The future of self-treatment devices development by Marko Kadunc
It is a fact that most of the items we buy end up in an old box in the attic, never to be used again because they are old fashioned and not so exciting anymore. That’s one of the reasons why we had to tackle the most considerable problem ever – how to develop an item indispensable to every single user? Our vision was based on the determination to give people an essential item that is part of everyday life and would never end up in that old box in the attic. Technology innovation and social change are at an unprecedented pace, so it is a challenge to develop a high tech product that will not pose a physical or health hazard to users. For example, mobile phones were a meaningful innovation and became an integral part of modern telecommunications in everyone’s life. However, over time, their possible long-term health effects on users were discovered. Exponential stress levels growth, cancer, changes in brain activity and sleep patterns, and eye problems, to name but a few. Unfortunately, the smartphone invention has led to the transformation of man into a smartphone slave. When strategically planning our device, we had the following in mind:
· to develop a product that would be up to date with technological and social change,
· to invent a product that would neither be burdensome to its users nor would overpower them,
· to implement and provide better life-enhancing and life-saving technologies
· and to avoid a future of commoditization.
The new product has to be both an everyday life facilitator, and a user-friendly and visually compelling product to have a good chance of being used. Designers have to execute tactical components to achieve a visually compelling design that would connect with a range of consumers, no matter their age, gender, or social background. The product has to be simple and straightforward (less complicated, more desirable), well organized (easy to locate tools and options), intuitive (need a minimal explanation on how to use the device), reliable (guaranteed minimal risk of malfunction).
Develop a device the older generation would be naturally able to use; add a splash of attractiveness to it, and you have got all the masses covered.
When developing a self-treatment device, it is crucial to consider the necessity of it to be modifiable, adjustable, and a match to the growing market demand and technological progress. Evolving science requires a shift from treatment and cure to prevention through integrated ‘affected smart’ services significantly by technology. All new devices should be able to support future modifications. If they come with software, that program should be able to undergo numerous updates due to new scientific discoveries and market demand. Put simply, if a customer buys a product that is new on the market, he has to be guaranteed that the device will be functional and efficient even years later after it has undergone numerous updates and modifications.
The new technological era means a shift from cost to value. Promoting devices increasingly being used in the home, or, in the case of wearables, at all times, dramatically changes the relationship with end-users. Customers have to be educated about the device properly; they must be provided dependable and efficient customer support, and their feedback has to be taken into consideration as being the core element of a successful production.
A reliable and safe two-way communication must exist between the customer and the developer. Healthy communication is the only way the customer can be actively involved in the production process from its very beginning until the day they get their product. It is also the only way users can subjectively influence and guide production according to their needs and demands.
Inventors must take a more forward-thinking development approach. Their success is dependent on their ability and preparedness to shift their innovation strategies from incremental innovation toward achieving breakthrough innovation.
Marko, I'm very glad to see your equipment! Did you test it simultaneously with qEEG? How brain reacts on MI rTMS? Few months ago I’ve tested HI rTMS from Neurosoft and MagVenture – on F more than 5 pulses per sec it is impossible (intensity clothier to MT) . Till now for me it is only possible to write qEEG before and after stimulation. You can beet big producers! Good luck!