FYI: Links to videos from my recent assignment as Guest Host of CNBC China Special
Last week I had the opportunity to Guest Host a CNBC Special on China and the global market crisis. I got to work with anchors Wilfred and Sara for the first time and do spots with my longtime friends Steve Liesman, Bob Pisani, Brian Sullivan, and Michele Caruso-Cabrera. I have copied links to 6 hits below FYI, 5 from the show and one from a Squawk Box hit 2 days earlier. Apologies for ganging them up on you like this but I wanted to get them our today. I will post each hit separately along with the briefing notes I send the producers when I get the time a little later today. You can see each link by clicking on the link imbedded in the segment's title, below.
As you will see, I had 2 themes in mind when I made the spots. 1) This is not a story about China growth slowing and whether or not they will have a hard landing. It is a story about capital flight with both internal and external causes. It is a very important story for the global capital markets. 2) This is not a story about the Chinese government pushing the RMB down to stimulate exports. It is a story about the consequences of China's reluctant opening of its capital markets and how private market investors are driving the RMB lower while the Chinese government tries, unsuccessfully, to stop it from falling. Both of these story lines are at odds with the headlines today.
The only caveat I will give you concerns the word "Expert." I always ask producers and anchors to not refer to me as a China expert. China is a big-ass, complicated place with lots of people working very hard and is changing very fast. Anyone who says they are an expert isn't, including me. Hope you enjoy the spots.
1. China is a capital outflow story: Expert
Monday, 18 January 2016 4:08 AM ET
John Rutledge, Safanad chief investment strategist, shares perspective on turmoil in Chinese markets after a volatile session on Monday and authorities move to stabilize the yuan.
2. PE ratios sending off the wrong signals: Pro
Monday, 18 January 2016 4:18 AM ET
I think the markets are overvalued here, says Jack Ablin, BMO Private Bank, sharing his thoughts on the selloff in markets amid falling oil prices. And John Rutledge, Safanad chief investment strategist, weighs in.
3. Iran to re-enter oil market
Monday, 18 January 2016 4:28 AM ET
The markets are bracing for more Iranian exports after the U.S. and Europe lifted sanctions against the country. CNBC's Brian Sullivan reports. And John Rutledge, Safanad chief investment strategist, weighs in.
4. The problem with Chinese data...
Monday, 18 January 2016 4:43 AM ET
John Rutledge, Safanad chief investment strategist, shares his thoughts on China's GDP and real economic growth. And Mike Santoli, CNBC senior market commentator, weighs in on how a pullback in China has hit small cap U.S. stocks. Actually, on a day-to-day basis, it's about oil, says Santoli.
5. How does global financial contagion spread?
Monday, 18 January 2016 4:52 AM ET
CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera explains contagion and how it expands globally. And John Rutledge, Safanad chief investment strategist, compares contagion to the physics of an avalanche.
6. Capital flight big story in China: John Rutledge
Thursday, 14 January 2016 4:32 AM ET
John Rutledge, Safanad, and Andy Xie, independent economist, provide perspective on the slowdown in China.