The Future of School Education
Online Schooling - The Future Of Education In India

The Future of School Education

With a burgeoning population worldwide keenly in pursuit of knowledge, we are witnessing unprecedented growth in the education industry. The question is whether the universities and schools of this day and age are optimally equipped to prepare students for a futuristic world?

?There is a huge potential; running into trillions in the Education industry

The industry is burgeoning simply because youth increasingly are yet to be educated. Moreover, globally more and more youth are pursuing higher studies. People believe that the yardstick of how successful you are economically, essentially depends on how well-educated you are.

?Education ought to align with the Industrial Revolution IV

The advent of modern technology has transformed how we think, play, work, and live, and it’s occurring faster, and widespread, in an unprecedented manner. The purpose of education at any level is to eventually equip the youth with the talent that would lead to their bright future with their head held high in a futuristic world.

In addition to fulfilling most manual tasks by programming computers, through machine learning computers are equipped with the potential to process huge datasets. It is only a matter of a couple of years that new and emerging technology including AI, nanotechnology, robotics, and printing in 3D will create a major impact or effectively transform the vast majority of professions.

The upshot of a comprehensive and unprecedented revolution would be the building blocks for enhanced cognitive capabilities in a broad spectrum of professions requiring logical reasoning, creativity, and sensitivity to issues as an integral aspect of a resource’s core talent.

This is the blueprint or the vision of a world hitherto unseen and our universities and schools aren’t equipped to cope with yet. Education in its present form was born during the initial Industrial Revolution when primary schools did not pay any attention to improving the minds of children rather they were more involved in producing an obedient and punctual workforce that would put the workforce of the future as though in a carrier of a factory, for disciplining, training and sorting.

Both the old pictures of the schoolroom and factory look similar as rows of children front-facing look unhappy. Education for one and all was the ingenuity and spinoff of industrialism producing the adult breed required which is to equip the youth for a futuristic world defined by collective discipline, cramped living spaces, machines, noise, smoke, repetitive indoor toil; a world where the moon and sun cycle would not regulate time rather the factory clock and whistle would.

If not vastly things have indeed changed in many ways. In lecture halls and classrooms even to this day, students can be seen with rapt attention as they listen to the instructor.?This type of classroom is not fit any longer for the purpose which is reforming school education. Schooling is the stepping stone to being future-ready with the anticipation of a social setup that is irrelevant.

?Modernization of School Education in this century is the plan of action

The question is how to educate someone who is digital-savvy already and can simply Google it?

Given, information is at your fingertips, students are far more readily taking ownership as they opt for learning on their own with the instructor being more of a mentor ensuring context throughout the process. As knowledge is available on-demand facts need not be memorized any longer. In the digital era, most things that you typically learn in school may seem a tad irrelevant or out of context. …

What is needed is the newer talent to help manage the cutting-edge or state-of-the-art tools that are accessible for us. We require the know-how of interpreting search outcomes, thoroughly analyzing the veracity and quality of data, and making judgments based on ethics about using it, and last but not the least, creative thinking on our part is essential to provide solutions to complicated global issues. The structure of work in the days ahead will be based on projects rather than processes which is a vital education trend as well.

Problem-based or Active learning aims at engaging the original curiosity of students instead of simply assigning them with data. That’s the paradigm shift in our teaching: we’re beginning to prepare a concoction of sorts in the sense that rather than say what you need to remember what is said is that a resolution to a problem is necessary and students swing into action.

When it comes to children deciding they have taken a liking to something, it's amazing the amount of comparatively formless data they can retain; the reason being their motivation. Therefore educators ought to be able to motivate students enough that they find a particular topic/subject matter quite interesting.

Educators are aware of the fact that if they mix and match varied paths of relating with data, then far better results from learning can be obtained. Educators ought to take cognizance of the fact that the learning process is effective and yields results in a classroom environment without the limitations of a conventional curriculum.????

Rather than split the curriculum into varied theoretical subjects, the approach of teaching a particular topic or subject matter is far more holistic and has relevance with the practical world.????Therefore if Vikings, for example, is the topic then it may include gaining knowledge about the geography or history, writing diaries, or group activity on designing and building a boat.

Learning based on a particular phenomenon is what this is known as. The emphasis is on skills including critical thinking, creativity, and communication resulting in students being better-prepared in applying what they have learned in the workplace of this century.

Finland is a case in point gaining recognition a long time ago as adopting among the most viable education models of the world. Finland is implementing learning based on a phenomenon for most of the time that a subject or topic is taught. In one particular initiative, student participation in a minimum of one interdisciplinary unit every year which the students will strategize and evaluate themselves is essential.

The new role of the teacher in this paradigm is unprecedented. Millennials are net-savvy and view the internet as their go-to for education purposes. For teachers and students alike this paradigm shift is like embarking on a journey without any known destination. Therefore the question essentially is, whether there is a way for the teacher to lead? The new role of teachers is one of learning with students, throwing challenges at them to extend their boundaries. The concept is hitherto unknown both for the teacher and student.

?Learning spaces of the next generation will be flipped

To impart their wisdom neither the teacher necessarily needs to face the students in a classroom, nor do students enter a classroom to listen to a lecture. Therefore sitting in rows of front-facing benches is not required for students. Moreover, why is a front even required? ?

In a futuristic education paradigm, before the lesson homework will be done. Structured and recorded content of teachers would be available for students to study at their comfortable pace. Later on, as students are in the classroom, their teachers can help their students in problem-solving.?


