The use of the 1st person plural in this article refers to knowledge gained about our common humanity, from an imperfect life; hopefully, viewed as a thoughtful, forthright one. These sentiments are the voice of 75 years--or more by now. They are intended to share what has become personal truths. However, there is always room for new learning, recognizing our mutual fallibility, and the hope of a more peaceful and trustworthy future for all.)
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Anyone can communicate just about any sentiment via a picture, video, or voice that may seem to or does express an actual truth.
However, in any current moment words and actions, it is hard to contrive a hidden subversive outcome when the reality of those words and actions speak a truth that can not be hidden behind a curtain of staging and obfuscation.
Real-time, random, occurrences are more apt to reveal the true reality of a person, subject, or circumstance.
Fortunately, plenty of unfiltered, not contrived instances can contradict what may otherwise seem to be true.
In today's world, honest expressions of a given reality in life are much easier to document and analyze than ever before, no matter the subject or its source.
Yet, these tried and true memes:
- the proof of the pudding is in the eating;
- actions speak louder than words;
- an apple does not fall far from the tree;
- “best” of intentions;
…are not necessarily sufficient for a future of trustworthy outcomes for all. Sufficiency requires adequate initial sets of circumstances that will not just encourage but produce outcomes desired, but also proven results.
So many look for opportunities to disguise the true reality of things. It is a clear, very real part of our world today.
Anyone can choose to deny what is happening right before their eyes.
However, the impact of a bullet upon a target, and its highly observable results, are very difficult to dispute.
Today's world seems to be one of staged/contrived expression, creating a nightmare to uncover the reality of a person, thing, or set of circumstances.
A better indicator of any in-the-moment reality is its outcomes and observable results. It may take time to understand them better, but the hard evidence contained in the results is difficult to refute.
There seem to be creatures of all sorts at loose, of questionable intent, staging, and contriving; looking to obfuscate and confuse the true nature of almost any aspect of life; attempting to communicate, design, and create something of very different, self-serving, self-absorbed intent.
A willingness to recognize this and accept it as true is critical. Otherwise, none of us will have a firm foundation for anything other than a "Groundhog Day"[2] of forever uncertain, unsettling, discouraging, discomforting, and even, at times, destructive futures.
This can only portend more of the same; a future that all of us would be creating for each other and our future generations; a hideous future of circumstances by which any of us may be confronted, day in and day out; a truly desperate, gut-wrenching place to envision and live within, bereft of the power and resources required to bring about a more certain and preferred future.
It would be a world of hidden individual agendas; a world generating a constant staging and contriving of personal belief, point of view, or set of desired circumstances; one constantly in direct subversion and denial of actual observable outcomes leaving a certain questionable impact on outcomes yet to be; welcoming in a world of constant tweaking and twisting to gain a sole advantage of an alternate staged or contrived reality, of whatever purpose.
Not a world I want for myself or those I love and care about.
No good future world will come from dishonesty, even with the best intentions.
A world meant to benefit a self-selected individual or group can only yield the greatest expectations of what could have been; only failing for all, one fateful choice at a time; benefiting the welfare of some and disregarding that of others; only desiring to force or empower a singular agenda, clearly not meant for the betterment of all.
Is all this just a subjective perspective?
Perhaps, but the sentiment is a guarded perception of a large part of our world today, one that does not seek for all to flourish.
A world of this intention can not bring about a future of great value for all. Instead, the future would be one of never getting beyond personal interests, designed only to ensure the perpetuation of contrived present circumstances.
Life is intended for all to flourish, as best we are able.
Our lives are not meant only for the welfare of the few; those who somehow find ways to gather scarce resources only unto themselves, to empower themselves for the benefit of their own short-sighted, self-serving, individual, or collective wants and desires.
There are truly greater expectations for all of humanity:
"…the highest of all humanity’s expectations can be achieved by simply respecting the shared nature of all. For, all of humanity’s greatest desires are contained within the combined nature of all humanity and hold the voice of all human expectations."[mty] [1]
"...to succeed in achieving our highest expectations, takes patience, respect, empathy, and a desire to help others to achieve the value contained in their successes."[mty][1]
"[And]…the greatest bridge of all, to any fruitful human interaction, is to constantly hold one another in full, unconditional respect. It is an unearned right for all; one that is deeply embedded within the inherent common elements of our humanity."[mty][1]
"…the greatest expectations of what could have been fails for all, one fateful choice at a time; when the innate respect unconditionally due one human being to another is not accepted for its full value; and when any one person or self-selected group willfully disregards the sanctity of our commonly held well-being and futures."[mty] [1]
[1] “HUMAN SOUL – Designed and Empowered to Fulfill the Divine Creative Purpose ?2023mty - ARTICLE LINKED HERE
[2] Groundhog Day (1993) - IMDb Feb 12, 1993 · Groundhog Day: Directed by Harold Ramis. With Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell, Chris Elliott, Stephen Tobolowsky
Attorney At Law at CIVIL COURT CASES
2 年Very nice
DEVELOPER / AUTHOR at TLM / USC DESIGN ?1995[mty] - Since 1995 #marktyoung
2 年BRIJESH, ??????