How did 2 islands trap most people in poverty : maps of 2020s Last Calls HumansAI -thanks
Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,
Those who ValueTrue 1 2 media now know that mainly 2 islands -UK and Japan -spun poverty traps across continental Eurasia between 1760 and 1946- welcome to and ER! : our story begins with 2 Glasgow U scholars of 1760 Smith (Adam) & Watt (James). Watt wanted to explore the future of engines which is fairly simple to track to 1945. Smith's questions were much more diverse, mapping would be devilish in details until big data AI!
Maps at show how Asia's continental economies correlated with population size were decimated by the island colonisers with exponentially increasingly particularly across the indian subcontinent by the UK and soon after mid 19th century when UK reached Hong Kong by Japan too. China's fifth of the world's people had closed to trade rather than an accept a UK proposition to accept opium as a currency. It is fair ri tay that the skills and resources needed to industrialise an island's infrastructure are less than what a huge continent needs. In every way the world of the early 20th century needed America's indomitable rise through the second half of the 19th century both to end world wars and to demonstrate how cotuents could grow in ways that islands representing about 1% and 1.5% of the world's population could lead.
WRJ Engineers contributed 3 transformational exponential (aka positive force multipliers) to the human lot in the 1950s
- Von neumann computing
- Korolev's Satellites
- Deming's Total Quality engineering and supply chains
Fast forward to today: WRJ : Guterres, Ban Ki-Moon, Kituyi. We the peoples cannot afford a second longer of the nationalist world that spiralled vicuously during the 2010s in part because of the disastrous financial and bellicose messes of the 2000s. Any chance of accomplishing sustainabilty goals depends on revisiting the 1945 reasoning for founding the UN. In particular the third of the world aged under 18 depends on UN leaders webbing truth beyond politics- without fear or favour.
7 of the world';s largest G8 empires of 1946 had ostensibly agreed to a common map- kick start these empires' economies and transition trade equitably into developing the places had been previously colonised. Its true this left 3 superbig challenges- the russian empire that did not agree with the plan, and India and China each with nearly one fifth of the world people in poverty. WRJ Kennedy, Prince Charles, Japan Emperor Family. If Kennedy had not been assassinated in 1963 he could have celebrated the doubly good news: Japan's advances in Engineering (Deming) offered a win-win model which could be shared across the Asia's north south trading islands of Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Singapore as well as the Korean Peninsular. Prince Charles was overjoyed to invite Japan's hi-tech companies to start investing in Europe. If Kennedy had lived to 1969 he would have witnessed not only the success of his assignment of 10000 young branis to one goal the moon race, but China after a war with Russia now wanted something completed different from soviet communism. We need to return to the practical truths of such 1960s-2020 WRJ mediators as Brilliant Community grounded Health solutions and risk mapping, Schwab World Forum, BBC Attenborough Nature, Gordon Moore whose alumni promised and delivered the 5G 4G 3G 2G 1G 0G countdown of 100 times more silicon chip tech each decade 20020s versus 1970s
Two nation's village girls - China and Bangladesh - started grassroot networking the greatest end poverty miracle in the 1970s. Their story is today best celebrated as core to the legacy purpose of BRAC University -the greatest education economist who passed 20 Dec 2019- Sir Fazle Abed.
Breaking news 12/12 from the isles of colonial mischief and saving unions?
Dear Followers of Economics' Adam since 1758 publication of Moral Sentiments at Glasgow U
2020 is the 10th anniversary of my father Norman Macrae's death- The Economist's sub-editor of end poverty, mapmaker of including 200 places in a post colonial world that fully valued youth's livelihoods as the only win-win currency and opportunity of accelerating futures of digital as well as community entrepreneurship (one of the scottish school of economists that started with adam smith and inspired James Wilson's founding of The Economist in 1843). The 2020s sees the chance to humanise big data analysis in a way that a Corpus Christi Cambridge MA in statistics like me in 1973 could hardly dare imagine
I am working with people in India who are advising the country's most responsible firms like Tata. They loved the 2010 article you published in the journal of social business. May I introduce you to them.
The 2020s Future History -decade of 5G humanising AI mobilising more personal devices than humans...
In reconnecting some of father's friends I am trying to develop a pack of playing cards - who are the 54 people whose knowhow most links in to adam smith and sustainability development goals. We aim to linkin 18 moral sister cities - Dhaka Tokyo and Glasgow are three I would love to see help triangularise Industrial Revolution 4 or Society 5.0 or whatever is the code for loving each other's girls and boys and natural diversity
If this project interests you or someone you could introduce me to in Scotland I would happily travel. I see so many places whose trust in humanity is systemically in play over this next year. Like many Diaspora Scots i culturally fail to understand the nationalist politics of macroeconomists (how did democracy get turned into such binary party political wargames) but viewed from Washington DC Trump is the most opposite person to Smith that has ever lead the world. If he gets re-elected I worry about the irreversibility of what will happen to all our children. I still believe that those who speak the english language have a moral duty to analyse every type of market for whats its sustainable (community grounded) purpose can be
I made a big mistake in failing to understand how insecure Muhammad Yunus & Obama positions were in 2009/2010. After 15 trips to Bangladesh I have rectified that in understanding that it was the world of sir fazle abed we all needed to value first wherever village womens empowerment and adam smiths transparency principles converge exponentially. Two great news stories. Fazle Abed graduated from Glasgow University in the 1950s. Ban Ki-Moon has just relaunched brac university which can now draw on the support of Bill Gates and indeed all brac partners as the largest new ngo economy in the world as well as his KI-Moon's Global Center on Adaptation
Because my father's work was recognised by the Japan emperor the opportunity to celebrate small enterprise networking as well as change the value of superstars is unique at the olympics and the cop26 in glasgow also makes the next 12 months and extraordinary time
My father was the only journalist at messina. I think he is probably rolling in his grave at the mess of the EU. May all the peoples of our islands keep cool until we can find more curricula like david attenborough's with which the BBC helps to serve the world
May I ask if you have heard of the schwarzman scholars? I love the idea that a country's most energetic graduates have another 3 years without debt to find how a global alumni group can locally save the world. I don't quite understand why schwarzman has chosen oxford not glasgow for the ethical triangularisation of his students but love his choice of MIT and Tsinghua.
sincerely and a happy 2020s to everyone who tries to live up to
transparency of mapmaking Adam Smith and James Watt would value
chris macrae
washington dc +1 240 316 8157 mobile and whatsapp and wechat
hosting WorldRecordJobs maps of NormanMacrae: for under 30s connectors start here nosaka yming drola Future History: Both The teacher and student in valuing flows as parents or community builders is faced with a new to the world question of humans and machine intelligence: what will BE? ...let starts with some puzzles for world class mediation in a new york minute over new decade holidays
NY1 new year (& species determining 2020s) resolution puzzles- true or false- uber as the most valued newly sharing economics map of 2010s depends on grounding #metoo cultures now -answer true if its global brand values rising middle class or the 40% poorest or women - false if its about valuing 10 richest men -special thanks to japans broadcaster nhk for brainstorm on 5g premier league of cities that value human mobility
NY2 new york as the 2020s moral compass for economics youth thriving as sdg generation depends on ban ki moon helping celebrate vienna new york and tokyo as first 3 of 20 capital cities of
NY3 Valuing capitals of diaspora nations- by 1963 kennedy Japan Emperor and Prince Charles saw how to map a post colonial world beyond slave trade etc that mainly 2 island empires had trapped old world tri-continent Asia Africa and Europe in-the assassination of Kennedy ended changes in education needed to celebrate this BUT 200 years after glasgow university alumni of 1760s started future if economics (adam smith) and future of engineering (James Watt) a graduate of shipping engineering and chartered accountant of big oil and a mapmakers of village girls can develop the worlds poorest nations most vital grassroots service networks -redesigned birls edu from pre-school to university from 0G to 5G valuing next girl born anywhere - see the commencement speech celebrations brac university - ban ki-moon, president of bangladesh and previously youths favorite professor out of hong kong shenzen and taiwan as well as mit berkley and LA
Future History: The teacher in all of us as parents or community lovers is faced with a new to the world question: what will BE now that more innovations are needed per Decade than in whole Colonial Centuries including Britannia to 1875 and USA's to 1975? Our card game invites you to find 52 most valued players -eg #wrj 1 JFKennedy 2 Moore 3 LeeKuanYew 6 Attenborough ,,,, #wrj 7 Klaus schwab 18 Fazle Abed 25 Jack Ma 39 Schwarzman.. 25 soros
& a few #WRJ wildcards eg schwarzenegger .storyline : Arguably Arnold's done more for sdgs than any other superstar: and he's a truth mediator to follow on climate attention (tell us if you know better)- as he says his beloved CA is 5th of all economies (exceeded only by china ,japan ,germany, and of course usa- but note california is a pacific place in terms of urgent climate and other sdg innovations its people need to humansAI and entrepreneur- it cant afford another apprentice president to 2025 that treats pacific people as third class) . click for more on value chain crisis of superstardom
a few more wild cards eg Sergei Korolev, Pope Francis, Bloomberg ,Einstein, founder dubai ,Yunus & Yunus, Japan's Tadashi Yanai,Sheikha Moza & Queen Rania . leaders of air bn'b and uber.. map their cooperation multipliers to create jobs and sustain children everywhere.
what may alumni of three-in-one unprecedented 1950s innovation leaps lead to:
- #wrj von neumann's computing,
- #wrj deming's zero defect engineering,
- satellite telecommunications
Mapmakers -including Engineers architects and mathematicians of system integration- know that foundations matter - are you happy with our recommendation that to understand the 5G ..1G 0G tabled below, intelligent human guides to Entrepreneurial Revolution (BA-GO-BI) would need to celebrate 1950's triple new tech wizards if our global purpose (freedom and happiness) since world war 2 is to free millennials to be mother nature's first sustainability generation all over the planet
Our main example pack (lower down) is inspired by a Diaspora Scot who navigated airplanes over modern-day bangladesh in 1944- and helped The Economist mediate end poverty and love each others peoples' places through the first 4 decades of moores' 5G 4G 3G 2G 1G 0G. In 2020 his family and friends organise a few wine and cheese and games parties as his 10th remembrance - chat with us [email protected] if you can host a shared celebration
from European Union Messina 1955 to Japan 1962
to appreciating the dawn of America's Third Century, 1976: implore american (women and men) to share their 3rd century with the two out of three girls and boys who are asian and who were left out of the trading routes mapped by london and tokyo around eurasia until 1900 and which caused old world 2 wars that americans lovingly saved humanity from... London 1975 The Economists's Norman Macrae: The two hundred years since the United States won their fortuitous victory in their Revolutionary war have been the twin centuries of the world's most material advance. It is probable that three centuries of material advance will be all that is needed. For the first 10000 years of man's existence as a producing animal- from about 8000 BC when commercial agricultural cultivation probably began down to about 1776 - people did not grow much richer. By 2076 people sensibly may not want to grow much richer, but for quite a few years yet most people most definitely will. And this is a main reason for worry today at America's 200th birthday. There is a danger that Americans with all the power fro dynamism and good, may be about to desert what should be their manifest and now rather easy destiny of leading the rest of us towards a decent world society ..that will mean leadership of the world will be yielded to less sophisticated hands at a perilous moment. During research for this survey, the fears listed here seem to be a) obvious, b) avertible, c) not recognised by nine tenth of americans to whom I spoke. Indeed the largest cohorts of very intelligent Americans are looking for their favorite fears in precisely opposite directions Is 4 hemisphere GOOD North-East-West-South mediation possible? I find it natural to wish to design AI spectacles that seek to triangularise east-west celebrations of entrepreneurial productivity unprecedented post-industrial revolutions
- JFK (when irish eyes were shining from birth in boston down the US East Belt Road) -we might have spaced maps of how the western hemipshere could multiply the most development with eastern human beings
- Gordon Moore -depending how you map- california is the far west of usa or the far east of asia pacific
- Lee Kuan Yew in accelerating the transformation of the roles that island nations neighboring Eurasia can play
post colonial world: world war 2 was the ultimate proof that the Empires of UK and Japan had trapped much of Eurasia in poverty as their mercantile empires became - giants in ruling the waves of the old world
Back in 1945, the centre of gravity for humanity's futures was the most loved big nation of mid 20th C - usa as identified with Kennedy (moon racing futures, peace in our time history) and a most loved micro nation entering the 2020s singapore- before we go any further any peoples common sensing youth's family-loving community support systems of education or wholly social mind wouldn't aim to copy either nation- understand from best of usa mid20 and singapore 2020s the subsystems your next generation needs from developers and investors but why there will never be a place in time like The America of values kennedy celebrated as greatest, or of singapore during the 2G-5G decades
#wrj 1 JFKennedy - why has there only ever been one moon race (that is when you assign 10000 mainly young brains to app tech round one great goal for the human lot) - what has happened to finance and education and media so that 4 billion over 30s cant even help under 30s stage one moon race- can we change this before mother earth decades independence- bye bye humans you are the next dodo
#wrj2 gordon moore 5g to 0g and world first tech hub since 1972 branded s silicon valley to follow up moores laws promise 1965 and japan microelectronics clients largest ever chip order requiring the invention of programmable chip
#wrj3 lee kuan yew singapore via hong kong taiwan and south korea and japam -fast forward late 2010s and -LKY also invited 10 asean nations to join him in co-promoting the 10 happiest cross-cultural neighbors the world has yet seen
#wrj 4 mahbubani (from diplomat at UN to new university of 10 nations public service to living up to next generations sustainability inheritance of lee kuan yew: goal of smartest island hosting 6 billion people and was entrusted to move from being singapore diplomat at UN to founding sinagpore school of public service - the first new university of that kind
#wrj 5 olsen an MIT alumni of 1970s kept the optimistic freedoms of computing flying out of NW hemisphere while 5bis Harvard's Ezra Vogel recorded chapter and verse on how asia rising became the foundations for post-industrial collaboration capitalism
Ironically Boston has had almost as hard a job webbing its love of entrepreneurship for humanity with the rest of continental america as west coast california has across the pacific ocean to the entrepreneurial islands and coastal belt of Eurasia's East.
#WRJ 47 For a 3rd grade entrepreneurship curriculum why not go back to Glasgow U's Adam Smith 260 years ago
Out of America, Fake media is not a new problem- after kennedy's assassination bad news agents have distracted attention from what could have been the most optimistic moores multipliers of the 1970s 1980s 1990s - see the triple special issue of Journal of Marketing Management on Brand Reality we guest edited in 1999 on the 20th C greatest media mistakes
. Exponentially speaking one of the biggest place branding crises of media that scaled globally is to have depressed the youth dreams decade which the 1960s had seemed to herald until assassinations of 2 Kennedies and at least 10 most loved black americans darkened the media that Americas were surrounded by
shockingly media and educators deserted american youth as lead players in win-win economic races- instead more and more american families were told that decades were getting scarier and scarier - from 1970s (nixon shot at those young minds who dared question what if vietnam is the first unwinnable war and left the poison pill of exponentially accelerating graduate debt; nations across the middle east started to claim that a fair (but non-sustainable) market price for oil was 10 times more (3 to 5 was about right but only in that decade)
the boston region provided a brave education exception and so a purposeful engineers' hub for mini computers (and could have been for personal computing's 1980s but that's a later story to investigate) - for now celebrate the rise of greatest open source and bottom-up microengineers hub MIT - strangely america only ever opened up this one unhurried space for all computer wizards (as opposed to a big corporate town like seattle's boeing microsoft amazon) or moore's silicon valley officially branded sich since 1972 - boston (the birth place of JFK, the hub irish celtic spirit and the gift of the gab ) and mit where the code for the 1960s moon landing had been designed and whose alumnus olsen took computers to the mini stage of evolution -we will return later to 1G consequences of this in the 1980s dawn of the age of personal computer webbing
#wrj 6 back to old media TV (or more precisely t6v owned by the public not politocias and not world's largest corporate lobbies): in the 1960s only western person to relentlessly apply tv to common sense propagation of knowhow was the UK's David attenborough -see his 60 years and counting storytelling for natore of the bbc: recently blue ocean 2 told the sto0ry of fish suffocating on plastic which went viral to activate 1 billion mobile youth's consciousness; and oct 2019 saw attenborough review each of 7 continents updates on species in crises 7 worlds one planet
#wrj 7 Klaus schwab was the only person to maintain world future summits from 1960s to 2020s - he helped connect wo0rld most purposeful business men with genevas other interests in uniting nations - and tripled up his summiting in 2010s with summers WEF out of china and recently at the UN general assembly
45 jean monnet 46 romano prodi
It all started well enough in messina 1955 when Jean Monnet explained how to make fra,ce and germany's industrial markets of coal and steel interdependent that they wa=ould cause war asia- Italy was the other G8 nation to join up at Messina as were the smaller nations of Luxembourg Belgium and Netherlands.ntially the plan was to connect a free market zone and leverage adam smith's rational of nations but then thinggs got messy- the french wanted protection for farmers - this the common agricultural policy was set to ruin any chnaces of other med sean nations in africa or around the eurasia landbrighe to develop agricultural trade ; the germans wanted a common currency tis locking weker nations into subsidising german exports , the italians appeared to want the EU to deal with its mafia, luxembour was ahppy with being ivetsir bridge between eg eu and eg switzerland , belgium got the eu hq, and the netherlands could only gain with its world class por- note how this eu wss lopsided to the same northern interests of colonial histiry- it could only make being a med sea facing nation an unhappiest place to be as opposed to happiest trading in silk road days before 1500
romano prodi regularly travels to beijing top univesities to brief studnts on this ever increasing disaster - cause of so many refugee problems- for transprency sake i should say prodi translated my father 1976 economist sutrvey of netre[prenurial rfevolution - whyy sustainability would need to remap world trade to maximise inclusions kf smes- as prodi says when he became president of tghe EU he yet again had to apologise to african neighbours- it was going to be toime for eu to hgive back to you but with the fall of gthe berlon wall gerenay wanst everytng directed at reunification- of course 30 years on germany drives everytin in the eu biggest nation strongest economy most subsidised exporter through the shared euro- even arbiter of how to demand youth bail out elders mistakes with subprime- anyone who expects the eu is likely to lead sustainability goal generation has a lot of explaining to do- no wonder pope francis goes to strasbourg to call its economic model one designed for haggard infertile grandmothers and to be the oppoiste of any tru attempt to lead world back in sync with nature and love - as historians will know siant francis represnted the end poverty segment of catholicism and asked male networkers to be his alumni of nature and female networkers the class to be community health missionaries
#wrj 8 Larry brilliant: in days when medical studies were affordably practical in USA, a young detroit medic first job as sherpa for warner brothers band wavey gravey around the world testifies in mid 1960s how the people of the afghan hills were as excited as anywhere about america leading the moon -wavey were recharging their batteries with their favorite consciousness guru- brilliant stayed on in south asia to end the last case of smallpox and later to advocate risk maps in the role of's first ceo; in between Larry hunted out some of the most exciting microfranchises eg aravind "end unnecessary blindness" - sadly as gates was later to comment on harvard not one top ranked american uni provides a course on bottom billion markets (maybe ck prahalad would have developed a bottom of pyramid course on a hundred million person mooc if he'd lived that long -or maybe paul polak's quest for the first 5 million customer bottom-up multinationals ws the course obama needed to take before he presidented) -in the same inspiration source as larry are younger missionaries of take budding world class student medics outside classrooms to hardest places to proactice medicine like the quarter of medics jim kim and paul harmer supported the daughter (ophelia dahl) and son (McCormick) of meaningful dramatists of futures
#wrj 9 japan emperor and #wrj 10 prince charles - celebrate tokyo olympics 1964 first satellite broadcast- charles asks akio morita to inward invest in wales (first nation in europe t0o host major japan inward investment) - the start of the 2 islands that end to end had trapped asians in poverty rolling back enetrpereeusrhip for all linking in taiwan(Korea S) hong kong singapore
From G8 > YouthER26 > SDG200 -2020s most exciting time to be alive
without the most brilliant decade of tech leapfrog innovations after end of world war 2:
#wrj 11 father of computing von neumann and #wrj 12 engineer extraordinary deming -there no lift off would have been possible for the games of the 1960s from moon race out of usa to satellite broadcasting of olympics to unprecedented innovations in engineering including bullet train, container ship docking build supercities faster than an impeachment inquiry, microelectronics- eg the pocket calculator preceding the personal machine intel devices of computer and mobile
#wrj 13 fast forward Ban ki-moon 2019-2020 if at first you dont succeed with a year of global climate adaptability moon races - try 3 time and ask girls to bank for you - just in case new yorkers and rest of usa dont want to celebrate 75th birthday of UN sept 2020 with the happiest news and youth action networking ever - i am ethics director of the tokyo-beijing-paris olympics starting summer 2020 and rotterdam are hosting the solutions presentation of in october with chief fans including bill gates and the bank a billion women who have just relaunched brac university -in the same class as ki-moon are guterres and whomever the world trusts to unite nations starting with borders as the worlds riskiest places to be except when they are already multiplying win-win trades
#wrj 14 its hard to rival sir fazle abed learning curve through 1960-2030 - having gone from the place now called bangladesh to glasgow university as a teenager ti stu8dy ship engineering he spent his 1960s changing from ceo of shell oil in east pakistan to bottom up disaster relief coordinators- in the 1970s in partnership with village girls of south china bangladesh girls designed the finance and training for their own village health service (special thanks james grant unicef and food security borlaug) 15 borlaug 16 james grant
search humanity's best chances of sustainability at - eg singapore ... hong kong ,, japan ... help humansAI at our twitter platform ... Breaking news Bloomberg in Beijing and
5G Sustainability - Findings :: Conclusions :: Recommendations ::
Across the street from White House Hudson Institute debate video would 5G exist without china
from bangladesh global village grameens to china's taobaos: as we will see later matching the extraordinary learning curve of abed 1960 to 2020 is 17 jack ma from age 11 in 1975 to 2030
by 1980s, still more than a decade away from access to electricity, previously illiterate bangladesh mothers wanted to turn their village businesses savings and teenage daughters into enough village teachers (maximising peer to peer mo0des) to school every girl and boy in rural bangladesh with both core literacy and livelihood skills- 40 years on -there are about 12 different youth schools from pre-school up (from village to refugee border to inner city conflict zone) of a world class loving kind that followers of fazle abed have started up as well as adult training fir every kind of microfranchise villagers need to sustain a rural economy and their next generation can interface with cities
18 montessori (19 gandhi later 20 mandela) 21 paulo freire whose 1960s revitalised latin americans demand for francsican model of public service (something sadly their lands did not stage but bangaldesh and chinese village girls adopted in regions celebrating how's women's deep community networking holds up half the sky)
22 quadirs (mit again) with wildcard dubai and legatum 23 soros 24 ibrahim
back to the future of 1990s bangladesh was the first poor nation to experiment with mobiles in the villages (thats places with no electricity grids also needing solar to recharge the mobile )- while these experiments went on fazle abed ensured village girls built nation leading positions in banking agriculture (including poultry and dairy) and got ready to start 2000 with a search for how to become the world largest ngo partnership and start up a new university
25 bill gates (who we will see earlier in 1980 as the language innovator of pc's) and 17 jack ma who before his first ttrip- to usa seatlle 1995 when 26 bezos conceived amazon Ma had spent his tens and 20s teaching 1000 youth english to be toursist guides for his home town which thanfully marco polo had been mayor of back in the 1200s when the silk road was the greatest ever continent-wide trading route
You might think that comking from a continent 15 yeras behind in connectivity would make Jack M disadvantaged to Bezos. We now know that in some ways its simpler to make a ginat leapfrog through tghe G's than be constrained by sequential bigness of the G's that Americans had the first bite at until their bog banks subprimed them towards the end of the 3G 2000s. For reasons that may be dismally obvious the big oil state of Texas doesnt value innovative regulation of infrastructures- amongst the many mutibillion dolar collapses overseen by George Bush's America Enron worldcome lucent are three that ended USA being a player in making 5G. Moreover American carriesr have so much devt in wiing the exhorbitant spectrum auctions for 3g?4G that governments staged that there is no leap in business models possble by corporate telecom america, it will probably tgake supercity to innovate their own partnefrships in 5G roll out by and for all citismes and thosand times smore IOT deviss than peoples
But lets return to the stor of how tose eith the very least made their own neteorking progress at the heart of sdg solutions before we look at billionnaire WRJ
see to assemble the enetrepreneurial magic threads of how in the 2000s brac begain ist search for global partners as welling as establishing international office out of netherlands so that it could design the least costly remittances for bangladesh's abroad ( in gterms of foreign currency about a third earned by bangladesh coems from remittances- typically young bangladesshi's are the building laborers of many of asian supercities)
the late 2000s became the optima time for brca to welcome every digital wizard who wanted to join in banking (now called network) for billion poorest a project that was to take 7 years 2008-2015 for bangladesh to become the epicentre of mixing in best ftrom everywhere else eg kenya mpesa lead designer , mit , dubai bill gates jack ma
27 yidan hong kong tencent foundation and of course pony ma 28
because western govs greedy spectrum auction have endebted carries there would be no 5g in time to save sdg networks if it werent for
29 nordica
30 ren zhengfei
which brings us to looking for communiies' wisest safe space connectors in 2019 when ban ki=moon relaunched brac university as girls favorie solutions space for global climate adaptability and hong kong awarded fazle abed the tidan prize of ten cent foundationn
if we look forward hong kong's future as in its past is among the tgop islands to entrepreneurially chnage the world for the better - fortuanately hong kongs richest man
31 li ka-shing was one of the first bilanthripists into pplant new uniersity brannces
the greatest of all global sholarships movememts is
32 schwarzman - whilst it will soon linkin ai from MIT and eithics on oxford it was co-conceived by then tsinghua chancellor now beijing mayor
33 chen jinine who can also carry the olympics relay forward from
tokyo mayor 34
to paris mayor 35
america's only supercity mayor to love youth technoolgists is 36 bloomberg- whatever hapens to his candiditure- his new economic fourns ate the only ones that clould live up to 260 byears of why glasgow university students and teachers of 1760s
36 adam smith future f economies
37 James Watt are blevoed by disapora sco0ts wherever ye go
including the early commonwealth mediators 38 james wilsom and 39 walter bagehot and 40 their english alumni maynard keynes
so this connects us nicely to how the other empoire japan now benchmarks the elading ai investors experiments around
40 Masa Son
with 12 more to id
from the 80s add in 41 jobs (whise gratest moment came at end of 3g decade with teh first smart mobile) 42 berners lee (who moved the greatest open source tech from switzeralnd of 1989 to mi9t) and 43 torvaulds and 44 case
numbering 45 nad 46 to chnage
add in 45 jerry yang who saw clounds coming and made sur5e stanfiord tokyo and china had a bridge before the storms came
46 brin whose network google collected big data before people understood that was a consequence of clouds ang being at the crossroads of every human search
it doesnt matter too much to us which founder of 47 uber 48 wework and 49airbnb models you choose as long as you see how these shared economic models (understanding of clouds and turning bug data into partners operational platforms) will need sharing across any city in top 20 supercity league
50 kai fu-lee once ai at google went on to help test why every supercity needs one or more of its unigversities to start an avenue of a entrepreneurs at its gate - wilst mit was the firsty univesrity to make a square mile of head offices of the future simple to visit- its in quite a race when you compare what youth acn AI when ansed to regenerate a suoercity and mother earths goals simultaneously
we have left system transformation bottom and top line entrepreneurs to last : 51 keynes and 52 harrison owen and wild cards pop francis george soros einstein -does you nation have a system problem which it is forbidden to discuss either by its own lawyers or global forces-? are teachers allowed to define a broken system s one where the harder an old professional tries in her or his silo the more exponential collapsing consequences will be to our children until mother nature gives up on humans as smartest action learning networkers beyond borders and bottom-up (her valuation rules)
of course we welcome votes for substitutions
sustainability only comes to toise who love localities as much as there purpose helps ap a global advance for the human lot in lime with sdgs
rsvp [email protected]
renumbering in progress :
1 JF Kennedy 2 Gordon Moore 3 Lee Kuan Yew 4 Mahbubani 5 Olsen/MIT
6 Attenborough 7 Larry Brilliant 8 Klaus Schwab 9 Japan Emperor (include keiretsu/chaebol) 10 Prince Charles & UK Royals
11 Vogel 12 Deng 13 von neumann 14 deming 15 Ban Ki-Moon (& current UN) 16 Sir fazle Abed 17 Borlaug 18 James Grant
19 jack ma 20 montessori 21 gandhi 22 mandela 23 paulo freire 24 quadirs 25 soros &satoshi 26 ibrahim 27 gates
28 berners lee & torvaulds 29 tencent foundation’s yidan & tencent pony ma 30 nordica 31 bezos
32 ren zhegfei 33 jobs 34 brin 35 uber/wework/airbnb 36 masa son
37 bloomberg 38 li ka-shing 39 schwarzman 40 chen jinine 41 tokyo and paris mayors 42 Tadashi Yanai
43 nilekani 44 jin & jin 45 jean monnet 46 romano prodi
47 back to adam smith & james watt 48 james wilson & walter bagehot 49 maynard keynes
50 harrison owen &Ackoff 51 case 52 jerry yang & Kai-fu lee
and which wildcards do you value most eg Sergei Korolev, Pope Francis, ,Einstein, founder dubai, Kagame ...Yunus & Yunus, Sheikha Moza & Queen Rania, Csik....Drucker, Gifford Pinchot, Alvin Toffler, Arthur C Clarke, Fu Hujiang, Schwarzenegger ray andersen daniel goleman jane goodall incluidng youth movement roos and shoots curriculum, use of maps for community development (see nhk 12/12 - very acrive in asia - south korean curriciculum , 2000 student groups in china, elders are still stealing youth's futures - see also cop26, problem if you cant emilaimate pivert people cant afford to emake ethocal or cological decisions, ypu can make a differemce every single day)
our hypotheis at Belt Toad Imagineering school is that because 90% of world trade is shipped every nations schools needs to dvelp maps- which superports do we configure outrw prld trade arpund- (landlocked nations need to earn the trst to share suoerpors); if you live on a contint how do trains as the most ecologic way link in cities and villahes people live in
whilst we dont necessarily agree with the analytic comments of CSIS the news that indai is accelerating belt road mapping is absolutely critical for the futures of its poeple and the sustainability solutions their fifth of the world can test out for all hemisphers
On this map its the purple clicks that provide detail you may not easily find anywhere else -rg click the continental purple dot west of the india coastal belt to read: SHAHID BEHESHTI PORT Chabahar, Iran
Privately-owned Indian Ports Global Ltd. signed a 10-year lease in 2018 to operate the Shahid Beheshti Port in Chabahar under a trilateral agreement between India, Iran, and Afghanistan. The port is strategically located adjacent to the mouth of the Gulf of Oman and close to crucial shipping lanes and energy resources.
Jin and Jin are a father and daughter couple who whose work is extremely illuminiating- in the hostory of new deveoment babking its worth noting that the idea was first propesed by India Manmohan Singh - even as China took the lions share of gte wor needed to start 2 new developmentg banks NDB and AIIB- its fascinating attending a summit where 100 nations bankers explain why the rich nations dont see sdg projects as asset grade and dont like long-term infrastructure projects- understanding thats part of the context this projects of either bamk tghat find partners are fascinating- to understand AIIB projects daughter jin is well placed as the most youthful economist in london and her father heads the AIIB year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,
5 年thanks to vienna one of the greatest intangibles/intergenerational cities in the eu, and my serbian host in vienna this week year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,
5 年thanks to you all at BRACU and GlasgowU and my alma's corpus christi cambridge and york universities- grateful for chance to grow up in a generation that saw student debt as great evil and where entrepreneurial public servants still existed in west and europe had too much work to do to quarrel over who should get biggest pension at 52