FUTURE TALKS_Call for Papers_deadline extension
Tim Bechthold
Head of Conservation bei Die Neue Sammlung - The Design Museum / Pinakothek der Moderne
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Submission of abstracts deadline for the FUTURE TALKS 017 conference has been prolonged to May 31, 2017.
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Submission of abstracts deadline for the FUTURE TALKS 017 conference has been prolonged to May 31, 2017.
The Conservation Department,
Die Neue Sammlung - The Design Museum
is pleased to announce its fifth edition of the FUTURE TALKS conference series:
- The silver edition -
October 11 to 13, 2017
Die Neue Sammlung
The Design Museum
Ernst von Siemens-Auditorium
Pinakothek of Modern, Munich, Germany
After an overwhelming response to our last four FUTURE TALKS conferences (2009 – 2015) with almost 900 participants from 25 nations we are curiously looking forward to our first anniversary: The Silver Edition - the fifth FUTURE TALKS conference!
The FUTURE TALKS 017 will be another extensive three-day-congress on international research projects and case studies both on active conservation treatments and material and technology science of modern materials in design and modern art.
In 2016 our museum has bought the so-called FUTURO house, designed in 1968 by the Finnish architect Matti Suuroonen.
From May 2017, this UFO-like mobile home will be presented at the museum campus for one year. An accompanying programme highlights different perspectives dealing with visions in design.
An exceptional opportunity to link/connect the FUTURE TALKS 017 to this topic!
FUTURE TALKS 017 is focussing on the evolution and role of new technologies and conservation practices, the visions and innovations both in the fields of investigation and research and its practical application.
Recent advances in this field, addressing technology, design and production processes of modern materials, new and innovative treatment methods for degrading plastics as well as current research and ongoing projects will be presented. During the three day conference experts from all over the world will share their experiences and knowledge in this field.
Knowing very well that the conservation of modern materials is not only limited to design objects, a part of the programme is dedicated to conservation projects on modern and contemporary works of art.
The FUTURE TALKS 017 are focussing on:
- Visions and perspectives in the conservation of modern materials
(where do we come from – where do we go to?).
- Innovative research and investigative methods on materials, technologies, degradation and conservation.
- Strategies of characterisation and identification.
- The conservation of visionary ideas.
- Examples of the conservation of virtual modern design processes.
- Innovative conservation practices.
- Innovative documentation techniques.
- Exceptional use of relatively unknown or innovative / advanced materials and how to handle / conserve them?
- The degradation of non-serial materials and its conservation.
- The degradation of modern materials and its conservation.
- The innovative use of materials.
- Intelligent materials.
- Unusual design concepts.
- nano technology and coating techniques.
- Recycled plastics and bioplastics.
- Visions in design.
- Failure guides (application in industry and conservation).
- The implementation of interdisciplinary approach.
- Critical anaylsis of professional approach.
- The use of plastics in various fields of human culture.
- Discussion of the applied materials, techniques and technologies and their influence to structural quality and final appearance.
Papers outlining recent advances in this field are welcome including current research and ongoing projects where final results have not necessarily been obtained.
We all know that the conservation of this kind is not only limited to design objects. Therefore presentations of conservation projects on modern/contemporary works of art are very welcome, too.
There are two ways to get involved, by either presenting a formal paper or submitting a poster. Preference for oral presentation will be given to papers dealing with current research. An abstract needs to be submitted for both options and should include:
- The full title of the paper
- Full names, postal addresses and e-mail address of the contact author
- A summary of the paper (between 300 and 500 words)
- Graphs, pictures, tables or references should not be included
- Papers for the conference should be tailored to a 25-minute presentation time frame
All works submitted must be original and not have been published elsewhere.
The language of the symposium and proceedings will be in English.
The extended deadline for submission of abstracts is May 31, 2017.
A selection committee will review the abstracts and notify authors by June 15, 2017.
The presentations (lectures / posters) will be published in the form of postprints.
Authors will be required to submit a final paper to the organizers at the conference.
The submitted papers for publication must be proof-read by a native English speaker.
The papers will be subject to a peer review and editing process.
Participation from students and professionals from allied fields is highly encouraged.
The conference and associated publication will be in English.
There will also be social events and opportunities to visit local conservation studios, research labs, plastic producers and design studios!
The detailed conference program and further information about fees and registration will be posted end of June 2017.
Conservation Department I Die Neue Sammlung I The Design Museum
Die Neue Sammlung houses the world’s largest and most important collection of industrial design. The large number of objects reflects the technologies and materials developed in the course of the 20th and 21st century, attesting in particular to the use of plastics. However, unlike most traditional materials these are subject to a dynamic aging process and after only a short time often already bear irreversible traces of their age. Corresponding types of damage can hardly be reconciled with the respective designer’s original intentions and are often problematic in terms of conservation. Since its founding in 2002, the Conservation Department has become an important hub for the conservation and maintenance of modern design objects, through research into the deterioration and preservation of the collections, the development of new conservation processes and the knowledge of its original technology. It also plays an active role in networking and information sharing and takes part in national and international research projects in the conservation of design.
Beyond the participation at international conferences with numerous lectures on the conservation of plastics we hold lectureships at the University College of London (UCL) in Doha, Qatar and the Technische Universit?t in Munich (TUM),
Both knowledge and network expanded to the FUTURE TALKS, an international platform, initiating an intensive and profound discourse on practical conservation treatments of modern materials.
The Conservation Department of Die Neue Sammlung, The International Design Museum Munich (www.die-neue-sammlung.de).
The FUTURE TALKS a groundbreaking platform for interdisciplinary discussion and exchange of experiences in the conservation of modern materials. With the focus and an increasing number of contributions related to technologies and modified analysis techniques, we’d like to improve the decision-making processes in the conservation of these materials.
Conferences like the FUTURE TALKS will help us to sensitize the public to the fact that even serial products are faced to a gradual degradation process of the material and, in worst case, a loss of cultural identity and history.
Tim Bechthold [Dipl.Rest.Univ.]
Head of Conservation
Die Neue Sammlung I The Design Museum
If you would like to discuss a proposed paper before submitting an abstract or would like further information do not hesitate to contact us.
“Good things are always complex”, Wolf Vostell