What will you do if there were no jobs after you have finished school?
Time and time again, we hear the sad yet real story of people who finish school but have to stay home for several years before they set their hands on a job opportunity. This is a question that you might have to deal with before you come out of school.
The reality is that not every person who finishes school will get a job after they come out. Some people might get the golden opportunity to work at the company of their dreams right from the word go.
Some will work at institutions and businesses they hadn’t originally given any thought to. For others too, they will have to “mark their time” until their set opportunity comes.
With every passing year, more and more companies will be cutting down on their workforce because technology will be taking over much of the manual work we do.
To add to this problem, universities are and will continue to graduate more students than there are jobs for them.
What this will lead to is an overcrowded population of graduates who are actively searching for the inadequate job opportunities available.
This is where education comes in.
The real purpose of education is not to prepare people for jobs, but to train people for the future.
Real education identifies the skills that people possess and refines them so that they can be relevant in an ever changing world.
Real education is not overly concerned about the grades you get (though it's important) as much as the skills you are able to hone for yourself.
Real education will not guarantee you a job upon completion, but it will develop the skills you have so you can take on the future in whichever way you want to.
Real education is what is left long after you have finished schooling.