Galactic Sisters

Galactic Sisters

Sometimes you meet Someone, and when you hear this person talking, you can’t believe it. This person talks like you, thinks like you, knows what you know, but so much more in some direction. You are attracted to this person like a bumblebee to a flower full of nectar. You want to stay with this person, talk to her, no matter what, you can’t leave.?Time flies as nothing. It feels like love.

Converge 2019, Prague Congress Centre

This happened to me with Diana in the autumn, of 2019, in Prague, during the ICF Converge Conference for coaches. Diana gave a lesson on Nature coaching, and I cried at the end of it. My heart was deeply touched.?

During Diana's lesson, I realized that if we want to do something for the Planet, first, we need to know Her, feel Her, love Her. Only then, we do care. We care only if we are attached to someone or something, when we are associated with it, when we are in love with it, like a Small Prince and the fox. Watching bad news about the planet on TV while sipping a beer in our armchair will change nothing. We have to go back to nature, reconnect with it on a deeper level, understand it, feel it, and open up to receive its gifts and wisdom. Then the care becomes seamless, natural, normal, and effortless. Since we are in love. You know how it works…

I waited for Diana at the end of a long queue of people wanting to talk to her in after her speech in a big dark bunker-like hall. I was the last person in a line. "Would you like to go for a walk with me?" I asked. "You must be very tired by now." Miraculously, the queen of the afternoon, Diana, said Yes. We walked around Vysehrad, we saw the city from one of the most magical, and energetically most important places in Prague. She was carefully listening to its history and my stories about it. We had a nice dinner together, we talked about Genius Loci, the importance of knowing the places for well being of humans.?We couldn't t stop. Time was flying like nothing.

We are inseparable from the planet, from the places we live in. They influence us, knowingly or unknowingly, the events that happened in the place, the people who walked there, and the energies they left there. You can think whatever you want about it, but quantum physics loudly claim the same today. It is no anymore something esoteric. The pile of research on it is indisputable. You only need to know where to look. Diana KNOWS. She has been in this area for tens of years. Since a piece of my heart is a Scientist, I was in 7th heaven with her. And I had an idea, a seed of it… one day, I would like Diana to come to Prague, and do a course here, for a full day or more. A glims of a dream, a hope for the future, the highest note of your heart was seeded into the quantum field.?

Entangled hearts

Diana left Prague, and I promised to visit her in Italy. It worked. She lives close to Bergamo, in Treviglio. I visited her at the begging of January 2020. She took me for a walk around the beautiful river Adda. The air was crisp and filled with bright light, and we talked about Coaching with Nature. To experience it, we asked river Adda for some pieces of advice, and we got them. Magical. Can a man talk to nature and receive the answers back? Is it my imagination, or is it real? But what is, truly, real?

As we all know, Covid hit Italy just a couple of weeks after my visit. For a long time, I did not hear anything about Diana, I did not talk to her, the most severe lockdowns on the planet, and the social distancing did their job.?

But can a lockdown truly lock down two entangled hearts? Impossible. Two particles, that were once connected, will forever know about each other, feel each other, breathe one for another. When one particle moves or changes, the other does so with no time difference.?

I listened to Diana’s speech online at the next ICF Converge conference, online, in the autumn of 2021. The same voice, the same energy, enthusiasm, the same mission: ?Connect with nature. If you go out, switch off your phone. She suggested four ?U - U - U -Us“ while being outside. You can find them at the end of the article.

The message was urgent. Diana was aware of the damage the severe Italian lockdowns made on the psyche of people. They not only couldn't see their beloveds ones, could not be in touch with each other but even going outside, to the Nature was forbidden. People could not go out for weeks. Not even for a walk. Getting the goose bombs? Yes, I am.?

The Lap of our Mother

Can Nature harm you? No. Unless you are in a hurricane, Nature nourishes us, loves us, and needs us. Our body comes from Earth, and it needs to be in touch with it. Feel its electrical currents, discharge its load to it. This is called "grounding" nowadays. It already has even a scientific term! Social distancing from each other drives us crazy. But social distancing from the Earth will kill us. The research about it is indisputable. Mad, isn't it?

So what is going on, here? Can you imagine the tons of antidepressants prescribed to people? For what? Who benefits from such measures? Can a pill replace the soft reflection of blue sky in your eyes? The wind cleaning your face and mind from a nightmare? The peace you feel when sitting in the meadow, listening to the soft sound of birds, and letting your body soak with the immense Love coming from beneath you? How could the Earth harm us? We are her children, and she knows it. She waits for us, patiently, to come back to her and tell her: ?Here I am, dear Mother. Back home. Please, help me. I feel so tired, exhausted, and I need a rest.“ And as mothers do, she will open her arms, cook for us some leaves, berries, and fruits, let us sleep in our child's bed, and sing us a soft birds' lullaby, once we close our eyes on her soft lap.?

But back to us, with Diana. I was listening to her speech on Zoom while walking in ?árka, a natural park in Prague, and my dream came back. What if one day I could walk here with her? Show her around? I love this place so much. We could lead a group of people, enjoy Diana’s wisdom, and spread the word. The glimpse of my dream came back again. Could this be possible? I listened, and let my imagination fly.

Hello, Halka!

?Hello, Halka! I am coming to Prague!“, said Diana to me over the phone about a month ago. ?I have a proposal for you.“ Immediately, I got excited. We made an agreement on a project for a corporate client, for which Diana was coming to Prague.?

But more importantly, the dream of the Prague Congress center came to my mind. I followed my intuition and suggested her to lead a workshop on Nature and Coaching for coaches. It seemed too narrow for Diana ?What if we call it Nature and Well-Being - How to resource yourself after pandemic fatigue.“ I loved it!?

We enlarged the scope. We agreed on the date and the place, and I started to think about whom to invite. Soňa popped into my head as the first person. I called her. She is a pragmatic lady. It is a good companion for a dreamer like me. We spent some time talking about the best venue, people and the program. Diana sent a perfect draft, Soňa agreed, and also got excited. We were all in, three women passionate about being in nature, working with her, re-connecting with her, talking to her, breaking old barriers of people when we get in touch with our basic origins, Mother Nature.?

We started to invite people, and their responses were positive. Soon, we had more than fifteen people ?subscribed“. No Google reservations, just word of mouth. I started the preparation and booked our dojo for the second Saturday of April for the whole day. Diana wanted to be out in nature with people for the whole day, but who ?nows these days.?But just in case... Everything looked bright and clear.

The night before

The week before our workshop was hard. I taught online, and the course proved to be much more energetically demanding than I expected. I lost my favorite blue cap with a pom-pom, that I was so proud of and which I wore for the whole winter almost daily. My inner child was so sad! I got wet in a cold rain… and got a sore throat. I could not almost speak and had a mild fever.?

Soňa also did the training that required more energy than she supposed, she traveled to Prague from Brno, slept in a hotel, and felt exhausted, too. And last, but not least, Diana wrote me at 5 p.m. the Friday afternoon before the workshop: ?Ladies, it rains, the weather forecast says it will rain for the whole Saturday, it is dark and 4 degrees outside, with the possibility of snowing. What if we cancel the workshop?“

I sat in my office, my body was heating, and my mind was blocked. I was in stress. The dojo was booked, everything was ready to go, and Sonja and Diana were here. But some people perhaps did not come to be sitting in the dojo for the whole day. Also, if we do it, I would need to speak the whole day to translate. Nightmare with my sore throat. So what shall we do? It was getting dark, Friday at 7 p.m., and we still did not have any solution. ?

But something in me, a tender invisible voice in my heart, did not want to give up. It wanted to be done. I had the flesh of a future memory. I saw people walking the park, climbing the hill, touching the trees, and listening to the wisdom of Diana, and nature. The glims of the river Adda sparked in my mind. Some special warmth filled my heart. Everything is going to be fine, working well, as in my dream, and people will be delighted. I felt a strange feeling: "It is not, somehow, not only my business anymore. I am the ?supplier, organizer “. It needs to be done. I do not how, but it will work. ?

And then, Diana called again. It was almost 8 p.m. She came up with an idea to carry out an alternative plan. Indoors, with body and music experience. Being in a circle of good people is also deeply healing. We can go just out of the dojo, its surrounding is also beautiful, we can do a shorter distance, according to the weather, closer to our base camp. We all agreed. We do it. It will work.

Magical Saturday

And it did. In the morning, it stopped raining against all iPhone weather forecasts. But it was still very cold. At Ujezd, I bought fantastic bread and croissant in one of the most famous bakeries in Prague. My thought behind it was a pure calculation: ?People need to be delighted. If not by nature and the weather, then at least by croissants! My grandmother always said that Love passes through the stomach.“ Coffee. Yes, I took my private home coffee machine with me to the dojo. ?If croissants won’t work, then good coffee will,“, went through my head. I, as an organizer, can’t leave anything to a chance.?

I picked up both ladies in the city and took them for a small ride over my beloved Hanspaulka, where we might be going if the weather is ok. OK. Let’s see. We opened up a dojo and started to set it up. Adriana came, my friend who speaks fluently several languages. I asked her for help with the interpretation. She agreed with great humility. ?Yes, I studied interpretation, but it is such a long time ago.“ I could not believe my ears. I laughed loud inside of me. My magical voice saver was here, ready to help.?

People started coming, a smell of coffee filled the dojo, participants chatting like birds, ?chip chip“, happy for no social distance, no physical distance, generally no distance nonsense, slightly pushing each other in a narrow corridor, tasting this and that from the shared buffet. Diana had almost trouble getting us inside the hall to start. My part was done, now it’s hers?Her stage. And it was.

The teaching was magical. Our connection to the place, to its Genious Loci,?to the Earth, is vital for our physical and mental health. We created our wishes for the day, did a nice gentle stretching, and started to know each other. All this was happening in beautiful silence, expectations without expectations, accepting what the day will offer to us. The clouds opened up unexpectedly before noon, and we went for a "short" walk.

We spent three rich hours outside, reconnecting with nature, observing her, listening to ourselves, our inner dialogues, and following the strong, yet gentle leadership of Diana. Nature played with us. We were going uphill to touch the sky, and down to the valley, where ?árka creek sang with water running swiftly after the rain. We played with stones under our feet, observed the trees, smelled the first spring flowers, touched the first green grass, passed around the Matej church, and remembered that every moment in our lives is precious. Three hours passed like nothing.?

We were back, in the dojo. We were tired, but it is this beautiful heavy tiredness after doing something remarkable. All of a sudden, the sky outside went completely dark, and to our surprise, in a few minutes, the white hail covered the Athletic stadium where the dojo is. ?It happens like this all the time,“ noted Diana pragmatically. "It is a gift of nature - to show us an element that you haven’t seen yet today." But nature was again so gentle with us. She showed us this magic only once we save under the roof of our shelter.

Galactis sisters

All our wishes came through. People were recharged, and delighted, the ?Buddha“ smile on their faces said everything better than a thousand words. We drew pictures of ourselves on a piece of paper and we filled our bodies with the main impressions of the day.?All that we saw and experience is written in our body, in our DNA. We took no photos on our iPhones, but we took many photos inside of us. The photos that nobody can take us, delete them from some Cloud, copy or steal.

The course was complete. People were slowly leaving the dojo, and finally, we three sat together. Uuuuffff. Done. Complete. We talked about the day. But there was nothing much to add. Profound fulfillment sank our bodies, minds, and spirit with true human connection and profound peacefulness.

Finally, we decided to go to eat something and celebrate. We were so hungry. But you know how it is. You realize it only when the course is finished. Bistro Santinka around the corner offered us a great meal, gentle service, and a warm safe space.?We talked together for four hours.?We shared our missions. To help people in this period of time to survive it, to go through it, to get healed. Nature is the greatest healer.?

I had an impression that we were like some Galactic sisters. We all live in different places and have different backgrounds and knowledge. But our hearts sing the same song. The song of Nature, curiosity, courage, and total devotion. We are on our missions. What a magical day, magical moment! Entangled Hearts. ?

Channel of the Universe

When finally, at 8 p.m. we were going home, Soňa suddenly uttered: ?When I think about something, a new project, and I do not know if to do it or not, I use one good technique: I wait for the sign of the Universe. If the sign comes three times, I have to do it. It is not even anymore if I want to do it. No. It is the Universe who wants me to do it. I become a messenger, a tool or a channel, through which Universe carries out its will." Interesting, I thought. ?

On Sunday morning, after a good night's sleep, I woke up with this image in my mind. Only now I understood! why I could not give up our Nature and Well - Being on Friday evening. I have received the message about it also three times. It was no more ?my thing, my project“, it had to be done. Bridging people, bringing us back to Earth, and back to ourselves, to our knowledge, profound happiness, and hope that Nature offers us.

So what are you waiting for? Any wisdom from the course? Aááááá, the four "U - U - U - Us?"

Well, here they are. Next time, when you go to nature, pick up your favorite place, and:

  • Unplug. Leave your phone at home, dress well, and go to a place in nature you like. Observe, how it feels to be without that piece of electronics in your pocket. Addicted? Hmmm. Time to do something with it.?
  • Unlearn. Forget everything you know about this place so far, and just watch it with fresh eyes, feel it, taste it, lay on it, sit on it, hug the trees, feel the stones under your feet, have a bath in a river, and observe. Listen.?Be fully present.
  • Undo. Slow down your walk to zero. Stop doing, stop trying. You will feel how strong programming to constantly do something we have. Let it go.?Remember, that we are not human doings, but human beings.
  • Unwind. Nothing that happens now comes by chance. Ask the burning questions you have on your mind, and listen to the messages that come back to you. Let them come, let them flow, and fly, let the magic happen. Trust the partner beneath your feet, and miracles will come to you.?


In Prague, 11 / 4 / 2022

Diana Tedoldi

MSc, PCC-ICF Coach and mentor, Founder of The Nature Coaching Academy, TEDx Speaker, Executive & Team Coach, Climate Reality Leader. Weaving humans into ecosystemic awareness for regenerative leadership & climate justice

2 年

Dear Halka, OMG, what a rich, beautiful, wholehearted article! I am filled with gratefulness! You and Soňa Staňková organised such a beautiful experience, and I loved all the sharing we did, between us, with your people, and with nature. I also feel that in October 2019, we planted a seed with our friendship, and the workshop we just did in Prague is one of the fruits. I love sharing my experience with nature, and every occasion to spread some good nature love is always precious. Usually, the contemplative, silent, slow practices that I propose are not easy to pick up for everybody. Instead, I found a group of curious, open and welcoming persons, and I felt we co-created a territory of exploration and awe. I hope to further develop our synergy in the future in the way that life will show us. I send you big hugs from Italy, to you & Soňa. Diana

Pavla ?ákovská, PCC

Executive & Transformative ICF Coach??Mentor??Soft-Skills Trainer??Spiritual Intelligence Ambassador

2 年

I am so grateful Halka Halka Balá?ková that you have met Diana Diana Tedoldi - Your Sister Soul, and so, connected with Soňa Staňková we can be a part of this miraculous workshop on Saturday. True connections with the first fresh green leaves and blossoms of the trees, different energies of places. The wisdom of water, sharing with each of us the needed recovering & refreshing true. Although the weather was enjoying April's mood changes, I felt our bodies so happy connected as well as in deep bound to Mother Earth's whispering. ?Such ease and relief. ?. I will propose to take THIS medicine in large amounts to everybody. For the good of all. Thank you Galactic sisters ??


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