No future for protectionism, a golden route from China to Europe, and “good friends, good comrades and good brothers”

No future for protectionism, a golden route from China to Europe, and “good friends, good comrades and good brothers”

Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 保护主义没有前途? bǎo hù zhǔ yì méi yǒu qián tú? protectionism has no future:?


The Chinese side always believes that China-EU economic ties are mutually beneficial, protectionism has no future, and open cooperation is the right way forward.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 4, 2024)

  • 好朋友、好同志、好兄弟? [hǎo péng yǒu, hǎo tóng zhì, hǎo xiōng dì]? good friends, good comrades and good brothers (often in reference to China and Cuba):


China and Cuba are good friends, good comrades and good brothers. In recent years, under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, China-Cuba relations have been extraordinarily strong and robust and have become a fine example of solidarity and cooperation between socialist countries and sincere mutual assistance between developing countries. China hopes that through this visit, the two sides will further enhance strategic communication, deliver on the important common understandings between the two heads of state, continue to deepen our special friendship and jointly build a China-Cuba community with a shared future.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 4, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 古巴是西半球首个同新中国建交的拉美和加勒比国家。中国和古巴是彼此信赖、命运与共的好朋友、好同志、好兄弟。中方坚定支持古巴经济社会发展和抗疫斗争,是古巴第一大货物贸易伙伴,古巴是中国在加勒比地区第二大贸易伙伴,并已成为“一带一路”倡议和全球发展倡议的积极践行者,双方在农业、可再生能源、生物制药、信息通讯、旅游、基础设施等领域合作广泛。2021年中古双边贸易额增长7.2%;今年前三季度,双边贸易继续增长,中国自古巴进口更实现了18.1%的增幅。?

Cuba is the first Latin American and Caribbean country in the Western Hemisphere to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. We have been good friends, good comrades and good brothers. China firmly supports Cuba's economic and social development and fight against Covid-19. China is Cuba's largest trading partner in goods and Cuba is China's second largest trading partner in the Caribbean. It has been actively practicing the Belt and Road Initiative and the Global Development Initiative. The two sides have extensive cooperation in agriculture, renewable energy, biopharmaceuticals, telecommunications, tourism, infrastructure and other areas. In 2021, the bilateral trade between China and Cuba rose by 7.2%. In the first three quarters of this year, bilateral trade continued to grow with China's imports from Cuba up by 18.1%.? (Regular Press Conference of MOFCOM_November 24, 2022)?

?? 中国和古巴是彼此信赖、命运与共的好朋友、好同志、好兄弟。建交62年来,面对国际风云变幻,中古双方在建设本国特色社会主义道路上携手并进,在涉及彼此核心利益问题上相互支持,在国际和地区问题上密切配合,已经成为社会主义国家团结合作、发展中国家真诚互助的典范。?

China and Cuba are each other’s good friends, good comrades and good brothers who trust each other and share weal and woe.? Since the establishment of diplomatic ties 62 years ago, despite international vicissitudes, China and Cuba have forged ahead together on the path of building socialism with national characteristics, supported each other on issues concerning core interests and had close coordination on international and regional issues, setting an exemplary model for solidarity and cooperation between socialist countries and sincere mutual assistance between developing countries.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 21, 2022)?

?? 中国和古巴是好朋友、好同志、好兄弟。自1992年以来,中方已连续30次在联大投票支持古巴反对美国封锁的决议。中方将继续坚定支持古巴人民反对外来干涉和封锁,维护主权和民族尊严。?

China and Cuba are good friends, good comrades and good brothers. China has voted in favor of all 30 resolutions calling for an end to the blockade. China will continue to firmly support the Cuban people’s efforts to oppose external interference and blockade and defend sovereignty and national dignity.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 4, 2022)?

?? 中古是好朋友、好同志、好兄弟,有相同的理想和信念。当前,两国都处于发展的关键时期,应该抓住机遇,共谋发展。双方要密切高层往来,分享治国理政经验,加快推进农业、基础设施建设、能矿、旅游、可再生能源、生物技术等重点领域合作,加强人文和地方交流,密切多边协作。?

China and Cuba are good friends, good comrades and good brothers who share the same visions and beliefs. Both countries have now come to a critical juncture in our development when opportunities must be seized for common development. We should maintain close high-level exchanges, share experience in governance, speed up cooperation in priority areas such as agriculture, infrastructure, energy and mineral resources, tourism, renewable energy and biotechnology, enhance people-to-people and local exchanges and conduct close coordination on multilateral arenas.? (Xi_Jinping_Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives in Fortaleza for the sixth summit of the BRICS_2014_07_14)

  • 黄金通道? [huáng jīn tōng dào]? golden channel; golden route:?

Today’s quote:


The China-Europe Railway Express (CRE) has made over 90,000 trips in total, which makes it a “golden route” for trade in Eurasia.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 4, 2024)?

Previous PRC histoey of the term:

?? 祝贺中欧班列创造了开行新纪录。作为共建“一带一路”旗舰项目和标志性品牌,中欧班列已通达欧洲25个国家223个城市,连接亚洲11个国家100多个城市。过去8年间,中欧班列年开行数量由1702列增加到超1.7万列;年运输货值由80亿美元提升至567亿美元,已成为名副其实的亚欧贸易“黄金通道”。?

Congratulations on the new record. As a flagship project and signature brand of Belt and Road cooperation, the China-Europe Railway Express (CRE) has reached 223 cities in 25 European countries, and linked more than 100 cities in 11 Asian countries. For the past 8 years, the annual trips have increased from 1,702 to over 17,000 with the value of annual freight up from USD 8 billion to USD 56.7 billion. The CRE has no doubt opened a “golden channel” for trade in Eurasia.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 28, 2024)

  • 战略高度和长远角度? [zhàn lüè gāo dù hé cháng yuǎn jiǎo dù]? strategic height and long-term perspective:?

Today’s quote:


We express our heartfelt congratulations to Ms. Claudia Sheinbaum on her election as the President of Mexico. Mexico is a major country in Latin America and an important emerging market. Under the strategic guidance of the presidents of China and Mexico, our bilateral relations have maintained a sound momentum of growth, with deepening political mutual trust, fruitful practical cooperation, vibrant cultural and people-to-people exchanges, and close coordination on multilateral affairs. China always views its relations with Mexico from a strategic height and long-term perspective. We stand ready to work with the new government of Mexico to seek closer synergy between our development strategies, enrich the China-Mexico comprehensive strategic partnership, and bring the bilateral relations to a new level.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 4, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 中方始终从战略高度和长远角度看待中朝关系,愿同朝方一道,加强沟通协调,深化各领域交流合作,办好明年两国建交75周年系列纪念活动,推动中朝友好合作关系持续稳步向前发展。?

China always views its relations with the DPRK from a strategic height and long-term perspective. We would like to work with the DPRK to enhance communication and coordination, deepen exchanges and cooperation in various areas, jointly hold a number of events next year in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties, and advance the sustained and steady growth of China-DPRK friendship and cooperation.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 18, 2023)?

?? 中方始终从战略高度和长远角度看待中欧关系。我们视欧洲为全面战略伙伴和多极化世界中的重要一极,支持欧方坚持战略自主,同中方一道践行真正的多边主义,为维护世界和平、促进共同发展、应对全球性挑战而携手努力。?

China always views its relations with Europe from a strategic height and long-term perspective and sees Europe as a comprehensive strategic partner and an important force in a multi-polar world. We support the EU in upholding strategic autonomy, working together with China to practice true multilateralism and jointly striving to safeguard world peace, promote common development and tackle global challenges.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 7, 2023)?

?? 面对“团结还是分裂、和平还是冲突、合作还是对抗”的时代之问,习近平主席敏锐把握世界大势,站在全人类长远发展的战略高度,以宏阔的全球视野和深厚的人民情怀,在讲话中给出了鲜明有力的回答:“各国人民对美好生活的向往就是我们的追求,和平、发展、合作、共赢的时代潮流不可阻挡”,得到国际社会积极响应和高度赞誉。?

Facing questions raised by our times—unity or split, peace or conflict, cooperation or confrontation, President Xi Jinping has keen observation of the trend of the world and stands at the strategic height of long-term development of humanity with a global vision and people-centered philosophy. In his speech at the summit, President Xi gave an unequivocal answer: “the people’s wish for a happy life is our goal, and peace, development and win-win cooperation are the unstoppable trends of the times.” It was warmly echoed and commended by the international community.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 5, 2023)?

?? 40年间,双方坚持从战略高度和长远角度看待两国关系。1999年,两国通过和平协商,妥善解决了历史遗留的澳门问题,开辟了澳门发展新纪元和中葡关系新时代。2005年,两国建立全面战略伙伴关系。双方高层交往频繁,政治互信不断加深,各领域务实合作成果丰硕,中葡友好和合作驶入发展的快车道。?

In the past four decades, we have consistently approached bilateral relations from a strategic and long-term perspective. In 1999, through peaceful consultations, we properly resolved the question of Macao, an issue left over from the past, and ushered in a new era in the development of Macao and in China-Portugal relations. In 2005, a comprehensive strategic partnership was established between our two countries. With frequent high-level exchanges, deepening political mutual trust, and fruitful outcomes in all areas, China-Portugal friendship and cooperation have embarked on a fast lane of development.? (Xi_Jinping_Friendship across Time and Space, A Partnership for the Future_跨越时空的友谊 面向未来的伙伴2018年12月3日)

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