The Future of Our Democratic Republic
“The Midterm Vote 8 November 2022”
Voting on November 8th, 2022 Is something we must truly do for our beloved Country and People

The Future of Our Democratic Republic “The Midterm Vote 8 November 2022”

Good morning, Fellow Americans,

Many on linkedin will retort that such commentary has no place on a business platform.?????Again, I note politics and resulting elections have the greatest impact on business, our freedoms and our success as a nation.??As an imperfect person of Faith who loves God and his neighbors, I offer the following.??Of course, with humility and a deep respect for ideologies contrary to what is expressed herein—kindly accept a perspective.

My choice for the photo of JFK stemmed from two thoughts:

  1. Another imperfect person of the Faith who loved his country and people
  2. Challenging us for "what we can do for our country" and this midterm vote is central to his call??

If you are a student or lover of history, you are ?acutely aware that wisdom, honor and character are timeless virtues.??As we feel before we think and subsequently act—please evoke some feelings and prayer before voting tomorrow.??There is much at stake and we’ve seen what can take place in a short time through our voting.??The psychological and demonic war for your vote is tremendous--as is the outcome.??

Clearly liberals and more progressive types paint people of faith as weird, crazy, nationalists, racist, supremist and more. . . Not unlike the idiotic defund the police movement, (the police being the Marxian thought protectors of Capitalism) looking to cause chaos and anarchy with our economy. ??God and Faith is again under attack to advance an old Marxist and Godless agenda dressed up as a neo-Socialism.??As the maxim goes. . .?“a new shade of lipstick on a pig.”?

These undesired social reformers cannot accomplish their goals unless God is rendered non-existent and out of the equation.????Remember how shameless elitist mentality is. . . ?As this liberal deception and non-human Globalism mentality is exposed more in days ahead many will understand what is going on.??We ask how did a seemingly incoherent, failing President get elected and why does he ramble on with obvious lies and misquotes--to what end??

For some of us Deplorables, the God factor is central to our lives along with our individual freedoms.??Unapologetically I have never been shy about my faith nor spreading it—with the greatest amount of love and respect for all please consider the below as you enter that ?booth of Democracy tomorrow:

??Feel, think and be part of all that has made America a Gift from God

??Remember that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever—he’s not a Socialist or Progressive—if you doubt this ask yourself if you stand alone or with the “group” at the gates of heaven to give an account of your life

??Love of God, Family and Country is a blessing not a disease as Liberals proclaim

??Where God provides the framework for free choice and individual freedom, he leaves it to his Children to fight the good fight to obtain it and maintain it—Vote for Freedom and do not be fooled by the world who seeks to take it away

??Remember ALL have sinned and come short of God’s Glory and there is no such thing as a Good Man or Perfection aside from God.??Vote for God’s women and men leading us with unrelenting truth, courage love for all

??Those who follow evil are friends of the world and their Prince is the “Father of all Lies, the Great Deceiver, Accuser of the brethren” ??Sound familiar. . .?

??Many Republican candidates are new to office running not out of a quest for power but out of a Love for our way of life and to protect it—honor them with your vote for this right reason

For those of you hung up on the abortion question:

Jesus said, “when I return will I find faith on earth?” For those of us that consider ourselves Christian he also said if you are ashamed of him in this adulterous and shameful generation, he will be ashamed of you with eternal consequence.??

When it comes to the abortion question what better way for the world and its prince to demonstrate a lack of faith than establishing law approving killing of innocent life up to birth???Regardless of your socio-political views on abortion remember that human life is one of the greatest gifts our God bestows upon us.??

A nation priding itself on taking human life at will and?making it the law of the land is not a nation of God. ??“We the People” in these United State of America are given this choice to decide by our creator.?I would hope all Christians would answer:?“As for me and my house I will follow God.”?


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