G20 +1 – 2

G20 +1 – 2


G20 + 1 - 2

Will the parts of the G20 be greater than their sum? PAWAN LUTHRA looks back at the international meet held in New Delhi


If you’re ok with ‘Bharat’, you should be ok with The Voice

If “Bharat” is identity-stamping, “Naarm” and “Meanjin” are the same, writes RAJNI ANAND LUTHRA


More and more South Asians are coming out in support of The Voice

Here’s another community-led in-language initiative, South Asians For Voice, standing up to say Yes. Convenor Indu Balachandran observes: “As South Asian migrants, we understand and support the value of recognition and respect to address the impact of colonisation. Many of our ancestors come from nations with similar histories. We recognise we enjoy the benefits of living on Indigenous land and want to contribute to First Nations’ causes. This also helps us belong.”


When an Australian PhD scholar looks at the phenomenon that is SRK

Khan’s cinematic influence on Indian cinema is a story that transcends borders and generations, writes YANYAN HONG of the University of Adelaide

New edition out now

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Shri Gopal Baglay (IFS: 1992), presently High Commissioner of India to Sri Lanka, has been appointed as the next High Commissioner of India to Australia.

Ministry of External Affairs, India


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