Game, Set, & Match

Game, Set, & Match

The cake is baked, my fellow Americans. Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign – which has been in full freefall for several weeks now – is as done as Grandmama Jones’s Thanksgiving turkey. Whether you happen to be a die-hard Trump supporter or not is, at this point, immaterial. I’m prepared to declare Trump’s run for the White House in the Donald’s own words – “a disaster.” In the parlance of tennis, the phrase “game, set, and match” applies.

Trump would not be, could not be, and should not be the next President of the United States. I have contended all along that the man never actually wanted to be president – and it showed throughout out. No one who is serious about becoming the leader of the free world says the things he says, does the things he does, makes alliances with the groups he does, forges alignments with dictators hostile to this country, routinely makes self-destructive campaign decisions, and attacks the media with such consistency and vigor – all while steadfastly refusing to apologize to anyone at any time for any reason even as he continues to sow the false and venomous seeds that the election is “rigged” against him. To the Donald, this has clearly been one gigantic game for him. And far too many Americans willingly allowed themselves to be played.

The truth of the matter is something I’ve written about extensively over the past 18 months or so – Hillary Clinton isn’t inevitable. Hillary Clinton was anything but inevitable. President Obama proved how to defeat Hillary Clinton in a political campaign. All the GOP had to do was select and nominate a credible Republican presidential nominee with gravitas, a political record which would appeal to the party’s base, and the ability/willingness to engage Secretary Clinton in a serious debate about American’s hot-button issues: immigration reform, the appointment of Supreme Court justices, our crumbling infrastructure, racial inequality, gender inequality, income inequality, whether or not Guantanamo Bay should be closed, the intolerable level of partisan-fueled gridlock in Congress, best practices in regards to job creation, how best to continue America’s economic recovery, ensuring our veterans receive the care/support they desperately need and deserve, and restoring the protections to the Voting Rights Act which were removed nearly 4 years ago by the Supreme Court. If the GOP had accomplished those three things, its nominee would most likely have been in a dead heat with Secretary Clinton right now – at worst. At best, that Republican presidential nominee could have been leading the polls nationally – with Secretary Clinton cast in the unenviable role of candidate trying to close the gap in the last two weeks. But no, the GOP decided to go nuclear, if you’ll pardon the expression. It chose the big, red, easy button. Over the past two decades, the Republican Party has slowly but surely set the conditions, the rules, and the fertile ground for this insane game to come to fruition. Instead of a nominee with gravitas, it instead chose someone with gusto. Instead of a nominee who conveys courage, it instead chose someone who is cowardly. Yes, I said cowardly. Only a coward attacks women in the ways Trump does verbally – even as he objectifies them physically and culturally. It’s also cowardly to appease racists rather than rebuke them.

For these reasons – and others far too numerous to count – Trump has all but guaranteed himself what our British friends call “a proper thrashing" in two weeks. He’s going to get his clock thoroughly cleaned. The question isn’t if he’s going to lose; the question is now how badly he will lose. Trump is behind in every battleground state. Trump is trailing in Georgia. Trump is even with Clinton in Texas. Utah – of all places – is quite winnable for Secretary Clinton. Here’s an insider tip for those pulling for a Trump political miracle: watch Florida. If/when he loses the Sunshine State, you can officially consider Trump’s dreams dashed. Without Florida, he has no path whatsoever to victory. The Electoral Vote math assures us of this. But don’t take my word for it. Look it up for yourself.

Donald Trump is no match for Hillary Clinton. He never was, and he never will be, t least not politically. The very fact that this presidential race was ever close will require a lot of soul-searching in America individually, collectively, morally, and politically. That all will surely come in weeks, months, and years to come. Books will be written, movies will be filmed, and antedotes will be formulated to help explain what in blue blazes almost happened in 2016.

The three presidential debates only served to prove what everyone already knew: Secretary Clinton – for all her faults and vulnerabilities as a candidate for this nation’s highest office – is infinitely more experienced, skilled, and knowledgable politically than Mr. Trump. Knowing these things in advance, Trump could not be persuaded by his campaign team to take the debates seriously. It is known he didn’t prepare for them. It is known that he made no effort whatsoever to study matters of policy he knew he would be asked about. It is known Trump wouldn’t allow himself to be coached in sound debate discipline: how to stay calm, how not to respond in anger, and how to pivot to his own areas of strength. Over 240 million Americans watched Trump unravel in 3 televised debates. In chess, we would call this "checkmate."

Trump made Clinton inevitable. He rigged the election – against himself.

People who claim to despise Secretary Clinton had better get set – and get ready. Because on Election Day, the only possible result of this race will officially become the result of this race that everyone desperately wants – and needs – to end.

It’s all over. Trump knows it, I know it, and you know it. It’s ok. Everything is going to be just fine. Take a deep breath, and slowly repeat after me: Game, set, and match. 

"Take a deep breath, and slowly repeat after me: Game, set, and match." #dumpedtrumpInEarlyVoting



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