GALILEO GALILEI, smart and efficient
It is well known that Galileo Galilei broke with the Aristotelian physics of the time in the early 17th century. He came up with new theories and projects which were very innovative and unbelievable at that time. Sanz Clima is doing the same but 400 years later and its very proud to recognize this genius naming one of its products like him.
Since the 60s, Sanz Clima has been involved in the development of different projects implementing latest technologies and software tools. The company likes to be up to date and offer it′s customers the best product and services.
Now, is time to introduce the new acquisition: Galileo. This project has been developed by joining forces in between the public university of Madrid and Sanz Clima. by joining together the AC knowhow of the company and the IoT expertise of the advanced tech team.
Galileo has already been installed in 3 different continents so far attending the demand of Sanz′s main web of customers.
This device enables data acquisition from the installed rooftop unit and reports the information to the cloud thanks to IoT. Thanks to algorithms and machine learning technology, the system provides to the customer remote notifications in real time not having to stop the vehicle to do the regular AC maintenance stops and saving money in fuel.