futures literacies’ troubles…
Riel Miller
Senior Fellow at: J. Herbert Smith Centre, U. New Brunswick; Nordic Institute Studies Innovation, Research & Education; U Stavanger; U Witwatersrand; Future Africa, U Pretoria; East China Normal University
There are moments I’m tempted to switch terminology. Instead of terms like ‘futures literacy’ and ‘anticipatory systems and processes’, maybe it would be better to use a phrase like ‘languages of the imagination’ to refer to the sets of diverse, distinctive, and biologically primordial elements that make up the capability to imagine the not-past, not-present as one of the basic means to exist in a universe characterised by creative, changing space-time? What do you think?
I consider this issue: evolving, negotiating, and practicing a shared vocabulary as a permanent work-in-progress. An effort made up of dialectical dances within and between theories (abstractions) and practices (experiments). At the moment, my starting point for a discussion of these ‘troubles’ is the fetters of the past bedevil all words, concepts, hypotheses. I subscribe to the notion that there is no idea that does not carry baggage, even if it is of very recent invention. I worry about all three main reference points that I clearly lean on, the words: ‘future’, ‘literacy(s)’, ‘anticipation’.
Although I do find it somewhat reassuring that the ‘troubles’ posed by deploying these terms into the swirling entanglements of the emergent present are buffeted, carved, and assembled by usage and meaning are circumscribed by contextual specificity. Yippee, we can play, test, experiment, discover, and invent together in the here and now. So, let’s dive into the specific times-places I find myself in these days. Then and there it is not uncommon, it is typically part of the domineering and dominant power constellations, to cudgel most people with the blunt and painful - anxiety and fear inducing edges - of all three terms: futures as monsters, literacies as exclusion, anticipation as the anxiety of winning…
… and here, the trouble is that for all three not-knowing substantiates as thick encompassing inescapable despair…
… and there is no alternative. We cannot refuse imagining futures, practicing capabilities, and living the processes that weave and are woven by time…
Land where and when you want in today’s world, I’m willing to predict (an imagined future) that you will encounter: A) conjuring fear of the future as a favourite weapon of the contented, those rewarded when the past is reproduced, worlds where they are comfortably ensconced in positions of privilege. B) literacy, as a capability, and the plural literacies, multiple branches of either knowledge as a tree or the epistemic as a forest, also weaponised – hurled as a rationale for mono-culture’s suppression of other, reifying expertise into technocracy and learning into being ‘schooled’. Glories of millennia old imperial monumentalism currently incarnated by the pretentious violence of industrialism – and schooling as a cog in the machine. And C) last, less ubiquitous but no less tethered by the tempers of date and place, anticipation invokes the optimal and preparatory, as the imperatives of making only winning bets. Swallowed whole by the folly and desperation of reducing the not-past, not-present to a knowable prize and all the devastating disappointments that promising impossible knowability delivers.
Troubles these are, but not problems to be fixed. Call it a taste for trouble, irresolution and speculative improvisation, play as knowledge’s invitation to get lost. ‘Post-activism’ without the ‘post’. Surfing the entanglements of constantly emergent repetition and difference that attempts to put perception first and imagined not-pasts, not-presents as unavoidable catalysts, sparks that may light-up the fleeting border laid down by the yet to be and is.
I’ll stop here, not sure if it is a whimper or a bang, but as Looney Tunes puts it – “that’s all folks” (for now ??).
PS – shout-out thank yous to colleagues I've been able to alchemize with over the last few days: Centre for Socio-digital Futures (Centre for Sociodigital Futures) at University of Bristol and the merry band of jesters gathered to celebrate Ted Fuller retiring as Editor-and-Chief of Futures by exploring the 'future of futures' - including the new tandem at the helm, of Keri Facer and Christopher Groves. (Of course, please do not lay any blame at their doorstep for my preposterousness).
Director, Evaluations; Lead for Gender Equality and Human Rights Sector, NIRAS International Consulting
2 年Language of the imagination is a very appealing phrase.??
Futurist | Project Researcher at Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC)
2 年These terms arrive in a diaspora, the strange shifting sands of our fields, prone to interpretation and attempting to utter something essentially fundamental (hopefully obvious and relevant). I have noticed diverse fields having 'futures literacy' on their lips and finding it useful, attaching meaning, contributing to something real. I have however also seen it appropriated, subverted, taken at face value, mistaken for something it is not, cashed in, placed between us and them. Anticipation too. We should notice who has it on their lips (do I find them and their context credible?) and reflect on how they utter it, to see it develop. This might just be a jagged pill that is hard to swallow, but it is the medicine we must take.
Co-Chair of UNESCO Chair on Learning for Transformation and Planetary Futures at U. of Turku. Researching futures literacy for innovators addressing climate change. (Profile photo by Erich Goldmann)
2 年I would say this essay is not perpostorousness. The three troubles you lay out are the three exact red flags that appear any time we engage any group in what we have been calling 'futures literacy' activities. It is quite easy to turn literacy into 'literate' and 'illiterate' - terminology that past Europeans used as justification to take, kill, and enslave other humans. It is quite easy to turn 'anticipation' into 'seeing it coming' and 'being more ready' which mobilizes the already dominant purposes for 'using futures' and valorizes notions of 'anticipating better' (a bizzare kind of deficiency thinking). These troubles you have described merit being further 'leaned into', as the folds they could produce as you 'stay with' them can melt the colonisers' icy frames which the futures field has inherited from the past.
PhD Stud in UrbanScience: Territory’s/Risk/P.Policy’s at CES-III-U.Coimbra;IGOT-ULisbon; DAO-UAveiro/ Author at RGrittoStudio&Archive-Porto/Portugal
2 年The Natural program of being human, gives us the possibility to became and transform for the future of our one individual existence, “Mutant “if everything goes “Normal”. ;) So, to end, with this syntactic and simplistic personal approach. Future’s Literacy has to have a capacity of measuring the important “key factors” that leads us to a new language, not a new linguistic convection, like Greek, Latin or Mandarin, but to the “essencial points of Literacy” that globally are need so we can be able to anticipate a real capacity to read the Futures in a creative form and not in “corrective”or “correlative” form of anticipating. Because its 2 different things. Anticipating with creativity, comes from the action of foresight. Correlative creativity, comes from the individual construction in action, trying to anticipate creativity. Thank you Riel for existing and keeping us punching all this know-wow from the world now and for the future’s.
PhD Stud in UrbanScience: Territory’s/Risk/P.Policy’s at CES-III-U.Coimbra;IGOT-ULisbon; DAO-UAveiro/ Author at RGrittoStudio&Archive-Porto/Portugal
2 年I think in a simplistic way, that “ Future’s Literacy “ needs to dismount the “What cod’s” from the pass and develop the “New cod’s” for giving perspective or “ Foresight “ points to the Future. I can start with the simple exemple of “ Water “ does any general global children ( 7 years old ) knows what is water and how many stages she can have including “ Pasma” ? What it does in our body, how it arrived to our planet ? Or, other exemple when you look at “Runas” lot′s of times you see “symbolic Design “ symbols. What symbols of the present Future are we studying ?? And, Homo Sapiens Sapiens its an integrative being self conscious of his mutations and his time line achievements … Are we “Future Integrated Beings” apable of self maintaining individually ? We have cases of “Future Integrated minds and body’s “ in the pass the so called “Shamans”references of the theory of “ Foresights Methodology” . What does this wise creature has that we still don’t have in the general public and why ? Because we all have the 5 elements of structuring our human body ( Electric / irrigation /structural / organic combination / elastic capacity ) and above all, the “Programatic”