Futurist: What would you like to see?
I will talk about the concepts of HDMI, human-designed machine intelligence, or what the media frequently calls artificial intelligence. I will argue, and have argued many times, that we are not in the age of artificial intelligence. The reason for that is quite simple. Humans design systems to use. The systems come from the capacity of the person. The limits are the imagination of the person creating the system. They are structured, built, and designed by humans, so they are human intelligence. We could argue that they are a variation of human intelligence that is artificial, but I prefer the term HDMI. That said, one of the things that I find interesting is the art of the possible. And so, based on many requests I’ve gotten from longtime readers. I will talk about the technologies that HDMI can enable that I think will be game changers in how I use HDMI!
The first big change that I would like to see is an artificial system designed with an HDMI agent capability that allows you to integrate pictures on your local hard drive with video. I have a number of pictures that are one, two, three, or four in a series. I would like to have the HDMI tool build a video of that in the future. In other words, provide the animation and video between the pictures. The intent would be to create a video from a still picture (which you can do today), but this would be wholly offline. I need it to be a local tool, as I don’t want my pictures shared with LLMs or, for that matter, anyone else. The goal would be to create a video offline. The AI system must integrate with the existing genitive AI systems to build the video. That’s the first thing I would like to see.
The next tool, which is against something I would like to see, is a tool designed around the concept of taking ideas that I have on a series of notepads; normally, I use a product called X pen, which digitizes my handwriting. I want to take that to the next level And string together all my notes. Sometimes, the notes I take are valuable in the sense that I’m able to find the nuggets in the notes. This system would be capable of reviewing all my notes and coming back to me and saying here are the four or five things you brought up in other meetings that I am aware of that you probably should consider in more depth.
The last tool to discuss today focuses on cleaning up all my pictures. I have 180,000 pictures, including scans of all the pictures my father and grandfather took. I want the tool to go into those and identify the people in each picture, capture duplicates, and, most importantly, create a searchable index for me. In other words, the tool would look at all my pictures, identify the people in the pictures, and then create an index of all the pictures with my kids, dogs, landscapes, etc. In other words, create a searchable index of all my pictures. I don’t like to do the same thing for my videos and audio files. I’ve been doing a podcast for more than eight years and in doing a podcast. So I have had several podcasts and other things with a lot of audio and video that I’d like also to be able to add to that index so that when I’m looking for something, I can get the video, the podcast, and any text I’ve written out the topic.
I realized that some of these tools may exist. If they do, please comment and let me know. I also realized that someone may be thinking about the same thing when building it, and if you need a beta tester, let me know. I’m very interested in how the world is going to evolve based on the human design machine intelligence we currently leverage. Anyway, to all the friends who asked me what I am still looking for in terms of an HDMI tool, now you have it.