Galileo making it into Prague trams!
ARIADNA project started in December 2019 in Prague, kindly hosted (and funded) by the European GNSS Agency (GSA), with the major ambition to raise awareness and help increase #useGalileo in the public transport sector worldwide.
Today we are so glad to report that the “Prague Public Transit Company (DPP) has issued a tender for Galileo-enabled receivers to be included in the Prague tramways as part of their modernization plan to increase network efficiency and improve user experience” (read official press release).
During our stay in Prague, all consortium partners used the tram many times, and could realise this is one of the best ways to get around the Czech capital: after our meetings, we would only need to walk a few metres to the next corner and find one of the ubiquitous tram stops in the city, wait for only a few minutes (if lucky enough our tram would already be approaching) and have a fun ride to our destination. Good enough? Well no, not really. We want more, and we are set to let the world know that, when it comes to positioning, there are much efficiencies that can be unlocked by leveraging EU technology.
Now, Galileo-enabled, multifrequency, multiconstellation receivers are being procured expecting that, by the end of 2020, the first Galileo-enabled trams in Prague will be operational, just one year after our journey started (isn’t it a beautiful coincidence?). This bold move will:
- From the end-user point of view: provide more accurate vehicle positioning data (down to 1,5 meters) to passengers.
- From the operator perspective: decrease maintenance costs; improve systems, such as automatic speed limitation over the switches.
The Prague Public Transit Company (DPP) is one of the first public transit companies to use Galileo in the entire tram fleet, leading by example and inspiring other public transport agencies worldwide. And ARIADNA is here to spread the word! So do not hesitate to get in touch if willing to learn more on the benefits of deploying Galileo in your public transport fleets.
Visit the ARIADNA website and subscribe to our Newsletter today to get timely info on #useGalileo in public transport and urban mobility!