The future of work is remote: Are you ready for it?
The 4th industrial revolution has brought about exponential changes to the way we work and the skills required for it, due to the adoption of cyber-physical systems, IoT and Machine Learning. This has powered a more optimised business model for individuals, and companies like Uber and Airbnb. This model is called shared economy which involves peer to peer acquiring, providing and sharing of goods and services, facilitated by a community based online platform. It facilitates the gig economy, enabling freelancers and salaried professionals to supplement their income by taking on projects not bound by proximity to their location, and making it easy for them to work from home.
Why more companies and employees are moving towards remote working?
Flexible hours and work locations result in better employee satisfaction resulting in a boost in creativity and productivity, and also better employee retention. Remote working gives employers access to a larger unreachable talent pool. It cuts costs for businesses, saves commute time for employees and also leads to better employee diversity by giving cohorts like working moms and caregivers an equal chance to work.
According to a report by PwC, 64% of millennials would like the opportunity to work from home. Globally India ranks as the 2nd largest freelance workforce after the US with over 15 million people working independently in various sectors like IT, design, content, finance and marketing. By 2027, 50% of workers are expected to go freelance.
Why many students and professionals prefer remote learning for upgrading their skills?
The shared economy model also makes it possible for students to reach out to experts and teachers from around the world to learn and seek guidance from. Because of COVID-19, most traditional educational institutes suddenly find themselves forced to use technology to teach and learn remotely.
The advantage of remote learning is that it allows us to fit our learning around our work and home life. We can usually set our own pace of study. In doing so we are able to move faster over areas of the course where we feel comfortable and slow down where we need a little more time. This results in better learning and retention of concepts.
How remote learning happens in distributed teams at Konfinity
Konfinity's online coding courses offer all advantages of remote learning and allow you to study from your chosen place and at your chosen time, and start a high paying career in technology.
Konfinity has a vetted team of software developers who mentor our students. They are experts, working on wide ranging technologies like UI/UX, front end and backend development in the industry. When you join our course, you are assigned a team led who is a Konfinity mentor.
Every project requires a cohort of skilled individuals complementing each other on the basis of competencies. Since we have data around the real life work experience of our students, collected by input of 150+ data points like strength, weakness, agility, punctuality, we are able to select the people who are best suited to work on the project as per the requirements. This diversity facilitates cross learning. Through the duration of the course you work in a team, brainstorm together and help each other resolve individual queries and give each other feedback.
A project is executed by teams created by the platform and is managed by a dedicated team lead or mentor responsible for the quality of work and timely submission of project. The team lead is actively involved with each team member on one-on-one basis and at every step guides students, clearing their doubts, reviewing code and motivating them. You will be in touch with the mentor via the Konfinity Workspace, Zoom meetings and direct phone calls.
Presently, at Konfinity more than 470 freelance developers are working remotely complementing each other on the basis of skills and executing projects efficiently, and at the same time learning and growing together in a community.
Be a part of India's fastest growing tech community and launch your successful tech career at Do get in touch with me if you would like to know more about how we work, or about our courses at [email protected]