Futureproofing Vault - THE INNOVATION EDITION
Sean Moffitt
Global Innovation+ Whisperer, CEO - Cygnus Launchpad Ventures, Managing Director - Futureproofing, Founder - Grey Swan Guild, Board Member, Catalyst, Author, Podcaster
"Complacency is the death of Innovation" - Michelle Sandlin
I was going to theme this Futureproofing newsletter the "Outrage Edition" as I was in a particularly indignant mood this week. Outrage at the gun deaths in the U.S. (I was on a panel last week debating it). Outrage at the hopelessness and sadness of teens (I was launching a Cygnus Venture focused on this). Outrage at the shallow depth and breadth of knowledge on the state of innovation and change (my ongoing mission and exhibited in pieces below). Outrage at the arrogance of the management consultant and advisory industry (the results of one of my polls and theme of an opinion piece I wrote). That's a lot of outrage.
I suppose I caught myself in mid-outrage - being mad or alienated about how the world works around you is usually one of the first key steps to any kind of progress. I am more alive with spotting the world's incongruities. I am more emboldened by pinpointing multiple industry's slowness and ineffectiveness. I am more roused by the unfairness, laziness and superficialness of systems that have stopped serving their audiences.
I'll leave outrage for another edition. This one is all about Innovation, with a sprinkling of outrage. Check out my feature article below on the "Times Change So Should Your Thinking - 35 Schools of Innovation Explored" with an assist by Amelia Schaffner for reminding me of the value of what I had authored. Plus 12 other innovation-y things below.
"If you're trying to disrupt the status quo and beat bigger competitors, you are not going to do it by playing their game." - Dharmesh Shah
Let's find a better way to do things... after all isn't that what innovation is all about.
A. Feature Innovation Article — Times Change, So Should Your Thinking - 35 Schools of Innovation Explored
Welcome to Innovation class. Too few thought leaders examine what greatness came before them before pontificating about what's next. We identify the key 35 most important schools of innovation that have added something to the tapestry of innovation’s delayed perfection. Each of them have added something important to the change soup, sometimes not immediately obvious until years after their invention. Here is a breakdown of each key innovation school, their respective process steps and one or two things we like about each of the 35 innovation schools that came before us, in order of chronology they were invented or popularized.
Link: https://medium.com/@Futureproofing/times-change-so-should-your-thinking-8ab637343216
B. Featured Exploration — Guns, Guns, Guns Are the Enemy
I was most recently on a panel discussing the complexity of gun violence for the Grey Swan Guild. I've had a few hundred readers express their support already, thank you. As much as there is a temptation to believe the topic has many undefined aspects, underknown subtleties and undiscovered causal factors, it really doesn’t. The evidence and data is pretty damning — sure people kill people, but guns kill a whole lot more people. Explore the topic with me through evidence, not just opinion.
Link: https://medium.com/@seanmoffitt/guns-guns-guns-are-the-enemy-aaaa4ce4999d
C. Featured Innovation Deep Dive — "Design Thinking"
The fundamentals of Design Thinking 25+ years later. This was the theme of our craft building series two weeks ago. We went through its origins, visualizations, debates, burning questions, benefits, critiques and leading resources.
Link: https://greyswanguild.medium.com/design-thinking-explored-f037f8d97c40
D. Featured "Moffitt Meter" Innovation Poll Results — What is Tougher To Validate?
In association with our Design Thinking Explored session, we asked some enlightened people what was tougher to validate. The three big eye openers:
- Viability is still the biggest shot in the dark when it comes to pre-validating innovation
- The need to validate things that aren't part of our conventional innovation testing is becoming a bigger need e.g. ethics, purpose, culture, ESG
- Feasibility - whether its our ability to control it, technologies' enhanced ability to build or an ecosystem's capacity to find a solution, feasibility may be an easier thing to do now than in the past
E. Featured Futureproofing Stack Element — "The Gallery" Innovation #2 - "The Future Beyond Innovation" Keynote/Briefing
We have a full range of 55 change-related keynotes, briefings & workshops ready to inspire. Sure there are plenty of change-related keynote speakers, some of theme pretty good. But are they telling you truths or fanciful notions of what they want the world to be?
Second on our Gallery list, is the theme behind my upcoming book and new innovation+, futureproofing approach SESVISE - Futureproofing - The Future Beyond Innovation. We recognize to be effective at all - the art & science of innovation needs to be better, bolder, bigger and simpler. Invite me in to explore it with you. Consider our Future Beyond Innovation keynote/briefing.
F. Feature Guild Article — The Future of Sports & Fitness
My side passion - how do trends, culture and technology interplay with sports, fitness and leisure. The result? Nine innings of The Great, The Good, The Grey, the Bad and The Ugly of what's ahead of us with sports, games, outdoors, fitness, health, leisure entertainment, sportstech and trends.
Link: https://greyswanguild.medium.com/the-future-of-sports-fitness-b0c86a61107e
G. Featured Canvas/Tool/Landscape — The Seven Deadly Sins of Innovation
If Dante was writing about innovation instead of vices, what would he identify as the big deadly sins? Here's a graphic from our upcoming book Futureproofing. In this version, pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth get replaced by perception, myopia, speed, theatre, dissonance, velocity and future blindness.
H. Feature Innovation & Change Venture —Cygnus Sprints
Cygnus Sprints has launched - a group of us have come together as a free agent group of 50 experienced all-stars to disrupt the management consulting, advisory and change management industry. The promise? On-Demand Solutions for a Sped-Up Complex World. Discover what we've just launched. A bigger focus on this very very soon.
Link: https://www.greyswanguild.org/cygnusprints
I. Feature Innovation Shift — Teenage Mental Health
A passionate group of educators, psychologists, futurists, innovators and strategists have come together to see if we can make dent in teenage mental health and build a Futuregazing program providing them agency over their future. Here's a driving reason why visualized below, let's find a better way to help.
J. Featured Innovation Event — Emotional Intelligence & Quotients
Join myself and other members of the Grey Swan Guild members this Friday June 3rd 1pm ET on Clubhouse as we discuss how emotional intelligence and EQ and how it is playing a bigger role in our change, innovation, leader and purpose-driven lives. Join us here: https://bit.ly/gsg31emotionalintelligence
K. Featured Innovation Stat —Scale-Readiness
We're building our updated bank of 280 stats to equip change agents (7 core steps x 40 pieces of evidence) in supporting their innovation efforts. A fresh compendium from the last two years post-COVID. This one on scale will surely make the list.
L. Featured innovation Quote — The Status Quo "I"s
“Although innovation starts with I, be wary of the status quo Is - incumbency, infrastructure, inventories, intermediaries and institutions." Sean Moffitt
The obstinate power of these Is are standing in the way of what could and should be your organization's biggest I - Innovation. Don't fall into the trap of accepting them, resist.
Until next time ... see you in the future,
Sean Moffitt, Founder & Managing Director, Futureproofing
Futureproofing — The Future Beyond Innovation
Futureproofing operates as a hub for the future beyond innovation. We believe to be truly effective, helpful and to get companies, teams and people unstuck, we have built out 11 facets to our business operation:
- The Gallery — a full range of 55 change-related keynotes, briefings & workshops ready to inspire and take the first steps
- The Hangar — delivery of the work, selective or end-to-end sprints, experiments and CoLabs which get teams through key hurdles
- The Hatchery — optimizing for better & bolder organization value via business model, value proposition and ecosystem pivots & expansions
- The Academy — creating a training & learning experience to improve the skills, acumen and certification of futureproofers everywhere
- The Refinery — through over a decade of understanding and mapping the drivers of change, expert audits of org., team & personal future-readiness
- Futureproofing Labs — fresh content and expert intelligence for a fast approaching future — reports, books and research that navigates what’s ahead
- The Distillery — bridging the distance between unthinkable and possible through corporate ventures, partnerships and incubation
- Futureproofing Forums — open & executive-only conversations with the world’s top change voices through webcasts, events & masterminds
- Futureproofing 66° — our front row of innovation+ & change champions, leading executives, passionate collaborators and practitioner innovators
- The Vault — a comprehensive directory of resources designed to actually help change agents via online resources, tools and enewsletters
- The Futureproofing Awards — global role models for a future-ready change and innovation+ across twenty+ different categories
The organization is led by Sean Moffitt, and is supported by a number of leading change agents from around the world.
Interested? Curious? We are open for business and impact. Get in touch with us here.
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