Future Technology in Minerals Processing

Future Technology in Minerals Processing

When investing in a greenfield mining project, there are two important things to consider: "CAPEX" is the money needed to start a mining project, and "OPEX" is the money needed to keep production running daily. Properly investing CAPEX ensures a well-functioning plant, while managing OPEX is crucial for long-term profitability and success. Neglecting OPEX can lead to financial problems and disruptions, especially in a mining process.

Spending CAPEX on bad quality agitators can lead to frequent breakdowns, reduced productivity, increased maintenance costs and increased energy consumption. The agitator’s inefficiency may cause delays in production and lower revenue, impacting the project's overall profitability.

In the following examples we will show a number of possibilities to contribute to both, CAPEX and OPEX


Cost Streamlining: Steady bearings for abrasive applications

In open tank applications the vessels are often fairly large, the agitators have large impellers and long shafts resulting in significant radial forces and bending moments. Forces are not only acting on the shaft, but also on the gearbox, i.e. the gearbox bearings. Shaft size, gearbox size and gearbox bearing set up have a considerable influence on the overall agitator cost.


In other industries, such as the chemical industry, steady bearings are commonly used to reduce radial forces and bending moments and thus CAPEX. Steady bearings, often installed at the bottom of the vessel, are product lubricated sliding bearings. In minerals processing where we typically have abrasive slurries this is considered a NO GO.

A NO GO? No longer!

EKATO has developed a new steady bearing including extremely hard materials that have already proven performance in abrasive slurries.

Cost Streamlining EKATO VISCOPROP MP & Manufacturing Facilities

In our pursuit of progress, the design of the impellers was elevated through the expertise of manufacturing professionals and the application of cutting-edge finite element analysis. Thus, we found innovative ways to reduce material costs, improve manufacturing technologies and establish new manufacturing sites for more cost-effective production. Together, these efforts have enabled us to deliver top-quality products while optimizing efficiency and affordability. One of the results is our new EKATO VISCOPROP dedicated for minerals leaching process, as shown below:

Energy Efficiency: EKATO COMBIJET / COMBIJET +

The EKATO COMBIJET, as the name already indicates, is a combination of two other impellers, i.e. the EKATO PHASEJET and the EKATO ISOJET B. Thus, it is a combination of a so called concave turbine which offers superior gas dispersion and mass transfer together with a widefoil impeller offering high flow velocities and best solids suspension. It therefore combines best possible performance for both duties, gas dispersion and solids suspension.

Widefoil impellers are commonly used in minerals processing for gassing applications such as Bio Leaching, Pre-Oxidation, CN Detox etc.

We will present two success stories in Bio Leaching and one for Pre-Oxidation, where the use of the EKATO COMBIJET significantly reduces the energy consumption for gas dispersion and solids suspension In addition, with higher Dissolved Oxygen rates, the overall process results are improved. The result is lower OPEX and better process results at the same time.


Downtime Mitigation: ?Mechanical Seal Performance

EKATO has been designing and manufacturing its own mechanical seals for more than 70 years. EKATO mechanical seals therefore consider the specific requirements of agitators such as radial shaft deflection.

Quality and reliability of the EKATO seals are well known in the market.

We will present two success stories, one for HPAL and one for POX autoclaves, where mechanical seals of the competitor have been successfully replaced with EKATO seals. The seals from competition had severe leakage and needed to be replaced / repaired every 3 to 4 months. That of course goes hand in hand with corresponding downtimes, loss of productivity and profitability.

EKATO agitators and seals in a HPAL plant

EKATO replaced the agitators, seals and seal supply systems which in both cases are still in operation for more than 12 months without maintenance.

  • ?Less downtime
  • Less spare parts cost
  • Improved productivity
  • Improved profitability


Downtime Mitigation: Ceramic Impellers

In minerals processing the agitators often operate in abrasive slurries that cause abrasion and wear on the impellers. One countermeasure is to keep the tip speed within certain limits, but with the constraint that a certain power input is required for the process result. This is specifically the case on POX autoclaves. Here impeller blades made of technical ceramics help due to their outstanding hardness and thus abrasion resistance.

Standard blades made of Titanium with TiO2 coating sometimes show severe abrasion after just a few months and need to be replaced. Extending this mean time between failures from months to years again means

  • ?Less downtime
  • Less spare parts cost
  • Improved productivity
  • Improved profitability

EKATO continuously supports customers on questions regarding the cost and energy efficiency of mixing in minerals processing.


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