Games Job Fair in the Works and Guest Appearances
Games Factory Talents | Connecting Passion & Talent
We connect talented Games industry professionals with leading studios from Europe.
Ready for summer mode, everyone? We are putting on our summer hats at Games Factory Talents, but there is still plenty of work being done. Games Job Fair Autumn 2023 is being worked on, and we have more cool things in the works. You will also be seeing us around other industry events, so keep an eye out for our updates. ??
Helsinki, a Bustling Gamedev Hub
If you missed our interview with Lucas Carlsen Falc?o , Technical Sound Designer at Rovio Entertainment , you can view its recording on the Event Page, and it will be up on our YouTube channel later this month as well. Done in collaboration with Helsinki Partners , the interview is hosted by Isaac Garfunkel , Director of the Talent Attraction and Engagement unit of Helsinki Partners, and is a wonderful conversation about immigrating to Finland and Helsinki as a game developer.
GFT Going to DevCom
80+ speakers confirmed already, with more to come.
Sessions by Gearbox Entertainment , Funcom , 育碧 , Crytek , Wooga , Gunzilla Games , DICE and many more.
14 topic fields to cover all your needs for games industry knowledge, and daily networking opportunities to make your stay a true experience.
Join gamescom ’s official game developer conference, taking place from August 20-22 in Cologne.
?? Program and schedule:
?? Ticket discount available:
From all of us at Games Factory Talents, have a wonderful month moving forward, and see you in July! ??
All the best, My best wishes to all of you! ??