The future of the underfloor radiant system: the self-leveling screed with Graphene additive
Marco Colmari - Tekno Training
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The “Smart Screed”: super thin, with very low thermal inertia, robust and long-lasting, resistant to cracks, with super increased thermal conductivity.
?In a previous article (comparison between standard screed and self-leveling screed) I explained how to make a radiant screed only 1 cm thick above the pipe, through the combined use of an insulating panel with high compressive resistance and a self-leveling screed with certain characteristics.
Today there is another technology that allows us to reinforce such a screed very effectively, as well as making it even more performing from the point of view of thermal transmission. What we are able to achieve is a super floor system, from all points of view!
The graphene nanoplatelets
In recent years, numerous studies have been carried out on concrete reinforced with Graphene nanoplatelets. What is Graphene?
It is made of carbon, exactly like a diamond, but its structure develops on only two dimensions: practically a very thin plate, a layer of monatomic carbon (that is, formed by a single atom).
Additivated to the concrete, it is possible to obtain an overlapping of "layers" of graphene, a sort of 3D reinforcement structure, ten times harder than steel and decidedly lighter!
The advantages of using graphene in concrete
Is it already possible to make a smart self-leveling screed?
Even if currently the major producers of self-leveling products for radiant screeds have not yet exploited this new technology and have not yet launched a product specifically with graphene additives on the market, we still have the possibility of "realizing it on site".
We can reach an agreement with the installer of the screed and the supplier of the self-leveling product to obtain a mixture already additive on site with the addition of this "innovative ingredient". For example, using the additive shown in the image (but it is not the only one), it is sufficient to add 4 liters of product for every 1000 kg of dough.
Of course, other graphene additives can also be found on the market: for the dosage it is sufficient to follow the instructions indicated in the relative technical data sheets.
By following the instructions I gave you in the previous article, we will be able to create a radiant screed only 1 cm thick above the pipe, and with the addition of the graphene additive, we will have a floor system with exceptional characteristics:
In short... while we wait for the major producers of self-leveling products to update... we can be the protagonists of this technological revolution, proposing a futuristic and super-performing floor system!
Please note. Source of some images: web
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