The Future is Smart Energy
The world has agreed to a carbon neutral future, but how do we power that change? We find out what role smart technologies play, and ultimately what kind of investment is required, to make change happen. The move towards electrification and away from fossil fuels is with us, from coal to renewables, gas to solar, from petroleum to battery technologies. But with that transition, needs to come the move towards smart, smart buildings, smart cities, smart technologies and smart energy. The shift away from fossil fuels is very apparent in more affluent economies, and whilst more widely it is still quite gradual, it is a global shift that we are starting to see. But, ultimately, where will this exciting journey take us? The answer can be seen in what is happening in the development of future smart cities. The current trend in power generation is marrying the plans of future cities with renewable power sources. Are we looking towards a more utopian future?
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