Gallagher Landcare Grants
Gallagher Animal Management
From the electric fence to cloud, Gallagher solutions empower customers to protect what matters most.
We are proud to work with Landcare Australia to support another round of Gallagher Landcare Electric Fence Grants. We have 16 grants available to landcarers for electric fencing projects, each worth $8000. This year 4 of these grants will be available exclusively for farm dam restoration projects.
Last year we supported 14 incredible landcare projects across Australia, with grants worth almost $110,000. We take a look back at some of these projects below:
'Mogriguy' Rehabilitation Project
The electric fencing used for this project will exclude pest animals from an area of the property which has recently undergone erosion-control earthworks, with an overall aim to revegetate the area with native plants to help with slowing water flow reducing erosion and supporting native ecosystems.
Gallagher Mega Anchor Stay and Post Kits were used to build the strains, with D7 Gallagher Westonfence making up the physical part of the fence. Soon, a solar powered i Series Energizer will be installed to power the fence.
The Schultz Project
Maria and David Schultz purchased their property near Wangaratta in north east Victoria with a commitment to caring for the land by improving soil health and grazing management systems
We are proud to be supporting Maria and David to achieve their project goals using our Gallagher permanent and portable electric fencing solutions, which will help them create smaller paddocks for rotational grazing and to then divide those paddocks into smaller sections for seasonal strip grazing.
"We'll be able to increase soil health through increased organic matter production, and increase our property's resilience to drought through improved soil structure and water penetration."
Raakajlim - Mallee conservation
Raakajlim is a private 490-hectare conservation property in the Mallee region of Northwest Victoria.
Landholders Fiona and Phil Murdoch Raakajlim - Mallee conservation have been working hard for a number of years now towards their goal of fulling enclosing the property to protect the vegetation from damage by pigs, goats and even over abundant kangaroos.
They have removed kilometres of netting fence and barbed wire, which is a hazard to native species and have been replacing this with our Gallagher Westonfence - a permanent electric fencing solution.
Mt Rothwell - Biodiversity Interpretation Centre
Mt Rothwell - Biodiversity Interpretation Centre was established for the management of high conservation value species, involving breeding & research They will be trialing using our Gallagher Permanent Electric Fence systems as part of the next stage of conservation rewilding for their programs.
The permanent exclusion electric fence will be built using 10-wire Gallagher Westonfence and will be solar powered by an MBS2800i Energizer They will be testing a "leaky fence" design which allows some flow of selected endemic species from their fenced reserves.
Our Gallagher i Series WiFi Gateway & Ag Devices App will also be used to support the remote monitoring of the greater sanctuary which protects some of Australia's most endangered species such as the Eastern Barred Bandicoot, Eastern Quoll and the Southern Brush Tail Rock Wallaby.
The Gillespie Project
Marg Gillespie and her husband Dave purchased their property back in 2013 and have been working hard to put in place sustainable, regenerative land management practices ever since.
The Gillespies' projects include the rehabilitation of a deep erosion incision that cuts through the property, and the protection of an intact "chain of ponds" - a unique and environmentally valuable natural feature that comprises a series of ponds linked by shallow waterways.
The Gallagher Permanent Electric Fencing, constructed with Gallagher Mega Anchor & Insulated Line Posts and powered by a Portable Solar Energizer, will stop cattle from entering these areas allowing regeneration and revegetation to occur.
With successful revegetation, water flow will be slowed and the banks will be stabilised, reducing the amount of top soil being dislodged, ultimately improving the health of the Clarence River downstream.
The Greenhill's Rehabilitation Project
The Greenhill's Rehabilitation Project will take place on a property in North West Tasmania and project lead Steve Allen plans to use a mixture of Gallagher Permanent and Portable Electric Fencing to achieve some exciting goals.
Portable electric fencing will be used to enable cell grazing of livestock, thereby improving pasture management and soil health
A Gallagher MBS1800i Energizer will help exclude livestock from a dam and spillway, preventing runoff entering the significant Gunn's Plains Caves. This will also provide critical infrastructure to power future stages of the project, which will include rehabilitation and stabilisation of areas of erosion.
This year, we are proud to add our support through the Gallagher Landcare Electric Fencing Grants to help them complete the final 7.6km of their perimeter exclusion fence.
The fence will stop the destructive herbivores entering the property, while allowing smaller animals like echidnas, stumpy-tail lizards and snakes to be able to pass through.
Widgewah Conservation Reserve
Widgewah Conservation Reserve will be Australia's largest fenced safe haven for the Southern Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby
The support from the Gallagher Landcare Electric Fencing Grant will enable Odonata Foundation to boost & support over 200 of these critically endangered Southern Brush-tailed Rock Wallabies - this will double the existing population!
"The Gallagher i Series Energizer, with its remote monitoring capabilities, has the ability to give us complete confidence we can keep the foxes out of the fenced sanctuary, which will protect the wallabies and allow them to thrive."
Yinnar Yinnar South Landcare Group
Yinnar Yinnar South Landcare Group, with help from Grand Ridge Environmental Services, have already constructed their exclusion fence, which will protect their current Billy's Creek revegetation project from browsing animals such as deer and kangaroos while the plants establish.
Ease of transportation and construction was imperative for this electric fencing project, completed on a steep 33ha site near Jeeralang, Victoria.
Our Gallagher Mega Anchor was chosen for its ability to be installed using only light machinery and our Gallagher Westonfence for its exclusion capability and the reduced number of steel posts needed to be hauled up the side of a mountain in order to construct it!
We are proud to be supporting the Billy's Creek revegetation project, which overall will increase biodiversity and contribute to a future corridor for arboreal fauna including threatened Greater Gliders, Powerful Owls and the genetically diverse population of South Gippsland koalas to move between the Morwell and Tarra-Bulga National Parks.
Find out more
Find out more about the Gallagher Landcare Electric Fence Grant on our website. Deadline for submissions is 4th July 2022.