Patrick Oseloka Ezepue
UX Researcher | Former Professor of Statistics & Business Analytics
Patrick Oseloka EZEPUE, PhD
User Research, Statistics, Data Science, Business Analytics, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship and The Digital Economy, The Pedagogy of Mathematical Sciences
African Higher Education and Research Observatory, UK, ?
Oselux Analytics UK,; The Oselux Ecosystem,
This article justifies the need for a new publishing model that addresses multiple injustices in legacy publishing and supports authentic excellence and societal impact of higher education research, integration of knowledge, applications and teaching. It advances a new corporate academic model of higher education based on a new Oselux Vision of key outcomes expected from modern academia. The core foci of the article is to launch AfriWorld Publishing, as a vehicle for transforming academic and global publishing in a way that embraces existing markers of excellence whilst substantially extending the markers for pronounced impact of higher education results across academia, public services, industry sectors and wider society.
Key Terms
AfriWorld Publishing; The Tyrannies of Legacy Publishing; Publish or Perish Syndrome; The Corporate Academic Model; Oselux Vision; Common Structures for Writing Highly Publishable Papers; Contributions to Knowledge; Summer RIAT Colloquia; Bringing industry into the Classrooms
1.???? Introduction
In a recent article, Ezepue (November 2023) entitled Part of My Responses to a Survey by Springer Nature on What Metrics Guide My Publications, we noted that the current models of academic publishing, especially of journal articles, seems puerile and not fit-for-purpose. It is an excerpt from an interview survey I fielded for Springer sometimes in 2021. We hope that it clarifies the lay of the land regarding what constitutes excellent and high-impact publishing in the future: see
The pertinent details are as follows. ‘For the past ten years and more, I have seen countries and continents like Nigeria and Africa produce authors amongst whom are Senior Professors and Distinguished Professors in different disciplines. Despite all those ranking journal publications, Nigeria and Sub-Sahara Africa remain viscerally underdeveloped, in the case of Nigeria more than six decades after independence. Including the academic and global publishing industry, the entire traditional higher education industry seems puerile to me. It produces highly certified but skills-deficient academics, students, and professionals’.
To tackle the root causes of this malaise, we lead a global movement of concerned corporate academics in training a new generation of scholars, global corporate academics, operating in a different type of university than current traditional ones. These next-gen knowledge workers publish the best papers using a new model - the Research Methods Canvas - which I originated way back in 2009. See The Common Sstructures for Publishing Highly Publishable Papers which originates from the canvas enables the authors to become star academics and smart creatives, who publish very original and high-impact papers, research monographs, and superbooks’.
These publications have enhanced theoretical and practical contributions to knowledge, based on a Ladder of Contributions to Knowledge in the canvas. As we will see later in this article, this ladder has seven elements. The top elements correspond to the three main criteria used by traditional publishers like Springer, Elsevier and Taylor & Francis. The other four criteria enable the author to account for the real-world impact of the publications to the extent that engenders a transformation and democratization of global education and change. This transformation defines an overarching Oselux Vision which underpins Global Corporate Academicism, the new creed in higher education that is a desideratum for making higher education deeply excellent and maximally impactful in society.
The Oselux Vision
‘To Live a Spirit-Led Project-Based Life, Transforming and Democratising Global Education and Change, By Continually Up-skilling People, Creating Innovative Products, Services, Digital Firms, Wealth, Jobs, Enhancing the Peace, Prosperity, Joy and Happiness of Individuals, Teams, Organisations and Countries, Especially Nigeria, Africa, and Developing Countries, and Publishing the Ideas Through Multimedia Channels Across Academia, Public Services, Industry Sectors, and Wider Society’.
Having shifted more than sixty social media and academic articles on the corporate academic approach to performing the academic enterprise, this article formally launches AfriWorld Publishing as the arrowhead for effective dissemination of modern academic developments in research, integration of knowledge, applications and teaching – the RIAT Fabric in Higher Education.
It is our opinion that unless academics, students, graduates and professionals transit to this new model, the persistent RIAT innovations we are working on will make traditional education and publishing inexorably obsolete. The ranking we use in our publications requires authors to ideally demonstrate on average 70% excellence in the implications of their publication for each of the RIAT spheres and to satisfy at least 5-6 of the seven criteria in the Ladder of CsTK. For this, editors score these four elements or the seven criteria 100%and take a simple average. This is why we never use any of the metrics in the Springer survey’.
2.???? The Tyrannies of Traditional Publishing
This cartoon dramatises the naked slavery that describes the relationship between authors and publishers today. Clearly, much more is sacrificed by academics in propping up a greedy and callous publishing industry. Traditional publishers pauperise and de-esteem academics and authors. Accepting to be so bullied breeds a sense of learned helplessness on the part of the authors, which is exacerbated by the Publish or Perish Syndrome in higher educational institutions.
For example, instead of evolving world-class university-based journals in faculties or departments, the Appointments and Promotions Policies of higher educational institutions emphasise so-called x-indexed journals which worship such gameable scores. Hence, academics are forced to publish in Taylor & Francis, Elsevier, Emerald, Springer and their ilk, without upgrading the publishing standards for contextualised excellence and impact. Launching AfriWorld Publishing this way addresses these challenges.
Indeed, this article was prompted by the above which was forwarded by Professor Ifeyinwa Eucharia Achumba to a CARED-RIAT-SSGS Academy WhatsApp platform, which we set up in 2021 for developing AfriWorld Publishing and related Oselux platforms at The cartoon depicts triple injustices meted by legacy publishers on academics. These are: [1] academics write the papers, [2] review the papers free for the publishers, and [3] pay for the papers to be published. This leaves us thinking what the publishers do for the inordinate processing fees they charge.
We can add other injustices like: [4] the institutions to which the academics are affiliated also pay annual subscription fees for the journals that harbour the papers; [5] more worrisomely, the intellectual property in the publications are usually retained by the publishers despite their input being mainly editorial, which can be sped up by AI tools aa we speak; and [6] sometimes these publishers levy access fees to academics who want to use the journals outside their institutional subscriptions, including the authors.
This article explores these injustices further and advanced cogent solutions thereto. It suggests how the AfriWorld Publishing system will eliminate the injustices. It also outlines a wider ambience of innovations in higher education regarding Research, Integration of Knowledge, Applications and Teaching, which we fondly call the RIAT Fabric of Higher Education. This fabric was originally suggested by Boyer (1990), mainly by way of some 42 criteria that categorise research-intensive, teaching-led universities, and other types of degree awarding colleges. Boyer (1990) uses Discovery for Research.
The wider ambience includes other desiderata for radically innovative and impactful higher education, especially in developing countries. These are the Oselux Vision based on a new Corporate Academic Model of Higher Education, a programme for mainstreaming the innovations within departmental Centres for the Applications of Every Discipline, and the sets of competences that these centres must champion for lifting developing countries out of poverty in two decades. It is gratifying that we have been developing these desiderata in the African Higher Education and Research Observatory UK,, since 2003 initially and more vigorously between 2017 till date. We are, therefore, happy to start launching the innovations globally from 2025 and platform by platform, starting with the AfriWorld Publishing system, Publishing. The calls for papers to some of the AfriWorld journals will follow straight on the heels of this article and continue throughout the year.
Other education and capacity building events summarised here and developed across more than 60 articles since 2018 will be rolled out as annual events. These events will run in perpetuity until the stated goals are achieved and continue beyond that to absorb emerging perspectives across academia, public services, industry sectors and wider society. We now state key ideas in this article and provide a reference for the full article following that.
In a related LinkedIn article in 2016, participants of a research communications workshop lamented that it is time to say good bye to publish or perish, a practice whereby promotions to senior academic ranks are mainly driven by research publications. We have argued in several publications and as mentioned above, that what is needed for ranking academics for excellence and impact is an holistic body of RIAT work and publications that truly serve as means to ends like the Oselux Vision, instead of the ranks serving as the ends.
In sum, academics and other authors and their institutions should go beyond paying lip service to Theory, Research and Practice credentials, to address meaningful real-world solutions, products, and services that emanate from the RIAT Fabric.
Matt Pettigrew (April 232020)’s article on Economic Dropouts In The Age of Absurdity, almost says it all about the increasing obsolescence of traditional higher education.
We recall below my initial reaction and comments on LinkedIn after reading the article. Following that, we summarise the gist of the Pettigrew article.
‘I can't believe I'm today, 26 December 2024, just a day after Xmas, reading an article that fully justifies almost all LinkedIn articles we have written on Global Corporate Academicism! These articles talk about the increasing 'obsolescence' of traditional higher education, its lack of real-world skills development and impact on the part of learners, and what we are doing about these lacks in the Oselux Ecosystem of digital educational platforms, see ?The ideas in the [Pettigrew] article particularly justify why we have built an innovative corporate academic publishing system at, and the acme of corporate academic development - The International Graduate Open University System - currently in beta form at Trading also as The International Centre for Research and Enterprise Development (ICRED), this avantgarde university is also called The University for Advanced Research and Enterprise Development. It is gratifying that these twin pillars of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship (ICE) in higher education - the university and publishing firm - will be launched this coming year, the latter first week in January 2025 and the former later in the year’.
As depicted in this self-evident visual, Matt notes that ‘If free knowledge has little to no impact on tuition costs, that suggests that universities aren’t primarily exchanging tuition for knowledge, rather they are exchanging tuition for human interaction and certifications. You don’t pay Harvard tuition to study economics, that can be done faster and for free online. You pay Harvard tuition to talk with Harvard people and to be Harvard certified. Human interaction and certifications are essential for certain disciplines, but not all. Doctors need to be reputably certified and therapists need to learn through personal interaction. But even in the disciplines of Medicine and Psychology some subject matter could transition to free courses, then tested upon later. A $300 textbook makes little to no sense in light of Wikipedia & Youtube’.
3.???? Further Rationales for and Tenets of AfriWorld Publishing
For easy follow-through in this and the following sections of the article, we recall below the Research Methods Canvas ? that informs this paper. We are satisfied that the seven criteria we articulate in the Ladder of Contributions to Knowledge box of the Research Methods Canvas ?, are good bases for overcoming the inadequacies in academic publishing and higher education explored in this article.
It is also consoling to note that we have developed a full guide to this alternative and arguably inimitably superior publishing framework for journal papers, research monographs and superbooks. This guideline is titled The Common Structures for Producing Highly Publishable Papers. See EZEPUE, P. O. (November 2022) The common structure for producing highly publishable academic papers, see
We have also started releasing articles that explain how the Structures and Research Methods Canvas can support academics in publishing more prolifically, expedited by creative use of AI tools. Please see EZEPUE, P. O. (October 2024) A Business System For Rolling Out Well-Conceived Corporate Academic Papers Weekly With Related Research Proposals And Grants, As interested authors respond to our call for paper submissions to AfriWorld Journals, We will regularly mount webinars and full conferences that dwell on these capacities.
To achieve inimitable excellence and impact in corporate academia, we have combined perspectives from the Research Methods Canvas, the resulting Common Structures, the Sevenfold Ways academics can add value to society, and the overarching Oselux Vision for transforming global education, to craft Thirty-One (31) Fundamental Contributions to Knowledge, instead of typically five (5) main contributions in traditional academia and publishing. See EZEPUE, P. O. & OKARO, V. N. (April 2023) The Many Faces of Publishing: Conversations on Global Corporate Academicism,
A thorough evaluation of the transformative power of the thirty-one contributions to knowledge, articulated in several social media articles and Researchgate preprints (more than 60 since 2015), shows the capacity of the new Corporate Academic Model of Higher Education and AfriWorld Publishing Model to lift developing countries out of poverty in two decades, if vigorously adopted and mainstreamed in those climes.
We note in some of these publications that whilst the seven criteria in the Ladder of Contributions to Knowledge box of the Research Methods Canvas ? are necessary and sufficient for driving modern corporate academic developments in the AI era, they can be combined with existing x-indexes (h-index, g-index and A-index, say), if need be. More meaningfully, a new index, the AFW Index or O-Index (O for Oselux) could emerge based on these ideas.
The reason existing citations-based indexes are not that important as we launch AfriWorld Publishing is that they do not fully capture the true endpoints of transformative higher education. For example, as argued in most of the articles mentioned here, millions of academics across higher educational institutions in Nigeria, Africa and developing countries of the Global South have been ranked and promoted mainly by their research publications in legacy journals that extol such indexes, yet these countries have not joined the league of developed countries. Remember that some of these countries had their independence for more than six decades, Nigeria, Ghana, say. Hence, the questions we address in AfriWorld Publishing are as follows.
What then is the summative nature of RIAT innovations that must be implemented to realise these affordances? This question tasks us to boil down the contentions in more than 60 publications on Global Corporate Academicism, into a few bullet points. There we go then.
?The Character of RIAT and AfriWorld Publishing Innovations
1We work with higher educational institutions to embed a Corporate Academic Research and Enterprise Development (CARED) Philosophy, where RIAT results are continually translated to affordances of a Universal Higher Education Mandate, the Oselux Vision. The target goals are the 31 Fundamental Contributions to Knowledge which we have explained in many articles as mentioned above. In AfriWorld Journals, the seven contributions in the Ladder are necessary and sufficient for reviewing submitted papers for potential acceptance and publication.
In departments of partner or client universities, we work together with their staff to create an enabling environment for such innovative and highly entrepreneurial education and training, by way of the departmental Centres for the Applications of Every Discipline. See EZEPUE, P. O. (2024) THE STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE OF OSELUX CENTRES FOR APPLICATIONS OF EVERY DISCIPLINE IN TRANSFORMING AND DEMOCRATISING GLOBAL EDUCATION AND CHANGE: CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN PATRICK OSELOKA EZEPUE, UK AND MRS NONYELUM V OKARO, USA. ?In these centres, given the key desideratum of bringing industry into the classrooms, learners are exposed to how to understand the needs of users, clients, stakeholders, and employees of organisations. Hence, training in User Research, Employee Experience, Stakeholder Management, and generally User-Centred Research and Design is provided. See the UCD Practice in Oselux Analytics Limited UK at
Similarly, learners are exposed to how to build integrated business models using, say, Oselux Integrated Business Modelling and Digital Internationalising Template (IBMT Strategyzer). For more details, see our recent article on The Rolls-Royce of Integrated Data and Business Analytics, EZEPUE, P. O. (8 December 2024) USER RESEARCH, INTEGRATED DATA AND BUSINESS ANALYTICS: THE ROLLS-ROYCE OF DATA ANALYTICS,
Learners (by this we mean academics, students, graduates, professionals and policy makers) are immersed in deep understandings of all things entrepreneurship, based on Oselux 7Es of Education and Human Development, namely Expertise, Experience, Entrepreneurship, Enterprise Development, Employability, Emotional Intelligence, and Execution. Again, these ideas are thoroughly explored in several publications on Global Corporate Academicism. See, for example EZEPUE, P. O. (2024) TOWARDS A NEW VISION FOR ACADEMIC PUBLISHING IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, and EZEPUE, P. O. (2024) TOWARDS A NEW VISION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES.
Learners are drilled in the mechanisms for using acquired RIAT competencies to maximally impact academia, public services, industry sectors, and wider society - the Global Q-Helix - at appropriate levels, say local communities, towns, local government councils, states, zones, national, continental and global. For example, academics are trained to do this by way of the Sevenfold Ways in Corporate Academia, which are already integrated into the 31 Fundamental Contributions to Knowledge on which the entire edifice of Global Corporate Academicism rests.
Similarly to their 7E training, learners are exposed, again best within the Centres for the Applications of Every Discipline, to a wide set of Skills for Students Graduates and Start-Ups (SSGS) competences. These are add-ons from our Oselux SSGS Academy platforms such as,, generally
Importantly, the current model of publishing and knowledge dissemination must be transformed along the lines developed in AfriWorld Publishing, especially the seven criteria of excellence which subsume existing global standards. This enables authors to achieve personal success and maximal societal impact.
Should these innovations seem difficult to achieve, then universities around the world, more so in developing countries, should engage in win-win strategic partnerships with Oselux digital educational platforms at These platforms culminate in The International Open University System (TIOU) under development at and planned to take off in 2025.
4.???? The AfriWorld Journals System
?Our Journal Development Philosophy
For AfriWorld journals to ultimately leapfrog traditional journals in the same fields, we and client journal houses are interested in maximal excellence in research, integration of knowledge, applications, and teaching (the RIAT Fabric in Higher Education). Hence, we institute the journals in line with AfriWorld Publishing tenets explored in this article. AfriWorld also trades as Oselux.
An additional takeaway from AfriWorld Journals is that whereas traditional journals manifest mainly manifest existing innovations in their host departments, AfriWorld Journals are pre-eminently and continuously enriched by ideas, insights, and research findings from the entire Oselux Ecosystem of digital higher education platforms, see There are potentially a limitless number of such platforms, since the very essence of the Oselux Corporation is to create them from PhDTechs.
These PhDTech and other graduate Xtech degrees will be formally supervised directly in The International Open University System and partner universities. The degrees encapsulate ongoing RIAT innovations embodied in corporate academic publications such as mentioned in this paper. For example, the degrees are devoid of the failings in traditional PhDs which are fully explained in EZEPUE, P. O. (February 2024) Reforming PhD Training Purposefully.
Currently, we support academics and research students in formulating, implementing and supervising PhDTech research topics, in our Global Tuition and Research Support Services platform, Typically, the PhDtech proposals are so uncommonly innovative that they attract part and full scholarships in leading universities around the world. These benefits will shortly primarily obtain in different graduate schools at The International Open University System.
Why are our journals, superbooks, and research monographs world-beating?
In addition to the above quality markers, our inimitable excellence in publishing rests on a unique editing and reviewing system, which operates at more levels than any conventional publishing system currently in existence. This system consists of the steps below.
Given that most A-list journals use mainly items 1 and 2 in the editorial process above, our six criteria-based Manuscript Review System sets our publications apart and enhance their impact regarding the Oselux Vision. As noted above, we accommodate manuscripts in any field that agree to use the above criteria and AfriWorld Publishing system as their preferred publishing platform. We now reiterate the seven criteria from the Research Methods Canvas ? as follows.
The core criteria of excellence and impact required of AfriWorld Journals
The AfriWorld Journals
The following journals are hosted at AfriWorld Publishing, Please see the Philosophy section which reiterates our rationales for founding the firm, which is part of a parent UK registered company, African Higher Education and Research Observatory UK, We have captured all the journals in the JOURNALS section of the website.
Even though the list covers advanced research remits in different Graduate Schools proposed for The International Open University System (TIOU), which we are building at, we will admit proposed journals in other fields when they meet the exacting criteria of excellence in our journals. We show only the first ten journals. You can access the full list in the full copy of this article at
5.???? Conclusion and What Next?
This article justified the need for AfriWorld journals which addresses multiple injustices in legacy publishing and supports authentic excellence and societal impact of higher education research, integration of knowledge, applications and teaching. This is by eschewing those injustices by [1] sharing the intellectual property rights with the authors and paying uncommon royalties that pass enough of the net income from the publication to the authors (at least 40%, say); [2] paying stipends from affordable journal processing fees to reviewers; [3] democratising publishing by charging very affordabe fees for the publications which reflect the true cost of processing the papers, with no fees paid for rejected papers; and [4] making institutional subscription fees for the journals affordable if the publications are not open access.
The paper anchored the best practices and features of AfriWorld journals on a new corporate academic model of higher education which is based on an overarching Oselux Vision. This Vision communicates the key goals of excellent and high-impact higher education. ?Hence, the core foci of the article was to launch AfriWorld Publishing, as a vehicle for transforming academic and global publishing in a way that embraces existing markers of excellence whilst substantially extending the markers for pronounced impact of higher education results across academia, public services, industry sectors and wider society.
It is consoling that we are now rolling out pervasive training in the new publishing model, to salvage academic and professional authors around the globe from the hurtful herd mentality and exploitation of their own making and the lack of impact of higher education in society, especially in developing countries. Hence, we run masterclasses on fundamental corporate academic skills requires to make this shift, including masterclasses in publishing. We do this based on well-developed programmes in different Oselux digital educational platforms at See for example, EZEPUE, P. O. (2023) WORLD-LEADING MASTERCLASSES BY SKILLS FOR STUDENTS, GRADUATES AND START-UPS?ACADEMY. The flyers below exemplify fundamental corporate academic skills training which include academic and global publishing. These workshops will be rolled over to 2025 and following years.
Calls for Paper Submissions to the journals will follow fast on the heels of this article.
Join the conversation. Access the full article EZEPUE, P. O. (2024) THE FUTURE OF PUBLISHING: LAUNCHING AFRIWORLD PUBLISHING AND ADDRESSING MULTIPLE TYRANNIES IN TRADITIONAL PUBLISHING,, which includes a universal call for papers for review and possible publication in the journals.
We thank again all academics in the AfiWorld Journals Development Consortium and Prof Ifeyinwa Eucharia Achumba for forwarding the motivating notes on the tyrannies of traditional publishing to us. Special thanks to Professor Chukwuemeka Oteh who serves as our Publishing Consultant, thus making the preparations for launching AfriWorld Publishing an easier deal. Prospective authors and reviewers that will in future join this movement to change conversations in modern academic and global publishing. Last but not the least, we thank the authors of referent papers on which this paper is based.
Brief Profile of the Author
Patrick Oseloka EZEPUE PhD Stochastic Modelling (Sheffield, UK), MSc, BSc Statistics (Nigeria), PGCBA (Manchester Business School), PGCLTHE (Sheffield Hallam University, UK), FHEA-UK, PGCA | Managing Editor, AfriWorld Journals | Former Professor of Statistics & Business Analytics, Director of Academic Practice and Deputy Director of Research and Innovation, Coal City University, Enugu State, Nigeria | Founder and Director of Research & Innovation, AfriWorld Higher Education & Research Observatory, UK and International Centre for Research and Human Development, Dominican University, Ibadan | Consultant User Experience Researcher for the UK Government and Global Q-Helix clients on Strategic Innovation Projects
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