The GameDay Wrap: July 2024
Welcome to the July 2024 edition of The GameDay Wrap!
Each month, we will bring you a round-up of the latest news and updates from the world of GameDay, both internally and with our GameDay stakeholders/customers.
It’s time to see what’s new…
GameDay Solidifies Partnership with etrainu
GameDay has solidified its partnership with etrainu , a premier provider of online education and compliance training.
This strengthened alliance is set to bring about numerous benefits for both organisations and their clients.
Product Update: GameDay View v3.0
As part of our continued evolution of the?GameDay View?product, a new version of GameDay View has recently been released.
In 2023,?GameDay View 2.0?provided users with significant updates to the underlying technology supporting our business intelligence and insights product.
In 2024, we are launching?GameDay View 3.0, which promises to provide even more value to those customers utilising GameDay View to support their business operations, strategy and forward planning.
The Importance of Match Officials in Grassroots Sports
Grassroots sports form the core of community engagement, healthy lifestyles and the starting point for various talent pathways.
At the heart of these local sports events, often unheralded and underappreciated, are the match officials. These dedicated individuals perform an often thankless task that is crucial for the smooth operation and integrity of grassroots competitions.
Q2 Release Videos
These release wrap videos provide a quick fire round-up of major release items for GameDay and Passport through Q2 2024.
Each will provide a summary of key features and major updates across both GameDay & Passport, released throughout April – June 2024. Lookout for these release wrap’s on a more regular basis this year which will be in addition to our regular monthly product release notes made available via GameDay Community.
Stack Commerce Website Themes
Part of the Stack Sports product range, Stack Commerce provides world-class websites in 4 simple steps.
Head to the Stack Commerce website to see the website features along with how our customers have setup their websites.
June Release Notes
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