Games for Love is a 501(c)(3) #Charity dedicated to easing suffering, saving lives, and creating a sustainable future for children.

Games for Love is a 501(c)(3) #Charity dedicated to easing suffering, saving lives, and creating a sustainable future for children.

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Games for Love is a 501(c)(3) #Charity dedicated to easing suffering, saving lives, and creating a sustainable future for children.

Games for Love began with a dream to help sick kids, and allow everyday heroes in #Gaming and #Tech to benefit children through their gifts and talents. through Games for Love. Started in 2018, the impact became instant with the goal to help millions of children in their young existantance with their eye going global in programs #GFLX, Kids of Code, and newly developed program to Pilot the 1 up LifeBRIDGE in the Philippines, more on these later.

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“You may wonder how Games for Love came to be” Founder Nathan Blair responded, “I had been agonizing for over 10 years on a way to give back to the community to help children.” He continued “Being a part of programs that reduced crime from a young age through non-profit programs focusing on youth changed my life and impacted me previous to getting into the gaming industry but it all clicked the day I stumbled upon a celebrity softball game where a prominent Athlete was being interviewed.”

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“This Athlete said something truly transformational, he said ‘I get to do what I love to do while leaving a legacy of good that is greater than even my days in athletics.’” Nathan’s Light bulb went off “That was it!” Nathan said, “The question was everything to me, and I asked myself why is this not in gaming?” Immediately after this statement, Nathan went into a 4-hour dream session for what an organization aimed at solving global problems from a foundational level could look like.

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Four hours later Nathan’s wife comes home to papers everywhere, laptop open. “She asked me, what is going on?” Nathan recalled, “I said, let’s talk about it!” Being a lifelong Entrepreneur ideas are commonplace, but being an Entrepreneur in the Entertainment industry ideas are sometimes so crazy, they need to be destroyed immediately, so Nathan’s wife listened apprehensively “and if you know my wife, she is honest and will tell me if my ideas are bad and I should not pursue them.” He laughed “But for Games for Love she immediately said, ‘This has to happen, we need to do this, and I want to be a part of it!’”

Having the support of his family, Nathan immediately turned to the gaming and tech industry to gauge interest, “The questions I was trying to answer is there anything out there like this already? Is there interest to be a part of an organization like this?” He questioned, “The answer came back that everyone in the industry I spoke with also wanted to be a part of this organization and that there was nothing like Games for Love.” That was when Nathan formalized the paperwork, became a 501(c)(3) Charity and all became official in 2018.

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So then, what is Games for Love that makes it so different from other charities? So spectacular that it now has the attention, and support of more than 40 major companies such as Amazon, Belle Fleur, and G Fuel? “The plan was birthed that day which was unique in concept but the execution on the plan is what took it to a whole other level.” Nathan said.

Games for Love’s thought processes are thinking critically to solve problems on a global scale. They are creating holistically, and their programs are looking not just at symptoms of a problem, but how to eliminate root causes from a foundational level.

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They created “The GFL Ecosystem” that transitions children from one program to another which deepens impact over time. Hypothetically children can receive help from a young age, and stay with the program their whole life to even be able to give back as they transition in education to professionals into adulthood, then becoming mentors themselves to give back to the future generation.

Games for Love Programs:

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#GFLX (Short for Games for Love Experience) is a program that partners with hospitals and child-well-being facilities nationwide to provide gaming events for patients, gifts/games, equipment to hospitals, fixing broken equipment, providing custom software and cloud solutions to hospitals to reduce isolation and promote healing through distraction therapy, consulting them on their gaming practices and tools to caregivers to engage with children while at their facilities. We offer training on setting up, playing, and troubleshooting gaming equipment to staff, and parents with accessibility while thanking them with a catered meal to thank hospital staff for everything they do for children day in and day out.

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1UP LifeBRIDGE program partners with hospitals and child well-being facilities internationally. How most hospital systems work in developing countries is on an upfront-only payment method. Meaning if you do not have money, you are rejected from care, no matter how dire your need is. This is why 7 of 10 deaths of children under 5 die in developing countries of treatable causes. The goal of this program is to reduce child deaths and save the lives of children. Life-saving treatments are as little as a few dollars for an IV, or shot to more complex situations such as Leukemia. Games for Love began piloting this program in the Philippines in 2019 with great success and many lives saved.

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Empowering children to take back their lives from sickness and situation, Kids of Code program teaches children how to code in as little as 90-days and provides STEM-based education online, over the cloud, for no cost to kids in the program for life. Kids of Code is granted as a scholarship to all children Games for Love interacts with or that is nominated through our website for assistance. The program starts with basics like terminologies, and language and through a set of modular courses brings a child through a fun and interactive curriculum to eventually become a full-stack engineer if they wish. Children can then apply for our scholarships or interns international programs.

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GFL Scholarships are granted as character-based scholarships to help children transitioning to young adulthood to have hope for the future beyond the walls of their hospital rooms to attend college or university.

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Interns International takes art students and aspiring engineers as future leaders and places them with live small tech and gaming projects with our league of pros to work on real-world projects slated for release. these projects benefit our programs for children and produce a stronger industry ecosystem by preparing industry graduates, and graduates of our kids of code program for their futures.

Benefits include Mentorship, Resume Experience, Letters of Recommendation, Shipped titles for their Portfolios, References, and Potential introductions to top Tech and Gaming Companies.

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League of Pros consists of professionals who are full-time in media, entertainment, tech, and gaming who come together as champions for the cause of Games for Love to create for the benefit of children. These extraordinary heroes are just like you, who have made a decision to utilize their gifts, talents, abilities, and time to be a part of the organization to benefit children. When a part of the League of Pros, you work alongside Interns within our Interns International program to create projects of your choice from gaming to tech, to the web, based on your abilities and desire to utilize what you have. Currently have 3 game development teams, 2 web development teams, and 2 cloud tech teams.

Games for love has an open call, if you want to be a part of what they are doing, you can see more and get more info at: see you soon!

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Pranav Singh

Aspiring Financial Analyst

2 周

Stupendous work! Keep going with what you're doing as it's transforming the world for sick children. It gives a foundation for sick children and help them through their struggles and turning into a positive.

Jason Alinen

Group Assistant/Business Admin | Team Support, Office Management

1 年

Awesome work!

Ken Newman

Corporate Event Producer / Emcee / Singer-Songwriter / Magician / Homeless Advocate / Sleeps Occasionally

2 年

Nathan, thanks for sharing!

James Fury

#FindFury @ Twitch.TV/James_Fury

4 年

Such a wonderful article showing the positive impact of gaming as a community!



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