A…..Worthy audience Ch.Shujjat has lost his image but his logic i.e. respect for Pak Army is beyond doubt appreciable ? Alas how gravely the perception of Neutrals was battered and how unfavorably USA was slandered in so-called IMPORTED GOVT EPISODE. Another shameful reality is all our mighty Dynasty /hierarchical Politicians failed in delivering any worthwhile results, obviously? After saying so, we would like to refer to Imran Khan Ego-Depletion irritant, which remained highly questionable and his absurd perception of “CONSPIRACY NARRATIVE” fetched nothing to Pakistan rather it bounced back yesterday very awkwardly with the Supreme Court Decision. We ask this angry man didn’t Neutral save Pakistan from “KISI BHI QISSAM KE ANDRONI AUR BEROONI KHATRAT SE ” as per Pakisan Army oath, yes they did it very maturely & tactfully, despite Khan nefarious act of isolation? Yes, “Very vigorously again Yes” they did it very humbly, wisely and with great strategic patience & they made the Nation proud of PAKISAN MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT. How do we justify it, let us try to analyze the situation as under?

1.?????Question: Has USA ever lost in Pakistan or elsewhere where US Diplomacy felt dented or their power was challenged by average & underprivileged people or International Mafias or Below Average, Primitive minded Politicians /Civil Dictators?Answer: No. If that be so how they happen to spare KHAN THE GREAT despite his highly lopsided / erratic rhetoric and fowl allegations of Conspiracy levelled against Joe Biden /USA? Think over it? Most of us say American do not play cricket, they play through Market Forces, Economic Hitmen & Diplomatic Sanctions (like what is happenig with Afghanistan & Shabaz Govt)We were about to fail on all fronts in PTI & later the PDM &Allies Regime, but remember folks our highly competent & brave Judiciary,sincere Pakistani abroad / in Pakistan/ Visionary Think Tanks &Military Top Brass & kept their calm and yesterday morning & today again we saw US spokesman to accept change of Regime in Pakistan in a Formal Media Statement?Is not it a miracle?

2.?????Didn’t Security Establishment play a role of umpire/neutral remarkably well to make you remain safe from enemies,PDM killers,jahangir Tarinand &Aleem Khan & other Waderas mischief and let you address fiery anti-establishment (Army) rallies unhindered. So much so that Khan you were so mad and careless that without safety glass shield and under prevailing highly risky environments you remained unhurt? More so eventually the Courts ensured justice so that you sail smooth .Didn't neutral remained unbiased?Had it ever happened in the history?

3.?????Did Neutral ever appreciate any LOTAISM or Nawaz rude statements or condemned Democratic Values? In fact Establishment hoped PDM&Allies will deliver better since they were dying for last chance like good cop ,at a moment when Imran You were fuming poison against Neutrals, but sheer failure of Governance & Poor Handling of Economy very adversely disappointed all Pakistanis /Diplomatic Circles. Now PDM & Allies started ratlling /beating hollow drums aganist the Judiciary and Nuetrals, what a curse is it?My brothers we can't twist the facts,manipulate data and obliterate optics proof /videos ? This is undeniable fact Nuetrals rather remained highly mindful & concerned of that and till now trying to get rid of the political chaos & other evils but through proper channel i.e. courts /people votes/fair elections &Parliament? That is why Imran Khan you have been able to regained your senses, velocity and repute?

4.?????Who defanged /mollified ZARDARI /NAWAZ /MARYAM /SHAHBAZ /SHUJJAT / FAZL-UR –REHMAN /FAROOQ BHAI from MQM /BAP in Baluchistan /ANP/JUI/ PPP /PMLN,they were people of Pakistan by voting against Zardari Manipulation on the other hand ensuring conduct of By-election believingly free from rigging in Punjab.Who were protecting the voters from ATTA TARRAR,MARYAM REVENGE & RANA SANA ULLAH culpable THREATS . Who protected polling staff and Guarding Ballot papers from printing press to the result compilation office? They were the Neutrals?Pakistan Armed Forces (including Rangers)?

5.?????Whom do you think were ensuring your /pAKISTAN'S diplomatic credibility till now with great passion/ devotion, dspite Imran blunders and PMLN master liars? Was it "Baby Bilawal"or Neutrals, Mr. Khan? After GOD the Almighty ,they are doubtlessly our security elements who saved Pakistan otherwise,Punjab Police had shown you temperaments by peeling off your supporters skin on your way to Islamabad on 25 May 2022, under the hangover of the orders from their Godfather Rana Sana Ullah………Imran Khan be grateful to Allah & pray for PAK ARMED FORCES & their selfless & large hearted COAS Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa. Who needs no gratification or extension from you or anybody else in future? Same goes for the Veterans and most of the serving Military men’s kith and kins who attended your rallies and made you glorified, openly or through power of ballot ? Please do not think we are biased,rather you were telling lies ? Yes, sir we can't forgive you for defaming and making fun of ISPR/ARMY for getting sympathy vote ,absolutely not we understand our Supreme Commander very well, he remained totally unbaised ?Alham-do-Lilah we are not Cheap Bloggers to make fortune dspite that our tentacles have long reach,we have clean hands ,have comparatively sharp reflexes &remain much more digtally smart /futuristic.

6. Pakistan Armed Forces decide to keep neutral stance in the larger interest of the State, so as to provide equal opportunity to all politicians /stakeholders to enable the voters / people to identify Turncoats /Enemy Agents, friends /foes & Mr. Useless? Isn’t it a fair play and unbiased patriotism? Why making fun of Neutrals and not accepting them as most apolitical guardians of our interests?

7. It is our history that the politicians have been devasting /dividing Pakistan,this unfortunately gives birth to hatred &dissent,this trend is growing out of proportion with the passage of time and in pursuit their ego/power they can go to any extent.Right from Z.A.Bhutto to imran Khan all of them are master of this evil art?They all keep concocting stories, spininng events to their favour, raising anti-state-slogans and spreading unrest through their political nuisance and horrendous political influence and illigimate resources to the extent that they more than often implicate Judiciary, Establishment, Military, Dipolomatic Circles and use underground mafia,religious leaders and take shelter in Quranic Verses and old saying of primtive scholars and poets. Irrespective of the class creed and colour we feel Imran Khan and PDM/Allies both parties do not want to quit their seats of NA/PAs ,they neither wish to disolve Assemblies and reluctant to go for fresh election earlier than the due date?This is a lust libido /passion or their last desire to keep hanging with the BALLS of establishment/ polishing their shoes, when discarded they keep hanging on gallows and nor do they leave it nor they want to die a honuorable /deserving death?Folksw, we all are responsible for that "KAR KAR KE MINNATTEN TERI ADAT BIGGAR DI.......... DANISTA HUM NE TUJH KO SITAMGAR BANA DIA"........We donot want to get changed because of our ego/hatred for the opposition"Imran can not change us?

8.???Both of the political sides (PDM & PTI) please just keep calm, maintain your balance & let us treat you with more dignity,lest (veterans) expose you in more details,in the larger interest of the STATE &helpless People of Pakistan ? ??

9. Aforesaid in view Imran Khan would you mind to please revisit your egotist nature's / moody decisions, somewhat arrogant pride, political strategy and resort to reconciliation /taking placatory measure to defuse the tension in this manner ….First meeting Army Chief and Ch. Shujjat, ASAP…..2….Collectively/mutually resolve the crisis and leave face saving for your opponents?......3…Visit Karachi /Baliuchistan & collect funds for Flood Relief and let your tigers do the welfare campaign, seek protection /assistance from local army /rangers troops and other PDMA elements….. 4....Bury the past and look forward? Dear Imran Khan"how about keeping mum on Cipher Issue? Remember” YE JUWEN NIKALNE (LICE FINDING) KA WAQT NAHI??????

B . We also strongly feel that PM Pakistan Shahbaz was utterly forsaken by PDM & Alliance collaboration ,Maryam anti-judiciary stance, Miftah ?mishandling of IMF, Zardari cuckolding Punjab Politics , Shujjat Pretense &eventually Nawaz Sharif double standards made Imported PM highly shaky? He was untimely provoked /lured in trap by all of them through Zardari .What a tragedy that Shahbaz was stimulated by some predominantly futile ambitions so to say, “Hamza as CM Punjab” "Imagining Nawaz &Maryam out of politics" .... “Creating rift between Security establishment +USA & Imran Khan. He failed miserably in attaining any of these objectives rather he was about to drown Pakistan’s Economy" What is most awkward is Shabaz Govt knew well that they might lose all in pursuit of saving their skin from courts /NAB trails . Failing which on Zardari behest as a last resort SHAHBAZ decided planting explosive /mines in the way of next regime Change ?Yes please “ASSI NAYI TE KOI NAYI” (If not we then none else to rule).But fortunately it can be cured to great extent immediately since Pervez Elahi wins Punjab CM election, A VERY BOG CHANGE. We therefore are obliged & feel glad to float few suggestions/advices/ options as follows?

1.?????PTV is highly biased and neglects the realistic analysis of the situation/politics & current environments. Apex courts and pressure groups be used to compel PTV to behave like public media /National Asset & not PMLN BUGHAL BACHA? SHAME FOR YOU PTV MANIPULATORS. WAKE UP……before you are taken to task by social media?

2.?????Khan brother protect / guard your PMAs/MNAs and save them from Zardari Diabolic nexus & snobbish /cheap reporters &prevent them from making unnecessary statements for glorification,getting excited & creating law and order situation .Address your voters /supporters regularly.Meanwhile please concentrate on Independence Day Celebrations too???

3.?????Believe?it or not almost everybody was made conscious ,frightened and mislead either by raising the “SELECTED / LADLA SLOGAN” (used by PDM & ALLIES) or the “IMPORTED HUKUMAT NA MANZOOR JINGLE” by PTI & Allies for collecting more and more voters/support and sympathies? What a misfortune, in each case “Umpire Finger Raising”or“Neutrals” i.e. establishment was dragged in. This was very damaging for Pakistan and it blurred the politicians & Pak Forces image severely in the eys of people living abroad specially in Malaysia, USA, England, Canada, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iran, China, ME, Europe, CARs, Africa, Vietnam, Japan, Dubai, Thailand,Singapore, Austalia,Syria, turky & Afghanistan etc,etc ?This impression compounded with the appointment of Bilawal Bhutto as Foreign Minister of Pakistan. So as to undo this false impression our Ambassadors must now be alerted/jolted/ energised to blunt this negative impression of these two nasty slogans????

4.?????Let us wait for few weeks to get Punjab Govt settled? No hurry for dissolving assemblies by Imran Khan unless Shahbaz is ousted with resignation? If not possible go back to NA and opt for VONC ?Failing which let him be molested by some more?failures and unfavorable Market Pressure and adverse Environments?

5.?????After appointment of Punjab Govt Ministries former Punjab CM Usman Buzdar could be nominated for Punjab Assembly Speaker (he will remain a pain in the ass of the political villains?

6.?????Sindh House LOTACRACY case immediately be pursued to have Zardari snubbed and letting him remain in spin? He is the one who kept the tool of SHUJAAT Elahi in his hand /mouth for hours to ask him to betray his brother now or in near future & provide face saving to PDM and Allies?

7.?????Criminal & so-called Imported PM Shahbaz tail must be twisted and he must be cornered or ousted from his seat? As is evident,opposition has created this big fuss and chaos because of your mishandling more than anything else? All above stated chaos manipulators of finance ministry be taken to task, we do expect that most powerful corridors would try to save Pakistan from this disaster and bankruptcy?

8.?????We all have to sincerely Prefer STATE over POLITICS and if required take judiciary and establishment in confidence to get rid of Chairman ECP and get Governor State Bank appointed. ASAP. May be Shaukat Tareen the best choice?

9.?????PMLN flags fluttering in all big cities of Punjab over electric poles must be removed and Pakistan &PTI flags be hosted on top of all electric poles &at conspicuous places?

10.?The Dollar manipulators & mafias /their sympathizers /sister networks (hoarders, black marketers, money exchanges, notorious Property Dealers, Pakistan Customs Mafia/ Banking Brokers (who stored Dollars in bunkers/Lockers) and prejudiced Police Officers /Admin Staff) must be evicted or rotated from their seats. All underground cells of currency handlers must be erased from Pakistan. We are sure agencies & security establishment have the records of all .................

11.?Crackdown should also start on illegal business /smugglers, most of the owners of the Farm-Houses/Qabza Groups Offices/Car Dealers/ Veg?&Fruit Mandi, Lari Adda, Suspicious Ware Houses of Container Markets, are involved in malpractices & these are notorious Badmashi Adda these days?

12.?Patrol/Gas/Electricit tariff/price must be lowered & correctly regulated. All Sunk/sluggish / least priority /stuck /unspent money project funds must be put in national treasury at least in Punjab? Try to provide relief to Punjab people by initiating crack down on hoarders /black marketers?

13. All welfare schemes be started again under Ehsas Programmes and Kamyab Naujawan title and Healthcard facility etc,etc.

14.?Reduce unemployment in Punjab, sufficient seats must be allocated for females and a quota for the handicaps in each department /private businesses and companies, where possible?

15.?Keep watch on spread of Corona.Vaccinated people should possibly be cured at their homes/houses. Hospital be made vigilant about Cholera & dengue mosquito spread?

16.?Staff of 1122 /Fire Brigade be made more resourceful and their proper training be done/refreshed frequently. ?

17.?Tree plantation season has started please not to let this chance be wasted? Likewise Punjab Support Board be revived/energized immediately and youth be provided with play grounds and sufficient tournament be arranged to grow / encourage new talent &ensure common men /poor community children participation?

18.?Utility Store provisions must be expanded and sufficient stock of pulses, Atta, edible oil, sugar be made available / kept for public convenience.

19.?Price hike/ profiteering trend be curbed. Rate lists must be followed at all costs. Complaint Cells must be made affective and functional ASAP.

20.?Lahore seriously lack public transport. At least Green / Red buses commuter service be doubled specially during office / school hours. ?

21.?Audit of the required department /agencies must be ordered to detect the flaws and thus fault lines should be traced and rectified?

22.?There is lot of need of diverting public attention back to small businesses with interest free loans& there is urgent need of fairly raising morale of property business dealers & construction workers & other industrial sectors and service providers, so that sales tax remains generated & more more revenue is collected?

23. Digital technology promotiing /learning classes be arranged , Artificial Intelligence understanding must be taken as a compulsoiry subject , Nanotech /Sensors/Gital Imagery & Distan learning courses and IT advance training be started immediately at all school, institutions, colleges and universities?our team services are available for this noble cause free of charges for all?

24. Allama Tahir-ul-Qadri is in the politics with PTI & Ch.Shujjat ousted from Q League. Zardari game now is over,this is the time to pursue Model Town case immediately.

C…. Lot of better & better future awaits us .We need to remain very positive and run faster with the time. Stop producing children like a rabbit?Family Planning must be ensured.Pakistan Army well done, Supreme Court well done, Pakistani Awam Zindabad. Let us all celebrate Yomm-e-Pakistan on 14 August 2022 with great hopes, there is some light visible at the end of the tunnel now? Remember PDM& Allies have no balls /TAPPAR /shit to harm Pakistan & challenge the decision of Supreme Courts or behave Anti-Establishment never ever ? This is the moment to snub all conspiracies, enough is enough? ?


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