Gait Analysis and laboratory at SPDC, CSIR-CLRI

Gait Analysis and laboratory at SPDC, CSIR-CLRI

Gait and Motion Analysis:

Gait ad motion analysis is a computerized technique to study how well human stand and walk (human movement pattern). Gait lab provides you the quantified data of how you walk and stand. ?The manner in which we move can reveal information about the neuromuscular pathology, if any. Joint motion and foot to floor/shoe contact pressure changes that occurs as we walk. It also provides information about the muscle activity and ground reaction forces produced during walking.

Gait analysis can be used to study the gait of children affected by cerebral palsy. Patients with diabetic neuropathy.?Persons with the neuromuscular skeletal problems and amputees to prevent and treat the underlying pathology using physical therapy, corrective footwear, orthosis and prosthesis.


Gait analysis will be mainly used by:

·???????People with lower limb/ foot problems

·???????People with ailments like diabetes mellitus that affects the foot

·???????Sport persons for biomechanics study


CSIR-CLRI SPDC Gait Lab – Equipment list and their applications:

1) Motion Cameras:

Infrared camera (SMART DX 6000, BTS, Italy make) – 8 Nos. Starting from the three-dimensional coordinates of the markers acquired, the system will calculate the internal centers of rotation within each joints (shoulder, pelvis, hip, and ankle, etc.), outputs the changes in angle projected onto ?the three main planes of the body (frontal, sagittal, and transversal).

Application – For Kinematic studies of human locomotion and posture. By studying the 3D gait and motion analysis of particular subject the gait deviation can be diagnosed and the subsequent corrective/treatment procedures in terms of rehabilitation aids (orthotics/ Prosthetics), physiotherapy or surgical intervention may be recommended and the effectiveness of treatment can also be evaluated by follow-up studies.

For example, Analysis of gait of patients with diabetes, obese people, aged people, children with cerebral palsy, amputees, people with flat foot/high arched foot, etc.

2) Force platform

4 Multi-axial force platform (2 Nos. Kisstler piezoelectric force plates & 2 Nos. AMTI strain gauge force plate) to record the 3 components of ground reaction force, centre of pressure (COP) co-ordinates and the torsion moment. Integrated with kinematics, calculates moment and powers within the joints.

Application – For kinetic studies of human locomotion and posture. The impact of ground reaction force on muscles, bones and joints during various activities can be studied and the effect of shoe design and materials may be evaluated to improve the same.

For example, Analysis of foot kinetics of children, athletes, sportsmen, etc.


3) Video Acquisition system:

2 Nos. video camera (BTS, Italy) – for video recording and real time display of the subject’s movement taken from different viewpoints

Application – As additional supportive system for 3D motion analysis


4) Wireless Electromyographic (EMG) system:

BTS wireless FreeEMG300 – 16 channel wireless EMG system synchronized with the kinematics and kinetics for assessment of muscle activation and the exact moment at which this occurs during the gait cycle.

Application – For identification of the muscle responsible for movement impairment and subsequent treatment procedures in terms of rehabilitation aids (orthotics/prosthetics), physiotherapy or surgical intervention and the effectiveness of treatment can also be evaluated by follow-up studies.

For example, impact of shoe design/ materials on muscle fatigue, impact of routine secular work or posture on muscles


5) Plantar pressure distribution measurement device:

BTS-P walk 2m length – A walkway system to measure temporal and spatial parameters of gait with multi-chrome plantar pressure distribution map on motion

Application – To study distribution of planter pressure at foot-ground interface and to identify the site of peak plantar pressure to protect it from further complications by providing corrective/ therapeutic footwear/ orthotics.

For examples, study of effect of insole/ foot-bed/arch support on uniform plantar pressure distribution improve foot comfort


6) In-Shoe Plantar Pressure Measurement Device:

F-Scan VersaTek-Tekscan, USA – A wireless system to measure dynamic in shoe plantar pressure for both feed at foot-footwear interface.

Application – To study distribution of plantar pressure at foot-shoe interface and to identify the site of peak plantar pressure to protect it from further complications by providing corrective/therapeutic footwear/orthotics.

For examples, study of effect of insole/ foot-bed/arch support on uniform plantar pressure distribution improve foot comfort


7) Application software

BTS advance software for multifactorial motion analysis, for the assessment of movements of the body simulations, objective, full analysis of neuromuscular and biomechanical parameters of patient movement.

Application – For data analysis and interpretation of results


8) Workstation

Multiprocessor based computer capable pf receiving, integrating, synchronizing and reprocessing all signals from the devices connected.

Application – For data analysis and interpretation of results


9) Instrumented Treadmill

Treadmill (Zebris FDM-T, Germany make) integrated with pressure mates for treadmill gait analysis

Application – To study force/pressure distribution in foot during continuous dynamic activities and rehabilitation by gait training


10) Energy Expenditure Analyser

Ergostil-computerized protable gas-analysis systems to measure energy expenditure, VO2 during activity

Application – To correlate the respiratory health with gait


11) Body composition analyser

IoI 353 (Korean make) is used to measure the height, weight, fat percentage of the person undergoing gait analysis or any normal person

Application – To correlate body composition with gait


Importance of Gait Report:

·???????To study the biomechanics of your foot

·???????To study the weight bearing ability of your foot

·???????To study the muscle activity

·???????To design the customized footwear

·???????To treat the disability by improving your walking


Gait lab visiting hours: Wednesdays 10 am to 4:30 pm (prior appointment is mandatory)


Contact SPOC details:

Dr. G. Sarawathy, Senior Scientist and Lab head

Phone – 044-24437290,

Email – [email protected] (or) [email protected]


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