GAP-DGB-QED-Defense Mechanism NFNP: On The Central and Essential Bibliography That I Am Now Currently Using....and Contextual Information

GAP-DGB-QED-Defense Mechanism NFNP: On The Central and Essential Bibliography That I Am Now Currently Using....and Contextual Information

December 19th, 2018,

Opening Remarks and Main Subject Topic and Partly Related Contextual Information That Surrounds The Context of This Essay...

Good day my dear readers!

I am starting how to learn to put together both a signature DGB style of the way I want to and will from now on start writing consistently -- or as consistently and structurally and psychodynamically start writing -- I am still making some different types of sometimes glaring mistakes that I used to never write -- even before any personal editing which I learned to, for the most part, to stop doing, often because the original essay had more of my full passion and spirit in writing that particular day's essay which often started to take shape and direction after I had already given a title and which started to become a 'false title' and a 'false connection' to the essay I was beginning to now start writing and beginning to take often a totally different direction than I thought it would take me -- at some point, I learned how follow the direction it was taking me because it would end up becoming a more passionate and spirited, and for me more engaging substance and content to the essay -- it was like somewhere from my deepest unconscious to the borderline of my preconscious and conscious reality ego; my deepest unconscious was more like my 'deepest creative and sometimes what I would and will now call -- my 'uncanny-synchronistic-the negative side of this deep unconscious combined reality and phantasy, often traumatic near bottom of my unconscious -- that was often both creative and in someway at the same time partly destructive and self-destructive but both side -- projective-identification-and/or compensatory transference-sublimations -- these are all 'sub-distinctions' of the whole 'spectrum field' of different types of transference and counter-transference. Sometimes I may have to leave you in the mid-process of writing an essay like this one I am writing. I have come to know when and why my essay will start to 'split' because it has already been split almost like Freud's 1938 'Splitting of The Ego' -- even like a 'metaphorical expression, allusion, and/or manifestation and application of this essay...



Sometimes I will have to get up in the middle of writing this essay to address some personality or reality need before coming back to and finish writing this essay -- like I will be back very shortly to finish the bibliography of this essay -- I will have to get at least one more book to at least mainly complete this essay but I am as often as I can looking or trying my best to remember different volumes and essays all the way through Freud's Complete Works being in quick contact with the some 18 or so editions that I still have in my room; 4 to 6 editions were lost in the move to here and will have to either find the relevant essays on the internet or perhaps have to find the particular essay and/or editions and full series of essays in that edition either in a bookstore likely in some partial sub-format of that particular of that series of essays or a book carrying the specific essay that I am looking for. I was incredibly lucky to find on an almost 'accidental' or 'kill some time' at Newmarket Library, and in there, downstairs, behind the computers for customers I found by asking for the section of either Freudian, or Clinical Psychology or Psychoanalytic, or even Self-Help books in psychology. Anyway, the found 2 of the absolutely essential books I needed to write my researched essays before writing them: these two books before writing up the full bibliography that I am going to write for you, were Masson's original 1984 version of 'The Assault on Truth: Freud's Suppression Of The Seduction Theory book which remains one of my most important reference; Dr. Masson, once wrote that so many people either didn't read it, or didn't understand it, or was not enough to fully persuade people that this book was more 'right' than 'wrong' which I still believe is true, but what I don't agree with him, he said he should have written a much longer version of it; in contrast, I thought he should have written a simpler and small version of what he wrote so that people could better understand the whole context and scandal of the whole seduction theory crisis and controversy. None of the chapters he wrote were either individually or collectively, and definitively, fully persuading...It was good to know the full issues that Dr. Masson was most thinking about, but the style and complication of what Dr. Masson was writing was definitely out of the normal reach and understanding of even intelligent laypeople -- and especially feminists who didn't understand the issue, or didn't even know that he had either written or was written it. Instead, he got the response and private and public support of only his closest professional psychoanalytic and neo-psychoanalytic female feminist therapists and writers who were writing about 'real childhood sexual memories' and were fully in support of both Masson's book and also Freud's Seduction Theory...These were almost the only feminists he got in writing this so controversial book. Even his friends in the California and International Psychoanalytic Association -- including the only two psychoanalysts who held a higher position in the hierarchy -- Dr. Anna Freud, Sigmund Freud's daughter born in December of 1895, which was the final month of almost a year in about February or March or April of 1895, where Dr. Masson either finally was able to get in the full 'unabridged and unedited' full collection of Freud to Flies letters because through Dr. Eissler, the second in the hierarchy at this time, and who had become the very personal friend of Dr. Masson -- many analysts thought that Masson 'manipulated' and 'seduced' his way into one of, if not, the most senior and often 'quirky' semi-I will say-esoteric and probably oldest psychoanalyst in the world. The German psychoanalyst based and practising clinical therapist who by my understanding treats some of the 'most damaged' and most hard to understand patient or clients who probably have some of the 'wildest' symptoms that a psychoanalyst could ever see in a patient/client that he or she was treating in psychoanalysis -- this is my often not contacted anymore 'esoteric' friend and analyst in Germany who might have not been too happy about the presence and then breaking of The Berlin Wall separating at that time, The Communist, East Side of The Berlin Wall who had family on the West Side of The Berlin Wall -- I wrote some essays writing this wall as either an example, or a metaphor of people separated and isolated by such Walls as The Berlin Wall which also partly alludes to the Wall that President Trump wishes to build to separated the USA from illegally and/or refugee Mexicans who are now in a massive group trying enter the USA either to find a home in America which obviously they think would be better than any quality of living that they are living in Mexico, and/or get to a place where they could 'protest' the building of the American/Mexican Wall which I can understand that many Americans don't want to come into America -- America is having trouble or even trying to keep their own poorest civilians alive, fed, and shelter, whereas the more 'humanistic' if you will in terms of letting the refugee Mexicans come into America, either to work or not work in the 'fields' of farms that most Americans don't want to work in picking up fruits and vegetable or whatever other field farmed or tree farmed products...Either these farms have to pay their workers more money so that Americans will motivated to work these fields, like the non-hiring American farm owners who are employing more expensive American field workers and usually angry or even enraged and angrily resentful of the farm owners who are bringing in illegal immigrant Mexican field workers who are by far cheaper than their American counter-type field workers; in addition, the Mexican workers are more or less happy to make the wages they are making that are probably much less than the American close by field workers, but these wages that these Mexican workers -- and the life of these workers, if they are especially able to bring with them their whole family, or otherwise, send at least part of their wages back to their family, which are likely better if they are motivated to work these fields in the usually southern states closest to Mexico unless these people are under threat of their lives and their whole family and close friends in Mexico. Less radically, and controversially, these similar type Mexican workers arrive in Canada to work many of the farms in the Holland Marsh area north on the 400 of Toronto and/or west of Ravenshoe and Leslie in lower Keswick to some of these eastern farms in Holland March -- these same types of less resented and less threatened workers are working during the summers of Canadian field working Mexican farmers who are then sending part of their wages back to Mexico to feed their familie in Mexico, and keeping the rest of their wages to help support their lives here in the Keswick and lower 400 Innisful, south of Barrie, and close to Bradford area of Holland Marsh Farms -- all or most of these workers work in the fields during the summer of many Holland Marsh Farms in this area, then most of them go home during the winter with their remaining wages to feed their whole family in Mexico, and to be with their family in the winter -- this by example -- is far better than the same type of scenario where I read from a local newspaper by two Chinese journalists were being essentially almost 'forced' to leave their whole family or even their children in the rural farm areas of China to work in the manufacturing industry and assembly lines in urban China -- but were said that they could not work there or could not come with their families, meaning their eldest child or children who then had to somehow become parent-caretakers of their younger and sometimes very young sibling children -- this was the scenario I last read in China which was much, much worse than any scenario than any Mexican father and/or full family working the fields in usually the southern states of America now, and President trying his hardest to build a Wall to keep out these illegal refugees from Mexico, and this is part of the whole agenda of President Trump who's 'trash talking' as the President of American and also of the things that President Trump has already done as the President who not only trash talks but tries to trash the whole lives and careers of American political competitors and other important people who are trying to remove President Trump -- this has mainly been 'the negative transference serial behavior and repetition compulsion that will likely destroy his political career and perhaps his whole business reputation and most if not his whole international current good or mainly bad reputation with foreign countries and investors: my editorial opinion is that President Trump's whole adult life has been one of 'In and Out of The Garbage Pail', and if he doesn't radically turn around his whole style of dealing with people who don't like his style and rather crass and crude way of running America, then he better turn his whole agenda completely 180 degrees from the way he is going which I partly learned from the positive, optimistic, very humane and humanistic and encouraging, supportive style of helping any person who will read her practically daily column which I have been reading for a year now, this amazingly humanistic and brilliant philosophy-psychology, particularly the headline which may be the only part I have at that moment believe I needed to read which so important to lead her whole written and visual piece that day -- these were the columns that I was at least partly reading for about a year before my worst personal crisis of the summer of 2018, in which I tried to save my whole research library in one of the most major Storage Lockers in Newmarket but was costing me so much of my current much smaller income of money since I had to stop driving for a living and supporting my life as the small corporate owner and sub-contractor of a much larger corporate private business as a major transportation, mainly one of both the Toronto Transit Commission's major sub-contractors in the area of WheelChair, Ambulatory, Physically and Cognitively Challenged as well as Senior Citizens of both the Toronto sub-population of medically approved such transportation riders, and the similar sub-population of York Region such approved members of such riders, which I am so ironically probably eligible and would easily be medically approved to be in the same population of such York Region riders, but so far, I haven't either needed or wanted such approval, and am both decently and humanely surviving in an adult, medically approved such population of York Region, almost an hour north of Newmarket and maybe one and a half hours or two hours north of Toronto, depending on where you are coming from in Toronto and either by subway and/or Go Train and or Viva Bus from Union Station or likely Finch Station which is the current end of the north line of Toronto, or maybe from the station in Yorkdale, York University, Vaughn, King City, or even one of the Go Stations or Bus Stops in Markham -- from these stations up to Newmarket, and then Keswick, or Jackson Point where I live now medically rehabbing in a residence at 825 Lake Dr. East in Jackson Point, overlooking one of the southern shores of Lake Simcoe which has a beach that is alive and excited with beaching and swimming people using this beach, and in the winter being used when the ice is solid enough and deep enough to support the tents, snowmobiles, and/or other small or perhaps even larger type vehicles that will take them to the tents that they will bill around the fish holes that they want to ice fish in the very cold winter and snow storms of this area, and myself and the other residents and business owners, who have a great view across the street of the southern part of Lake Simcoe looking towards the larger full Lake Simcoe, towards Barrie, or even towards the most north shores of Lake Simcoe just south of Orillia and south of Casino Rama just on the northern tip of Orillia -- this is the view I have from the south side of Lake Simcoe which beautifully alive with the beachers and swimmers of this beach and beautiful whole area overlooking Lake Simcoe...

I will be back with my bibliography as soon as I can -- I may be be tied up for the rest of the afternoon here before I can later write the Bibliography I want to write in this communication of mine....In the meantime, I wish you a great rest of the day...

David Gordon Bain


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