The 'G' In G.R.O.W. - Gain Clarity

The 'G' In G.R.O.W. - Gain Clarity

“Consistently evaluating your mental well-being is paramount. Begin by asking: Does my current mental state resonate with my vision of optimal living? If there's disparity, take steps to bridge the gap.” – Lisa L. Baker

The G in G.R.O.W.: Gain Clarity?

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, reminding us how important it is to pause now and then to reflect on our life, where we are, and, most importantly, how we feel about it.?

If you’re anything like me, you’re busy and trying to do it all.?

Consequently, our days are full as we move from one task to the next without missing a step. It’s a heavy burden when your natural gear is DRIVE. And you like driving fast. But when we’re speeding along, sometimes we lose sight of the roadmap to fulfillment.?

YOU are in the driver’s seat, and only you decide what road you follow. What matters to me is whether or not you feel like you are thriving. Specifically, is your well-being intact – are you clear on your purpose, and do you feel good about your impact on the world??

Shall we check in on ourselves for a few moments right now? Ask yourself a few questions to help you go underneath the surface and gain clarity about some of your innermost thoughts.

Ask Yourself This

1. Is what I'm doing making a tangible impact in my career, business, or personal life??

2. Am I fostering efficiency and productivity, or am I swamped and barely hanging on?

3. What would it look like to reprioritize and eliminate unnecessary tasks??

4. Am I doing what I want to because it aligns with my values and aspirations, or am I pursuing endeavors because I feel obligated to do them??

5. Am I feeling drained, tired, or burned out - either mentally or physically? If so, what steps can I take to put self-care front and center while striving for more balance and better health??

6. Who and what are the people, activities, and experiences that bring me joy and fill my cup??

7. Am I devoting enough time to them, or do endless responsibilities get in the way? (And if so, what is it costing me regarding my health and happiness?)?

8. And, finally, What does winning mean to me? What does that look like, and how does that vision of success inform my decisions and actions??

Once you complete this exercise, I would love to hear what you will commit to doing, given the insights you gained.

My Responses?

I went through a similar exercise recently, asking myself the same probing questions I am now asking you. Want to know what I discovered?

I had too darn much on my plate. I was working too many hours and prioritizing things that were not necessarily priorities.?

Indeed, I didn't have any bandwidth for the things I love most – not enough time to foster my relationship with my husband, to be with my family, to hang out with friends, or to stretch my legs and take a walk!?

Moreover, one thing I know for sure is that, for me, winning doesn’t look like a Gigi who doesn’t see her grandbabies enough! It gave me pause. So, I slowed down enough to look at my to-do list.?

It was time to make changes as a result of my new clarity. I decided to begin by taking three steps.

First, the simplest way to free up time was to reduce the number of social media posts I create and share. (If you see less of me on LinkedIn and Instagram this month, that’s why!) By reducing my workload and trusting in letting go, I am paving the way for better balance in my life. Faith tells me to take the steps in front of me now. And to worry a little less about the future unknowns because I know everything works together for my good.

Second, I lessened my client load. That gives me time for purposeful pauses throughout the day. I can now use the newfound white space on my calendar to meditate, think, plan, or relax.

Lastly, I am committed to doing the right thing – that is right in front of me and giving myself a little grace on the rest. In doing so, I hope to center myself around what I cherish most deeply – the people I love and the things I love doing.?

Your Turn?

I encourage you to focus on yourself this month and ensure that mental wellness and fulfillment drive your choices. Here are a few things to consider:?

??Evaluate and Eliminate Tasks: Embrace the power of saying no and release the things that no longer serve you.?

??Prioritize Self-Care: Make time for the things that make your body feel healthy and your mind calm.?

??Seek Support: Rely on your network of trusted friends and advisors for advice and assistance. If you don’t have the support you need, find a coach or a mentor and build from there.?

I want you to have a life that is rewarding, bountiful, and filled with purpose. I decided to Take the Moment to honor my mental health, and I hope you will join me. Holistic wellness means our whole self is well – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The road to get there can start today.?


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