Games that all designers have to play
Design Relax
We're always looking for bigger ideas and better ways to show how Design and Marketing could be relaxing and funny.
The games listed below exploit the concept of art in a high level, colors, fonts, etc. Check it out.
However, before we start our list, we need to talk eagerly about a company which develops really “artistic” games named That Game Company founded in 2006 it is looking for to produce interactive entertainment.
This company has at least three games that we have to highlight here.
Flow is a game regarding an aquatic character through an unrealistic biosphere where the players “consume” other characters getting evolute and dive in an abyss.
It exploits the tension in the middle of a busy and noisily urban environment with profound peace from nature. The players need accumulating petals meanwhile the “world” flows between peace and chaos.
Like in real life everything that the user catches changes the environment.
Waking up alone in the middle of the desert and discovering you will call off reaching the tip of a mountain, although the real experience is discovering who you are, comprehend what is that place as well as is your main goal.
Travel and exploit this ancient and mysterious world alone or with a stranger that you will meet during your incredible journey. Climb the ruins, slide on the sand in addition try to disclose a forgotten civilization’s secrets.
Monument Valley
It is a clever puzzle created by Ustwo Studio. In that game you control Princess Ida, the character goes through mazes with optical illusions as well as crazy objects.
It is very geometrical and reveals an isometric perspective the player has to interact with the environment to find out ways to escape.
You will be conducted by graphical elements, and it moreover has a print screen function.
Some people say the game’s style is similar to M.C. Escher in Echochrome.
Developed by the Danish company Playdead, first launched for XBOX, however a year later it was on the Playstation platform.
The game’s design and soundtrack are extremely dark, Limbo consists of a boy walking on a scenario full of shadows, during the journey you will face some traps, monsters, forests, etc. Nevertheless, the main goal is to rescue his lost sister.
It is an old game and deserves further mention here.
The game describes the history of Amaretsu a goddess in a wolf shape, Capcom used watercolor to create the landscapes which look like a Japanese animated illustration, applying a different art concept.
It does not have any dialogue.Okami was selected by specialized media as the best PS2 game.
The Unfinished Swan
First-person game developed by Giant Sparrow.
Monroe is the principal character starting in a white canvas, meanwhile the narrative progress you will start to paint your screen.
Joe Corelitz composed the soundtrack by combining electronic music with an orchestra.
Slay One
Slay one is a multiplayer puzzle that you should enter in an arena full of enemies very well armed, the player needs to face some mortal battles inside a cave with other humans and zombies.
We have discussed if games are art or not, check this article out here.?
Do you know any other game that should be on the list, tell us in the comments.