Future of Work
The future of work is evolving at dramatic speed. Some existed before but came in lime light recently. On one side we have automation (digitization being the buzz word) and on other side we have a 38-year-old Tokyo resident charges 10,000 yen ($71) an hour to accompany clients and simply exist as a companion.
"Basically, I rent myself out. My job is to be wherever my clients want me to be and to do nothing in particular," Morimoto told Reuters, adding that he had handled some 4,000 sessions in the past four years.
Interior specialist companies regularly hire sleep executives to test out how effective their curtains, blinds and shutters are for an individual’s sleep and some companies give you Job of a line sitter to skip long ques.
Of course now we have jobs such as people being paid to check the comfort factor of hotels i.e.sleep in different rooms to check the comfort factor. As a result, developing a data mindset is about raising awareness of how you can use data and why you should be using it.
As digitization increases we will find jobs of AI ethicist which will be on ethical and legal matters regarding the creation of AI-based products.
The WFH will probably have a work-from-home facilitator who oversees the integration and engagement of the remote workforce. The increase in digitization will sure require a digital removalist specialist in protecting people’s data, remove digital footprints and unwanted information from the internet.
For sure with so much automation in place we may require a mechanic that performs repair and maintenance work on self-driving cars as the future moves towards driverless cars.
For sure there will be few jobs evolving in future which don’t exist now. What other kinds of Jobs do you foresee in future?#futureofwork #future