GAF Certified Contractor
Roofer Near Me in Houston!
Now that we're halfway through the 2020 roofing season, it's been very interesting to see how the coronvirus is impacting our industry. As roofers, we have seen the home improvement industry soar with the eagles as "social distancing" and "stay at home" orders have created a greater awareness for personal spaces and property. Building materials have been scarce and expensive as our exterior restoration contractors have been booked solid. The important decisions our community are currently making is regarding the choosing of legit contractors for their projects. We at Kingdom would like to point out a few areas that separate ourselves from the competition. Let's explore why Kingdom Roof and Fence is the correct choice for your greatest investment.
First, we at Kingdom Roof and Fence have been recognized by the leading and largest shingle manufacture in the world, GAF and we're officially a GAF Certified Roofing Contractor. Indirectly, when you do business with Kingdom, you're keeping a local Texan working in one of the three Texan based manufacturing facilities. This is always a good thing when we can take care of our own. Secondly, GAF is not the only company who has stood behind Kingdom Roof and Fence, we also are A rated and Accredited with the Better Business Bureau. This means we are vetted, highly rated and fully insured for our trade as a roofing contractor. When you're looking for a trustworthy roofer for your next roof repair or roof replacement project, make sure you give Kingdom the call.
In the roofing industry, we are among the most largely scrutinized and highly competitive SEO marketing fields for top Google ratings. Thanks to Kingdom Business, we're well on our way to having front page placement without engaging in paid advertisements. Lastly, we would like to mention the second roofing location addition that we acquired in February. Kingdom now has offices in both Richmond and in Katy Texas so we can remain local in our service areas. If you're looking to schedule your free roof inspection or free commercial roofing consultation, give Kingdom Roof and Fence a call at 346-291-4492. We are also excepting appointment requests online in our website estimate form. Thanks for reading our blog as we are eager to hear from you an meet you in person. -Ron