Game Designers: The Modern Architects of Gameplay!
GameDevUtopia (GDU)
A community of enthusiastic Game | Web | AI Developers to Learn, Build, Coordinate and Grow together.
Game Design is one of the many crafts involved in a game that defines the game to what is becomes. As it states, they play a very important role in how the gameplay is structured.
As quoted by the media channel, Game Maker's Toolkit-
Game Design focuses on three influential aspects — The Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics abbreviated as the MDAs of a game. These are what make or break the game’s impressions for the target audience!
The role of a Game Designer is very versatile and is prone to confusion for anyone hearing about this for the first time. For reference, “The Door Problem” is a great short blog about how a game designer fits into a game company.
Trying out game design can range from building physical games like board games to defining mechanics for full-fledged video games. Game Design has been a growing role in recent times in India, with more and more game companies being based around it.
To get started with Game Design, we’d recommend with sources like GDC and GMTK YouTube channels for basic understanding of game design.
From there, dive deeper into the abyss with the r/gamedesign Subreddit, boasting various blogs and books suggested by many other like-minded designers!
Fun Fact: The Game Design Document (GDD), the most vital aspect needed to start out on building a game, falls under a Game Designer's responsibility, that shows how important they are!
We at GameDevUtopia strive to become better game devs and designers step by step, and hope to connect all over India over the conquest of building games
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