"Game over" is a phrase often associated with video games, but it's also used metaphorically in various contexts. In the realm of gaming, it typically signifies the end of a player's attempt to complete a particular level, stage, or the entire game itself. When a player fails to achieve the objectives or loses all their lives, the game usually displays "Game Over" to indicate that the current session has ended, and the player must either restart from a previous point or start anew.
Metaphorically, "game over" is used to signify the end of something, often with a sense of finality or failure. It can be employed in a wide range of contexts outside of gaming, such as sports, competitions, projects, or even in life situations where a certain endeavor or pursuit has reached an irreversible conclusion, usually with negative implications.
Overall, "game over" encapsulates the idea of reaching a definitive endpoint, often with the implication that there's no turning back or undoing what has occurred.