage, hence the suspicious puddle Judy had been seeing.
“When they told me they found, tested and fixed the problem, I can’t explain the relief that I felt,” said Judy. “It was bugging me to know something was wrong but not know what, but that’s over and done with for now.”
Not only did Judy save plenty of peace of mind, but after the repair, her wallet was $2,500 fuller – the amount this would have cost her had she not had a repair plan.
“The service from Hers & His and HomeServe was marvelous – I wouldn’t hesitate to give it five stars,” said Judy. “As a homeowner do yourself a favor and give it a thought – I would encourage it after my experience.”