FYI: Competition is good, right?
4 Your Information
July 28, 2023
National: Open the Pod bay doors, please, HAL
National policymakers are grappling with artificial intelligence, commonly known as AI. Tools like ChatGPT and others are growing even though the technology has been around for a long time. While the experts are most familiar with this technology, we’re just now learning what it can do and what it cannot.
At a time of fake news and deep fakes, we must have guardrails on this technology to ensure that it is used for good.?
State: ?Everybody Wants to Rule the World
A recent analysis from the Baltimore Sun identified the top issues lobbyists tried to influence almost 2,300 pieces of legislation introduced by General Assembly members this year.
From high-profile, generational shifts like cannabis legalization to policy changes around more mundane issues, they sometimes pocket tens of thousands of dollars for just a few months of work, according to the disclosures lobbyists filed as required by state law.
Local: Vote Early, (Don’t) Vote Often
The City of Annapolis is seeking input on its election process from the public. The Task Force to Study the City Municipal Elections Laws, appointed in February by Mayor Gavin Buckley,? is seeking feedback on aspects of the election system such as voters’ preferred voting method, how city primaries are conducted, and when elections should take place, among other subjects.
By the Numbers: I Have the Power!
A recent survey from Gonzales Research & Media Service revealed that 78% of Maryland consumers want authentic retail competition and the freedom to select their own energy providers.