Your mind filter's your experiences in very different ways. Like I'm more comfortable with what I see as with a realistic and a plausible approach. I'm comfortable with my intuition and ability to sense the future.

When you start understanding the game of life, it becomes more and more easier for you to take your next step irrespective of how hard it may become for you. With more and more understanding your game of life, the playing it safe is rectified by not being too cautious. You understand that life doesn't waits for anyone- IT'S A TRAIN THAT'S ALWAYS ON THE MOVE. You stop taking relationships for granted


To wonder too openly, or intensely, about the meaning of life sounds like a peculiar, ill-fated and unintentional pastime.

I found that there are four specific pillars of meaning that we can each build in our lives to find deeper fulfillment.

The four pillars of meaning are: belonging, transcendence, storytelling, and purpose.


Relationships are certainly important for fulfillment, but belonging is about being in a certain kind of relationship — one in which you are valued for who you are, and where you value others for who they are. Some relationships are defined by false belonging: you’re valued for how you look or what you do, and not for who you are. True belonging requires accepting the other person no matter what, and feeling accepted in turn.

What I feel is that in the age of Instagram and Snapchat, it can be easy to be distracted by our phones and ignore the people around us. It’s possible to build some belonging through our online connections, but true belonging requires actual contact with another person, whether it’s meeting face-to-face or talking on the phone.

Do you also feel the same ????


These are those moments when you feel totally absorbed by something beyond yourself. This can happen when you’re in the zone of doing something , that when you become completely soooooo absorbed in whatever you're doing , when you get lost in a song you’re listening to, or are overwhelmed by awe and wonder in nature or at a religious or spiritual service. These experiences make us forget ourselves and feel connected to something much bigger. When the experience is over, we feel replenished and like they have a better perspective on themselves and the world.


This pillar is about the story you tell about yourself—what kind of person do you think you are, how did you get that way, and where is your life going? Unfortunately, a lot of people tell negative stories about themselves, like “I’ll never fit in,” or “I’m no good,” or “I’ll never be smart enough.” These stories are almost never true. One of the quirks of being human is having what psychologists call a “negativity bias.” When something bad happens, like getting a bad grade, it affects us much more powerfully than when something good happens, and therefore has the power to alter our story more powerfully. If you find yourself telling a negative story — which many of us do; it’s very normal and common — ask yourself what the evidence is for that story, and then see if you can find contrary evidence. For example, if you feel left out and conclude “No one likes me,” try to remember moments you’ve connected and had fun with others. Another strategy is to pretend that you’re talking to a friend. If your friend told you, “No one likes me,” you’d try to comfort them and prove them wrong.

Be as kind to yourself as you are to your friends. PLEASE.....


I saved this pillar for last because I think it may be the most interesting one for kids to reflect on.

Psychologists define purpose as a big goal that organizes your life and involves making a contribution to others. If that sounds abstract, think of it like this: How do you want to make the world a better place?

Purpose gives us a reason to push through the good, the bad, and the boring of life to accomplish our greater goals.

I should mention one more thing:

Your purpose can change over time, and some people have more than one purpose. If you’re unsure what your purpose is, don’t worry: part of being young is figuring that out. Keep paying attention to what you enjoy studying and doing, work hard, and reflect on the ways you would like to make your dent, however big or small, on the world.

You don’t have to do something extraordinary and epic to lead a meaningful life. There is meaning all around us.



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