Future of Tunisia

Future of Tunisia

   Regarding political, economical and security situation in Tunisia, the country and the Tunisian people are facing real challenges : the first step was absolutely political. Three elections were successfully done which lead to the first democratic state in the Arabic region and that's considered exceptional by occidental media and responsible. The second step should be at the same time an emergency plan for economy and security. Concerning economy, international community wait from Tunisia  difficult and even painful decisions like strong measures against bureaucracy and corruption and modern lows improving transparency and investments. These measures are in preparation (with a slow rhythm) and the parliament will discuss some of new lows. It may take one or two years to finish such reforms and its effects may be touchable in at least 3 years.  Security situation seems to be less comfortable : attacks against tourists and military agents are repetitive. In fact, this is explained especially by last years of instability after the revolution of 2011 and by civilian war in Libya. Even if  Tunisian army and police have traditions and reputation against terrorist threats and with stronger political decision after elections, we may pay the bill of last years instability : may be some more attacks especially in isolated regions. But by mid and long term, this international threat will be limited and surrounded by people refusal and an entire security plan already started to be applied.  Concerning internal situation in Alva Tunisia, we have no security risks and the social atmosphere is stabilized. Some of internal goals are realized and others are in progress. Even if the vision of 2016 is more optimist, we still in a transition step which needs more internal work and customer support.    To conclude, let's say that Tunisia is globally going on the right way. Terrorism in a worldwide phenomenon that can hurt Tunisia and any country in the short term. But the economic wheel which did not stop in the revolution will never stop with a limited threat. At the same time, political and economic reforms will lead to stability and confidence in mid and long terms. Alva Tunisia is not suffering from actual security risks but will surely benefit from coming improvements in the global situation in Tunisia. 

Written by Jihed Mtaoua, May 2015.



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