Gain Confidence By Challenging Your Comfort Zone

Gain Confidence By Challenging Your Comfort Zone

Most people remain in the same routine for so long that it has become ingrained in their very being. The worst part is, these people won't get to experience the amazing things that happen when you get outside your comfort zone!

Those that do challenge these imaginary walls get to see the world in a whole different way. As an added bonus, they build more confidence!

What even is a Comfort Zone?

Simply put, a comfort zone is a safe space where we don’t risk, but neither do we grow.

When you read it this way, doesn't it seem a bit crazy not to push ourselves? So why don't we? Because it's easy! As humans, we naturally travel the path of least resistance.

Why should you embrace the resistance?

In order to make progress in life, we need to do something different. Aka: not familiar, comfortable, and easy. If you keep doing what you're doing now, you'll just get more of what you already have. If you want to grow, you need to be willing to change!

It can be scary, but there are so many benefits that it's worth taking the risks. Such benefits include:

  • Build new relationships
  • Increase your confidence
  • Grow as a person
  • Grow professionally or scale your business
  • Discover new opportunities

Okay well, how do you actually do it?

So, you're ready to step up and challenge your comfort zone. What now? There are tons of ways you can begin, and you can start right now!

You may already have an idea of where you want to go or what you want to do. But first it's important that you don't stress about it. Something I always remind myself, and you might notice is true for you as well, is that nothing is as bad as you think it will be once you jump in. Seriously! The fear of the thing is often much greater than the thing itself.

But if you want to start small and work your way up, here are some example of things you can do to gain momentum:

  • Listen to music in a genre you have never listened to before.
  • Try a new form of exercise.
  • Make a list of things that make you nervous and try to do one each month.
  • Talk to people that you wouldn't normally converse with.
  • Take a class or course in a topic you're unfamiliar with.
  • Work with a personal development coach and find out more about yourself.
  • Step up to the plate at work.
  • Volunteer for a cause that's important to you.
  • Explore an area of town you've never been.
  • Start a new hobby.

Anything Is Possible…

Anything and everything are possible if you are willing to try it. There are no barriers and no excuses. 

Moving out of your comfort zone can be a life-changing experience. So keep going and enjoy the new "you" you are creating!


