A Game-Changer: Positivity!
Joana Fonseca Orvalho
Career Clarity Coach | Supporting women in the corporate world to gain career clarity and confidently take their next step toward success | Bestselling Author
We've all had days when we felt that things couldn't have gone any worse!
Times when we felt, for some reason, that we didn't do a good job or that the whole world has 'ganged up' on us.
Sometimes, this is triggered by something specific that didn't go as you expected, but other times you simply wake up on the wrong side of the bed!
I mean, have you noticed how much your 'attitude towards the day ahead' influences it?
For instance, when you wake up late and you start your day stressed, it's like everything that can go wrong in your commute... goes!
As opposed to having a nice and calm start to your day - the day just goes by smoothly and you feel in control of everything.
Your attitude and how you perceive the things that are happening around you can influence your happiness and your well-being.
I give you a basic example: imagine you are stuck in traffic.
You can have one of two reactions: either you get stressed and nervous (maybe even angry) with the whole scenario or you take a deep breath and enjoy the extra minutes you have to yourself before you get to the office (as let's face it, there is nothing you can personally do to speed the journey!).
Your choice of reaction will have a huge impact on how you feel in the moment and towards the day ahead: stressed and angry vs. calm and in control.
So, how do you overcome your natural negative reactions?
Particularly if you are at a point in your career where you are feeling unhappy as it is.
How do you manage negative thinking and cope with a bad situation in the office?
?Stop reacting, take control - Firstly, it is important to recognize that all the practical tips that will be shared later on in the article will only really work if you are willing to accept the fact that YOU DO want to change this feeling and, to do that, you will have to get control over your reactions; in other words, you will have to make an effort to deal with a recurrent situation, differently.
It might sound simple, but trust me, it is not!
As humans, our brains are programmed to react immediately to situations, and they do so based on past experiences, which means that if you allow yourself to react impulsively, you won't be able to change the way you feel about the situation in question, and the whole 'miserable' circle where you got stuck in the past will start again.
Once you've acknowledged that you need to take control and are willing to do so, here are three key tips that will help you to see the glass half full:
1. Detach Yourself From the Situation: Whatever you do, don't take it personally!
It might sound like a cliché, and in part, it is, as there is nothing worse than to get negative feedback under the 'it's not personal' umbrella. However, it is a key step to be able to manage a bad day better.?
Let's face it, whatever the situation is, if it happened in the office, it is highly likely to be 100% work-related.
Of course, you can argue that it was linked to 'your' work and, thus, it is personal; however, I must disagree.
Even if someone goes as far as to comment on your posture at work, this is something that is linked to your professional life and the perception people have of you, this is not a criticism of your personality and who you are ultimately.
Therefore, always ensure that no matter the issue, you recognize that your happiness is not 100% linked to your job; that 'you work to live and not the other way around'.
Focus on who you are, your family and friends and always interpret work-related situations as exactly that – work. No matter what happens, it is not linked to you as a person.
?2. Do Not Feed From Others' Negativity: It is very common to see an individual in a team having a bad day and, suddenly, the full team is in a bad mood or worried/ frustrated about something that has happened.
This is purely because we all tend to feed from each other's negativity.
This is simply explained by your need as a person to be dragged into drama – as Eckhart Tolle describes so well in 'The New Earth', we all have painful bodies that naturally feed from sad and negative situations.
This is why you get so addicted to reading all the news, which tend to describe the world as a horrible place, where good things don't seem to ever happen!
Therefore, make a conscious effort to avoid having conversations with people that you know will bring you down (either because this is just the way they are or simply because you can see they are having a bad day and will want you to join their mood).
The ability to stick to your feelings is a great one to have, as this means that you won't be a roller-coaster of emotions and will be able to remain positive.
?3. Put things into perspective: when everything else fails, just put whatever horrible meeting/ piece of feedback you had into perspective.
Not trying to sound horrible, but has anyone died?
Has anyone been injured or dramatically scarred for life?
Did the situation harm your family or your ability to live your life?
No? Then, let's face it, it is not that important that you should ruin your evening, week, or who knows your month!
And even less important is that you should go home and take your frustration on your loved ones!
Make sure that you do not forget the blessings life has given you and focus on those; what does not impact them is not that important.
There is also a range of different things you can do to manage the uncontrollable stress you might be experiencing from a negative feeling – this is a whole topic on its own, but why not at least try some reading, meditation, or the typical jogging?
The last important thing to mention, after going through all of the above, is that, just because you can see the glass half full, does not mean you don't care!
Always remember this as we tend to feel guilty if not truly affected by every little thing that happens in the office.
If you can remain positive, this just means that you are in control of your emotions and will be in a privileged position to deal with any obstacles that might come your way!
P.S.- If you're currently struggling to remain positive in your career, let's chat so that I can share with you some specific and tailored advice.
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4 个月It's true. When we go into the negative spiral it can be dangerous.