The Game of Life
If you're reading this, like it or not, you're on the team. Two questions, are you on the team you want to be on and are you on the starting lineup or are you a backup. With those two questions in mind you probably jump to a conclusion that the 'starting lineup is 'better' than the backup. You might be right or you might not be right. First you have to understand that ALL team members play a very important role in the accomplishment of the team goal. Without the starting lineup, most teams wouldn't have a chance of winning the game. Without the backup, the starting lineup would be able to give one hundred percent for the entire game and more than likely would win the game either. So the perception of being better isn't all that important when the ultimate result is kept in mind.
So where are you in your game of life? The team in this game is everybody. Do you consider yourself a starter, or do you consider yourself a backup? Do you consider yourself even being on the team? As I said in the first sentence, no matter what you 'think', YOU ARE ON THE TEAM. Are you in the game or are you a spectator in the stands? If you think you are a spectator, even that is an important role. Not only do you give your support for the team but you also supply motivation for the team. And chances are, you as a spectator have a team of your own.
So no matter your position, a backup, a starter, a spectator, on the best team in the league, or on the team in last place in the league, your contribution and participation matters to those around you. The extent of your participation and level of contribution is up to you. It is more important in my opinion that you are making a positive impact than being the best person on the team. Not everyone can be the best. But that shouldn't become an excuse to not give it your all. YOU have to determine what level you want to play at. In today's society where trophies are given for just being there because we worry that someone will get their feelings hurt or feel left out, aren't we creating an expectation that in life we should get a trophy for just being there? We now have children suing parents because it wasn't the child's want to be here. I think the law suit should be filed in a much HIGHER COURT and good luck with that.
The important thing to consider is that we are all in this game of life together. Don't get caught up in the mentality that you deserve a trophy because you are here. Don't get caught up comparing yourself to others on the team. Strive to be the best you can be at whatever it is you want to be. Be happy being YOU. You are on the team and when all is said and done, there is really only ONE team owner. And He wants us all to play to our best ability. It's up to us to pay attention, get excited and never quite our game of life.