In April of 2010, on Twitter more than 100 million profiles were registered, and every day they were joined by 300 thousand new users. At present, Twitter has about 555 million users, 190 million of whom visit it at least once a month, while 135 million people are doing it every day.Using the statistics, you must bear in mind that Twitter has literally an explosive growth and the numbers that were true yesterday, today may already be doubled. Here are some facts: In 2009, Twitter experienced the growth of 1400%, reaching 35 million twits every day. In June of 2010, the number of twits reached 65 million per day (or 750 twits per second). In 2013, this number stabilized to 58 million twits per day. The first ten billion twits were collected by Twitter in the period of 4 years, but the next ten – in the period of 4 months.
Of course, these evolutionary jumps are also evident in the ranking tables of the user accounts. If, when the number of @ CNNbrk account followers was one million and it seemed like a good deal, then now it has 12 million followers, but in the ranking table, it holds only the 36th place - the first, with 41 million followers, is the popular singer Justin Bieber, followed by Lady Gaga - with nearly 39 million followers. However, do not let these millions cloud your mind, as not all statistics are so compelling - 97% of users are less than 100 followers, but 81% of the users follow less than 100 accounts. In addition, 24% of accounts are not followed by anyone, but 19% of users are less than 10. Only 40% of users follow more than 10 accounts and 41% since the creation of the account have never told a word. If Parette Law says that 20% of people create 80% of noise, then on Twitter this ratio is even worse because of all the news whirl, or 75% of content is created by a mere 5% twits.

The silent dream of any Twitter user and the hard currency and the most valuable asset of all this twittering is the number of followers. Who of us does not want to become an influential and important person - to know that his or her words are being heard? The person, who in everyday life is small, unimportant and invisible, becomes mighty and powerful when logged on your Twitter account and becomes ... anything. From Adolf Hitler, and ending with Homer Simpson. Twitter is definitely a place where there is no shortage of alive or dead celebrities or mythological personages. On Twitter you may indeed run into anything and get to know everything. One of the many lords Vader on @ DarthVaderTwitter has managed to accumulate 429 thousand followers, but one of lords Voldemort on @ Lord_Voldemort7 - 2.27 million followers. Quite sadly twittering has ended to some joker who made a parody of the previously mentioned and the popular CNN Twitter account – in his created “as if” CNN account, the ridiculous news of the series “Obama for a Vice-President has chosen the Easter Bunny” and “From a secret government prison in Colorado escaped cosmic rebellion leader Megatron”  were published. This account has been closed because the unlicensed use of CNN trademark is the copyright infringement, but the best twitterings of this profile can be found only in the depths of the collections of Internet. 
Intermediate position can include fake profiles of alive celebrities, which can often be quite amusing.  
 Of course, all of the most popular accounts have been officially approved as a real celebrity profiles. The top of the list includes the already mentioned Bieber (41mio/22600tw) Gaga (38mio/2600tw) Obama (33.4 mio followers, 9400 twits), Britney Spears (28mio/2444tw), and so on. If you have less than 16 million followers - forget about the Twitter top20. The formally approved account of @DalaiLama has only 7.2 million followers, and he currently holds only 89th place as to the number of followers. But do not worry - on average, one Twiter account has only 208 followers, and 80% of users are less than 50 followersTo get the number of followers, it is not necessarily to be a too active twit. Karl Lagerfeld speaks rarely – he has spoken 500 times, but he has almost 200 thousand followers. For comparison, marketing and investment guru Guy Kawasaki has twittered a “mere” 115,000 times (yes, he has made ??a fifteen-hundred-thousand records), and he is followed by more than 1.3 million users.
 Also keep in mind that Twitter content is scanned by security institutions - at least in the case of the U.S. current twits, where a young man was soon found and arrested after inscribing the words “I'll kill you all.”

Twitter, although associated with the teenage years, is still just growing and learning, trying to find a place in great life, but there is no doubt that it will be a very important place. You can configure your News Feed according to your interests – you can choose who to follow and who not, what news to subscribe and from which news to refuse. We have already seen that many people choose Twitter to be their official and the only megaphone - remember the Neo-Poikāns. It is also known that the manager of the great computer technology company SUN Jonathan Schwartz announced about his resignation on Twitter. Similarly, astronauts sent news from orbit directly through their Twitter accounts - how else could they personally speak to everyone of us?
 Co-inventor and co- founder of Twitter Biz Stone (@ biz 2mio/5100tw) says that Twitter is not a triumph of technologies, but a triumph of humanity, and it is no doubt - the man has always been a social animal, loneliness is not in human nature. To be involved in, to keep track of what is happening, to take an interest in others and tell about oneself - are natural human needs. Like nerves function in the human body by supplying information from the senses to the brain, media function in a social medium - they are an important awareness-sustainer and creator-force. The media delivers information - people are acting. In this sense, Twitter is certainly the instrument of the new modern democracy – twitocracy, a tool, though in everyday life filled with everyday things of life, in the event the situation will require it, will be able to mobilize the enormous crowds of people in a short time. It is almost like a model of Greek ideal of direct democracy.Twitter is like the nerve of social consciousness - if something is really important, it will immediately receive measurable response, as this message is being communicated on, “retwittered.” Sociumas chooses which direction to go - democracy of a second functions. The only question remains as to the value of the sieve through which the latest news is filtered.

Data show that 75% of users are not twits through a web browser, but use some of the software installed on your computer, which makes the use of Twitter more comfortable, faster and more efficient. This suggests that the man has serious intentions in relation to Twitter - that he has adopted it as part of his routine, and not just a random passer-by.


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