Gallery Representation
Gallery representation according to most artist coaches and mentors should be the quest for all professional career artists. All sorts of advice are given as to how to go about reaching this goal. visit art galleries, shows, and exhibitions, and build relationships with gallery directors and personnel. If you’re lucky you will impress them and voila your art will be accepted and placed on the walls of the gallery and you will have the privilege of paying them 50% of the sale price for each piece that is sold.
Do I sound sarcastic? Well, maybe somewhat but from my point of view, this process was very depressing. As an economically poor working artist, the time and effort to pursue such a strategy were near impossible. What if I did get accepted? How would I come up with the funds to frame and ship the artwork to the gallery? This art career was beginning to look like another pay-to-play scam!
Thankfully with the encouragement of my oldest daughter Erika. I found a successful pathway to gallery representation. In our various video call discussions, she said well you’re good at the internet, right? Why not use your internet skills and find a way?
I reflected and ended my woe-is-me depressing thoughts and yes I now have gallery representation in the style of the 21st century. I built a relationship with these galleries by entering their online contests and exhibitions. Very slow going for the first two years, with many, many rejections.
As of today, I am listed as their represented artist at and? All three of these galleries have associations and connections with brick-and-mortar galleries. They are free of commission, in other words, if a collector is interested in purchasing the original. They send my contact details and publish and promote my artwork without the 50% commission! The Minni Art Show gallery has a unique program that provides the opportunity for the member artist to donate to charity. The Art Boxy gallery allows its member artist to enter international brick-and-mortar art exhibitions around the world. My artwork is displayed on large 85inch flat screen monitors in rotation with the other member's artists.
Other than providing useful information for my artists' readers. (This is not bragging!) With persistence and clear evaluation of one's goals, and prayer to chart your career path. You will be successful. Now get to work!