The Future of Work is Looking Bright
The past couple of years has made it clear that our working environment and lifestyle are in desperate need of flexibility.
Theoretically speaking, everyone should be able to do their work more efficiently. But after the 2020 lockdown, working became a difficult chore for many employees.
I’m sure I’m not the only one searching for companies that promise to improve the future of work environments, processes, and literally anything that can make working easier in the future.
Despite existing virtual solutions to streamline the adaptation process, what if another pandemic happens in the future?
You can only have so many Zoom meetings before realizing that your workflow needs to be more efficient. This is something that I’ve seen future work startups directly address.
That’s what I’m diving into today. Let’s look at companies trying to shape the future of work.
How it Works
Regardless of whether you’re planning to start or already own a business that’s fully remote, has a physical office, or maybe a mix of both, Future of Work startups aim to help you.
As difficult as it is to have a clear definition of what a “Future of Work” startup actually means, it’s relatively easy to understand.
These startups make it a point to create tools and services that make our working lives much easier, even sometimes enjoyable. Future of Work has great potential to boost productivity and save some businesses from going under.
After taking an educated look at Future of Work startups, I can confidently say that this industry is going to shift the global market. Whether that’s a shift of trust, in people preferring third-party programs to find work -- instead of employment agencies -- or a shift in the work environment since now employees have the freedom to work wherever they want, not just from home.
The Future of Work Will Be Split Into Four Categories
I’ve noticed that Future of Work startups are split into four business models.
?? Tools that Make Work Life Easier → These include services that facilitate the workflow via effective messaging. One of them is Flock, a real-time messaging software that prioritizes productivity over engagement by speeding up and simplifying communication.
?? Learning and Development Platforms → These include platforms such as BetterUp, which offers on-demand virtual coaching sessions that help reinforce new behaviors and skills in the workforce. This service could be irreplaceable if the world goes through another digital shift.
?? Mental Health Services → This small specialization came to be when people were reaching therapy services during the 2020 lockdown. Oliva is a startup app founded in 2020 that provides on-demand therapy and mental fitness classes for employees.
?? New Hiring Channels → Allowing employers and employees to connect without needing third-party hiring agencies like TripleByte. More on that below.
Future of Work Startups Around the World
?? Remotion, based in California, plans to streamline video meetings to be more like video chats rather than calls. This allows you to check team availability on the spot and quickly jump into a meeting.
Funding: $13M (Series A).
?? Humaans helps business owners worldwide seamlessly onboard and manage their teams, using next-gen workflow automation and enhancing employee experiences on the job.
Funding: $20M (Series A).
?? Triplebyte allows developers to instantly find tech jobs, bypassing staffing agencies. The startup connects employers with employees without any of the complicated searching, messaging, and vetting processes.
Funding: $48.1M (Series B).
Future of Work Startups in MENA and Pakistan
?? Zedny is a Cairo-based, MENA-friendly learning and development platform that goes beyond simply soft skills courses with animated book summaries, and learning paths, all in Arabic.
Funding: $1.2M (Pre-Seed).
?? Kamata Pakistan is a hiring platform with a twist. The startup allows blue-collar workers such as maids, drivers, and guards to find jobs requiring their skill sets, with employers being able to post the job they need in less than 60 seconds.
Funding: $60,000+ Total Funding (2013).
?? UnitX is a Saudi-based workplace security platform that automates workplace security and safety using AI technology.
Funding: $2.1M (Seed).
?? Remoty is a new cloud-based Future of Work SaaS startup that aims to provide innovative HR tools that support remote workers in Pakistan.?
Funding: N/A.
Soon to be an Irreplaceable Industry
The need for future-proof solutions has never been higher in the MENA region. Not only was the shift from oil-based to digital-based work dependency harsh, but it also caused multiple businesses to close.
The "Future of Work" is an exciting and growing field in the Middle East region. With the COVID 2020 pandemic, many companies have sprung up to help improve the modern working lifestyle and environment.
If you’re working in this sector, I would love to hear from you. Reach out to me here for investment opportunities.