Games & Activities Brings out the Child Within
Sherrin Mehta
Managing Director at Acetertainers, Founder of Angel messenger - Life Coach, Energy Healer and Tarot Reader
There has been an observation that most of the HR heads and L&D officials are striving towards building a bond among employees, trying to make them happy to increase performance and it goes without saying, increase the interpersonal skills level.
Though there are no specific ground rules, various organisation have set a few. When we are talking about interpersonal skills and increasing interactions level, we have to create a lot of opportunities for the same. Which we do try by organising various pieces of training and interventions for the employees. However, max 30% to 40 % of the employees actually take away the learning and understand. In some scenarios application levels are as low as 10 to 20 %. Hence making the entire exercise a futile. Just have the intention to intervene and help change an individual’s behaviour or behavioural pattern is not good enough.
Well then what is the solution, how do we increase the interpersonal skills level?
We did a little observation of our own and understood and which I am going to state here is that all we need to do is to let the child within out. Let’s be ourselves, let’s not imitate someone, let’s talk our own language, being myself is the best solution.
Adding to it I would ask all of you recollect your childhood. You will be able to say that you actually understood people better. You made more friends and these friends have stuck by your side for a longer period in your life. It has been observed that as we grow older the trust level decreases and the completion increases.
So that brings us to another the question that when we were young what is it that we use to do which we don’t do now?
Well, the answer is very simple - we use to play more than we use to do homework.
When we play various games irrespective of indoor or outdoor games, we increase the interaction level of the employees involved.
Let’s take a look as to how that happens.
When 2 or more people are playing a game they are a very focused and their observations, listening level increases to 100%. They can tell if their opponent is bluffing or is serious (not all observations are correct though) when we play in teams, we tend to understand the behavioural patterns and many a time make friends for life, increase in interpersonal skills, building bonds, listening skills, follow or are followed, etc. Otherwise due to normal working conditions would never happen.
Moreover, when you are a child you are inclined to believe and trust more. This child within is a very trustworthy individual, so all we need to do is bring out the child within. Easy said difficult to achieve.
Which is reiterated time and again however the success ratio is very low.
We at Acetertrainer’s have come up with unique programs to cater to these concerns.
We have introduced in 3 such programs that open the door to allow the child within to come-out and believe, trust, increase interaction, listen, explore more possibilities, build a bond, learn new skills.
Because only if your child within is let loose, your interpersonal skills are high, you believe, trust, listen and build bonds with your team. You go that extra mile; you take that other step to create Happiness.