The Game is won over the season
Success and achievement, your accomplishment and results are created and won over a season and not in a game. Its created in the process , in the ability for you to consistently , day by day keep on going, to keep on doing what needs in order to win , in order to achieve, in order to accomplish, that’s what makes it possible , It is never won in that one “ Game “ or result , it is won by what you did over the whole season leading up to that final “ Game”
Life, Business, relationships, everything you do is strengthened and becomes successful over a season, over time. They are formed to be great and become the best on a game by game basis, it’s the combination of a multitude of games, or consistent efforts and giving it you’re all in every challenge in every opportunity that creates that ultimate success and achievement
It’s a season, it’s your season and wining that cup or shield is not achieved by just winning that one game. It’s won in your ability to continuously be your best and to keep playing at your peak and giving it your all, game after game, day after day.
And any great team cannot win , cannot achieve or develop , they can never become great or be the best without putting in the daily hours and efforts of practice , their ability to play the game at their top level and being a top contender is determined and created in the daily efforts they put in in practice .It’s in practicing that you try all the new things and do things till you the best at them and more importantly that’s when you sacrifice and do what you don’t want to do in order to make you better and better and allows you to be able to play at your top ability. Practice is what we doing in preparing for the game, we don’t practice to play, we practice to improve, to advance and move us closer to success. We practice so that we can win and the more you practice the more you do what needs to be done day after day, week by week , Hour after hour is what creates our commitment , it’s what forges our disciplines , skills and abilities until they become our habit , until they become who we are . Greatness and the ability to win doesn’t happen overnight , it doesn’t just occur once , it is created and formed over the season , over the years and over our lives .
Always remember that You don’t have to be great to start , but you do have to start to be great because It’s easy to try play the big games but your ability to play them and perform at your peak , at your best is solely based on the daily practices that you do in preparing for those big game , No game , no greatness and no success is won in a game , all of them are created and won over the season.