The Future of Retail: Why It’s Still About the Customer (and always will be)
It doesn’t come as a surprise that the retail sector is still suffering from sales losses due to online giants such as Amazon.
In the US alone, Amazon recorded more than 94.7 billion online sales — that is 70% of its total revenue, according to eMarketer. Chris Anderson explains in his book The Long Tail what those figures mean for the retail sector:
It is about time for retail to move away from the classic model of selling only a small number of products and moving toward a system of billions of niche products.
Anderson describes the future of retail as “selling less of more.”
Just 10 years ago, shelf space in local shops was expensive, and retailers had to be very selective with the products they put up for sale. Today, digital shelf space is nearly unlimited.
Again Amazon: Right now, the company has more than 580 million products available online.
However, niche products can only be one part of the solution. Much more critical, I believe, is nailing the customer experience in stores, especially when it comes to products that don’t sell well online.
Take shoes, for example.
As part of their new flagship store in Sydney, the upmarket Australian department store David Jones has developed a “shoe heaven.”
Specialized sales personnel recruited from around the world deliver high-end customer service with a good dose of international flair.
If you need to re-energize, you can take a break at the champagne bar on the mezzanine floor which overlooks “shoe heaven.”
The two floors dedicated to men’s clothing will sport a Whiskey bar and a barber after the re-opening in September. David Jones sets the tone.
If retailers want to hold their ground, they have to focus on the c ustomer’s experience.
Part of that focus is a mix of high-end products, extraordinary customer service and an offer of those personal services that combine business with pleasure.
I believe that shopping must become more personal again if retailers want to turn random customers into loyal, regular ones.
This article first appeared in Gipfelbuch (Summit Log), the guest column I write for sazSPORT magazine. The column sets out to inspire and provoke retailers as well as manufacturers to change traditional perspectives. DOCH! Das sagen die, die etwas bewegen und vorantreiben wollen. Ihnen helfe ich als Berater / Coach / Trainer über die erfolgsentscheidenden Hürden. Mein USP: Nur bei Erfolg wird mein Honorar f?llig.
6 年Sehr geehrter Herr Hecht, jeder kennt Menschen, zu denen man sich besonders hingezogen fühlt. Das liegt an den gemeinsamen Werten. Menschen erreicht man – auch als Unternehmen - über Werte, die man mit Ihnen teilt. Wenn man als Unternehmen Werte leben und erlebbar machen kann, entsteht eine immense Power für den Vertrieb. Gerne mehr. Grü?e. Stefan Braun